Chapter 11

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Remus' POV

Remus sat nervously, book in hand, in his favorite chair by the fire. It had been a day since the Hogsmeade trip, and he had not spoken to (Y/N) since. The failed plan had been explained to him. He was angry that his friends had done what they had. As if I couldn't kiss her on my own! he thought angrily.
Remus was unsure of how (Y/N) would respond to him after the incident. He recognized her embarrassment, so he had given her space. Remus hoped that she would come and sit with him again like they used to do frequently.
His butterflies intensified as the portrait hole opened, revealing (Y/N) and Lily Evans. Remus watched as Lily whispered something to (Y/N), then as Lily walked away from (Y/N).
(Y/N) stood where she was for a brief moment, contemplating, then she began to walk toward Remus.

Your POV

You walk toward Remus, worry etched in your mind. What would he say to you? You give him a small smile as you sit down. You take a different chair tonight, choosing to sit next to him rather than across from him. He smiles back, a good sign. You relax a bit.
"Well, I-" Remus begins.
"So abou-" you say, speaking at the same time as Remus. You laugh and say, "You first."
"I wanted to- apologize for yesterday at Hogsmeade. I shouldn't have let Sirius bother me," he begins, clearly nervous. "Also, I should have kissed you a lot sooner."
Your (E/C) eyes open wide and you don't respond.
"I like you a lot, (Y/N), and I should have told you a while ago," Remus finishes, his green eyes clouded with worry.
You finally compose yourself long enough to say, "I- I like you too. And don't apologize for Sirius. It's not like you asked him to say what he did!" You flash a kind smile at him. The worry drains from his eyes, once again displaying all his affection for you. You cock an eyebrow and lean in.

Remus' POV

Remus doesn't even have time to think, because suddenly her lips are on his. He is shocked for a brief moment, half expecting to hear Sirius' voice ruin the moment again. He begins kissing (Y/N) back, placing one hand on her back to draw her nearer. The other, under her chin. He fights the urge to smile and laugh, finally carefree.

Your POV

Remus' lips are on yours. You feel like screaming with joy, but you fight it down. His lips bring about a new excitement to you. You feel one of his strong hands guiding you closer, pressing lightly into you back.
As he places his other hand under your chin, you bring your hands up, placing one around his neck and the other entwining in his sandy blonde hair.
You kiss for what feels like eternity, not wanting to let go. Eventually, you two break apart. Both of you are breathless from the kiss, stupid smiles plastered on your faces.
Eventually, Remus breaks the silence. "Well, I guess we should be getting off to bed."
"Okay, good night," you answer, still smiling.
"Sleep well, (Y/N)," he says, smiling brighter when he says your name. You both get up from your chairs, awkwardly parting when you reach the stairs which will take you to separate dormitories. You both look at each other, murmuring goodbyes, and you head up the stairs. You plan on telling Lily everything that just happened as soon as get upstairs.

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