Chapter 2

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Amu's pov
It was night. Hunting night. Kukai was keeping all hunters away while Utau and I gather the blood that would last until the next hunting night. "I'll go up there and you go down there." I nodded and jumped from tree to tree until I found myself a deer. I pulled out a tranquilizer dark from my jacket pocket.

I shot it at the deer and opened the blood bag. I stuck a needle into its neck and waited. After I was done, I detached everything and was on my way. At midnight, I met up with Utau at the tree in the middle of the forest. "This should be enough. Let's go home and filter it." I nodded and we both ran off towards the coven house.

I was the first to step in. "Welcome home, lady Amu, lady Utau." I nodded and went to the kitchen. I brought out the blood filter. "You load up the blood and we'll call it a night." She nodded and poured all the blood we got. Now, all we have to do is wait.

"I'm going to bed. See you in the morning." I nodded and bid her a good night. I sighed. Maybe a walk will help me relax. I went up to my room to change into a blue tee shirt, a black leather jacket, dark blue skinny jeans, and blue and black studded wedges.

I shoved my phone in my pocket. I peeked into Ami's room. She was fast asleep. I walked downstairs where my friends were. Rima looked up. "Going out?" I nodded. "Watch Ami. If someone tried to hurt her, kill them." Rima and Nagihiko nodded. "You two sleep so you look human tomorrow," I say.

"Yes, my lady." Yaya and Kairi said kneeling on their knees. I walked out of the houses and headed into the abandoned part of town. The park where vampires that are not in a high-rank lurk during the night.

I had my hands in my pocket as I walked by. I didn't pay them much attention. They weren't doing much that would cause unwanted attention. Until I heard a scream. A child scream. I quickly ran towards the sound of human agony. There stood a vampire feeding on a woman. No doubt the child's mother.

"Stand down. You are violating the Seiyo vampire code." He let her go and whipped his mouth. The child was crying. Loudly. If I don't take care of this soon, humans will be sure to come. I picked up the child and looked into her eyes. "Sleep." Without lifting my finger, the child was fast asleep.

I set her down against the wall of an old run down house. "Well well well. Lady Amu of the Hinamori clan has returned. How unpleasant." I crossed my arm. "Are you begging me to kill you?" I asked. "I was just having dinner. You know how it is." I sighed.

"The rules state that you may only feed on humans if you compel them to stay silent and that they're alone. Attacking a mother with her child is no doubt going to attract unwanted attention to us." I say crossing my arms. He threw to woman aside.

"Well, no one was gonna stop me." I rolled my eyes. My eyes glowed red in the moonlight. "I'm here to run my town. My race." I say. "You left after killing that vampire hunter family. Not very leader-like." I tightened my fist. "I did what was necessary," I say. He spat on the poor woman. Looks like I'll have to kill him. He's getting out of hand.

"I'll take care of you. Right here, right now." I ran towards him and he ran towards me. He had pinned me down but I kicked his junk that caused him to let me go and I got back up on my feet. I then punched and kicks but all in vain. I noticed his eyes glow purple.

I crossed my arms. "You're a level D. You are beyond saving." He only laughed at me. "You save me? As if pretty lady." My eyes glowed a rich crimson color. "The ones who try to save themselves are worth saving. You're a lost cause." I say biting his neck and ripping out his heart.

He fell to the ground and turned into ashes. "Amu!" I turned around. Ikuto and Kukai. "What happened?!" Ikuto asked. "Level D. I took care of him. Get to the woman before Ikuto and heal her vampire bite. She's dead. I'll distract him and you stick a dagger in her heart." I said to Kukai using our mind link. He nodded and told Ikuto to check if I was okay.

Ikuto sat me down on some old tin barrels. He took out a handkerchief and whipped my mouth. "Did he punch your face?" I nodded. He lifted my chin to see if my jaw was dislocated. "Good news is your jaw is fine. Take off your jacket and I'll check your back." I gripped the collar of my jacket and gazed at Kukai who pulled out a random dagger and stuck it in the woman's heart.

I looked up at Ikuto. " no funny business." He chuckled. "I'll try." I took off my jacket. "Your back is fine." I glanced down at my wrists. He had a tight grip. Too tight. Ikuto took my hands. "These will leave a mark. But no bones are broken. You're one crazy chick." I smiled. "Runs in the family," I say. "She's dead." Ikuto and I looked at Kukai.

"You go help Kukai. I'll carry the girl." Ikuto looked at me as if debating. "I can't help him carry her if my writes are bruised this bad. The kid is at least 50 pounds." He sighed and went to help Kukai. I picked up the girl and whispered in her ear.

"Mama ran away and left you in an alley and we just found you." I walked towards Kukai. "You take care of this and I'll take care of the girl with Ikuto." Kukai nodded. "Ikuto, can you go with Amu? She shouldn't be alone at night." Ikuto nodded.

As Ikuto and I were walking, the girl woke up and started crying. I patted her back and whispered into her ear what I said earlier. It's better to be safe than sorry. We reached a white painted house and knocked on the door. The door opened and a man answered.

"Sir, is this your daughter?" He nodded and I set her down. "She was found alone," I say. Ikuto looked down at me. "Thank you. Thank you for being Yuki to me." I nodded and we excused ourselves.

"Why didn't you tell him that his wife was killed?" I stopped. "He wasn't married. He was just her father. Nothing else matters. If I told him the child's mother was dead, then I'd have to explain why and I'm not in the mood." Ikuto took my hand in his. "Tomorrow is Saturday. Come to my house and I'll fix you up." I nodded. "I'll walk you home." I shook my head.

"I'll be okay. Good night." I say walking into the night.

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