Chapter 15

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Your POV

You lay by the fireplace, waiting for Remus. Two bottles of butterbeer lay beside you. It was almost 10:30. Remus should be here soon.
You continued to wait. 10:30 came and went. Maybe he got the time wrong, you think to yourself, still optimistic. Your optimism diminishes as 11:00 passes. Suddenly, you've been waiting for an hour.
You start to pick up the two bottles, heartbroken, when you hear the portrait hole open. Hastily, the two bottles are thrown back on the ground. You smile as the person draws near-
"Sirius?!" you exclaim, confused. "Where's Remus?"
Sirius avoids your eyes as he says, "He couldn't make it. He, erm, had something else he had to do. He was going to tell you earlier, but he didn't get a chance to."
"So he sent you?" you say, dumbfounded. Your stupefied sadness quickly turns to hurt anger. You don't wait for Sirius to answer as you angrily say, "Tell him to stay away from me. Clearly he's too busy with more important things to do."
"Just stop, Sirius. I'm done," you say, now fighting back tears.
You storm back to your dormitory. You start to break down as you throw yourself onto your bed.

Remus' POV

Remus wakes up in the hospital wing. His three best friends stand around his hospital bed. Sirius begins to say something, but Madam Pomfery rushes over with a familiar bottle of dittany. "Now that you're awake, we can fix those wounds, dear," she says.
     After his wounds are healed and Madam Pomfery is gone, Sirius says, "(Y/N) wasn't happy with you being gone tonight. She wanted to know where you were. I didn't tell her."
     "You went to her?! I told you not to! I said I would handle it!" Remus angrily replies. He takes a deep breath and continues, "Well, what did she say?"
     "I believe her words were 'tell him to stay away from me. Clearly he has more important things to do,'" Sirius answers.
     Remus sighs. "She's not going to make this easy, eh?"
     "You need to talk to her in the morning," Peter says, trying to help his heartbroken friend. Remus nods slowly, looking down at his hands.
     "We'll let you get some rest," James  says, him and his two friends turning away from the hospital bed. Remus is left to his thoughts, trying to think of a way to get (Y/N) back. He has no choice: he must tell (Y/N) the truth.

Your POV

You wake up on your own, eyes red and puffy. Lily wakes up shortly after. You had not told her about yesterday night yet. She glances at you with a look of concern and pity. "Tell me what happened," your friend commands.
You tell her. During the story, you try not to break down again. After you finish, you find yourself growing stronger. The sadness inside of you is soon replaced by blind fury. "And Sirius never told you where Lupin was?" Lily inquires.
"Nope," you respond, brows furrowing in anger. "Frankly, I don't really care where Lupin was, as long as he stays as far away from me as possible."
Lily nods, sharing in your anger. "Well, let's go down to breakfast and see if Lupin listens," Lily says.
After throwing on your uniform, you and your best friend head down to the Great Hall. You pretend not to notice as Remus abruptly stands up from the table, following you and Lily toward the opposite end. You and Lily laugh at something she says to you.
As you sit down, you feel a hand on your shoulder and you hear Remus' concerned voice. "(Y/N), can we tal-" he tried to begin.
Turning to face Remus, you ask coooly, ""Did Black not tell you my message? Fine I'll repeat it." You roll your eyes. "Stay away from me." You pause for a moment, your eyes shooting daggers at the boy.
You take one last look at his face before turning back to the table. His eyes are filled with hurt. There's an air of finality and resignation to him. He deserves it, you think. That two-faced little shi-
The thoughts swirling inside of your head are interrupted by Lily asking you what you want to eat for breakfast. You look around at the food spread out all over the table, before replying, "Eggs and toast, I think." She makes you a plate quickly, and you thank her, beginning to eat.
You surprise yourself by not feeling angry the rest of that day. Remus makes no more attempts to talk to you.

Wolf With a Lamb's Heart (Young Remus Lupin x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя