Chapter 16

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Your POV

You remained cold toward Remus and the other Marauders as the days in November waned. Remus religiously sat by the fire at night, hoping for you to forgive him and join him. You never sat with Remus, however.
Your cold attitude caused minor one problem, for Quidditch tryouts were finally allowed to occur now that the amount of flu cases had diminished. James Potter had been made Gryffindor Quidditch Captain.
The day of tryouts arrived and you were surprised that you were not more nervous. "Good luck today, (Y/N)!" James said to you as you walked onto the Quidditch pitch. You ignored him completely, flipping your (H/C) hair over your shoulder moodily.
You were trying for the position of Chaser, the goal-scoring position. There were two Chaser spots available, for James was already one of the three Gryffindor Chasers. You easily out-scored the competition, dodging bludgers as you did so, which hit by Beaters who were trying for the team.
When you landed at the end of practice, James clapped you on the back, saying, "Good job today! So, have you talked to Remu-"
You cut him off by wrenching his hand off you and storming off the pitch. You didn't notice that Remus was watching this exchange in the stands with a handful of other Gryffindor students who were not trying out. Even if you had, you wouldn't care.
A few days later, the Gryffindor Quidditch team was posted. You were made Chaser, along with a seventh-year boy you barely knew. You were happy to have made it, even though your schedule became even more full. James scheduled practices seven days a week, trying to catch up on the time he had missed due to the flu epidemic.
The Hogsmeade visit had been rescheduled as well. You and Lily woke up to a fresh blanket of snow on the day of Hogsmeade. You bundled up, bracing for the cold weather.

     After breakfast, you and Lily boarded the train to Hogsmeade

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After breakfast, you and Lily boarded the train to Hogsmeade. "Let's go in here," you say to Lily, motioning to a compartment with other sixth year girls.
As the train pulls from the station, Lily checks her watch- a new item, you assume- and gasps. "I have to go meet someone quickly. I'll be right back," she says.
Lily returns a few minutes later, trying to hide a look of slight shock. You raise your eyebrows at her. She smiles in return, the shock instantly draining from her face.
     The train pulls into the Hogsmeade station and you and Lily get off. "Let's go to Honeydukes," Lily suggests.
     "Okay. I could do with some candy," you respond, mischievously. Lily once again checks the time on her watch.
     "Is it new?" you ask, nodding your head in the direction of her watch.
     "No, I've had it for a while. I just- you know, thought it was cute with my outfit," she responds. You take note of how her eyes remain on the watch face, never meeting your gaze. You mentally shake yourself, focusing on the candy.
After a few minutes, you have everything you want to buy picked out.
"I'm still looking," Lily says, surreptitiously casting a glance at her watch. "Why don't you wait for me?"
"Okay, I'll wait. But don't take too long! I want to get butterbeer from the Three Brooksticks still!"
After a few minutes of looking around the store, Lily finally had all her candy picked out. You two went to the front of the store to purchase your candy. Once again, Lily checks her watch.
You walk out the store, slightly in front of Lily. Suddenly, a hand grabs your arm. You cry out to Lily for help, but another hand smothers your cry. You see a familiar pair of hazel eyes: they belong to James Potter. Your eyes widen in surprise.
"You need to talk to Remus, (Y/N)!" James exclaims. You see Sirius and Peter emerge from around the corner of the building.
"You don't know the truth yet," Peter says.
"Remus never sent me that night," Sirius adds. You know exactly which night he's referring to. "I went on my own accor-"
You finally wrench free from James grasp. Hysterically, you say, "I don't care where Remus was that night! I just don't care! He and I were nothing and that hasn't changed. So leave me alone, all of you!" You add in a quieter but still cold tone, "Even you, Lily. That's why you wore your watch. So we would get out here at the right time."
You shake your head in disbelief and storm away to catch the early train back to Hogwarts.

Remus' POV

Remus watches in the shadows as (Y/N) angrily flees the scene. Her words ring in his head. He and I were nothing and that hasn't changed. Did she really mean that or was anger clouding her rationality?
"Moony?" Sirius' voice cautiously calls out. "You can- come out now."
Remus steps around the corner, green eyes on the ground. "Thanks for trying, guys. You heard what she said. We're over."
"I'm sorry, Remus. She didn't mean it. She was just angry," Lily says in an attempt to console him.
"She meant it, Lily," Remus replies, all the warmth in his voice gone. "If anything, today just made our situation worse."
"We're really sorry, mate," James says, the others murmuring similar phrases and nodding.
"I know. You just wanted to help," Remus sighs.
"Let's go get some butterbeer and talk about our next plan," Peter chimes in.
"I'm good with butterbeer, but there won't be a next plan. There's no way I can get her back," Remus says, his voice full of resignation.
The five sad friends walk to the Three Broomsticks, thoughts swirling through each of they minds.

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