Chapter 26

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Utau's Pov

I ran back to the music room as fast as I could. I slipped back into the classroom and found Kukai and Ikuto sitting in the corner by the grand piano. Kukai got up and looked at me. "Where's Amu?" Kukai whispered. "She got caught with Kairi. They're here for Ikuto." I whispered back and ducked down. 

"Here for me?" I nodded. "It's most likely because Yori came back or they found out you're infatuated with a vampire," I whispered. "Why are we whispering and not mind linking?" Kukai asked. "Do you want him to be left out of the conversation?" I asked and Kukai scratched the back of his neck. "Just keep your voices down. Both of you." I whispered.

I looked over at the door. "Amu will kill both of us if she finds out we put Ikuto in danger." Kukai had to agree. "When she comes in, we'll have to act fast before she takes Ikuto away," I said. "Isn't she armed?" Oh, right. "She put our leader out of temporary commission," I said sighing. "She got Amu?" I crossed my arms. "They got Amu. She got shot." This is not a good time for her to be caught. 

"We have to be careful then. Amu must have her guard up, double time while trying to keep Kairi calm." I agreed. "This Kairi, what is he like? I remember seeing him once. The one with green hair right?" I nodded. "He's Nikaidous brother in law. He's calm and collected but he itches to fight. His appearance is his strong point." Kukai whispered. I slapped my hand on both their mouths.

"I hear something," I said to Kukai with my hands still on their mouths. "Human?" I nodded. "We don't have time for a plan. We're going to have to jump her." I said looking at Ikuto. "I bet you never thought you'd be protected by vampires, did you?" I asked smirking. Kukai and I ran to the door, both of us on either side while Ikuto was a sitting duck. 

The door opened and in came the substitute teacher, like Amu said. Not that I'm close enough o smell her, she was definitely a hunter. She reeked of all kinds of blood. From all the killing she's been doing, the smell of blood will never wash off of her. She disgusts me. "Hunter Tsukiyomi Ikuto, I presume," She said approaching Ikuto. 

"What have you done to Amu?" I eyed Kukai. We'll have to be quick. We can't move a muscle until we get an opening. As long as her left hand is on her gun, we can't do much. "That human? She should be fine. I'm here for you. you seem to know a lot about vampires. We need someone like you." Not yet. It's not time yet.

"And why would I help you?" He asked. "Come on, I'm a hunter too. Hunters help other hunters too. I'm after the big and powerful clans too. Me and my brothers." I stayed silent. I looked over at Kukai. He was clutching his hands so tight they are beginning to turn white. "Calm down," I said to him as calmly as I could, but I can't like. My blood is boiling too. She's the one who shot Amu.

"If I'm correct, your objective is the Hinamori clan?" Ikuto didn't say anything. She held a gun to his head. "Tell me, is the leader Hinamori Amu?" Ikuto again said nothing and she cocked her gun, turning off the safety. "If you wanna live, you better tell me everything you know." I looked at Kukai.

"There's no more time to wait for an opening. We have to attack now, or she'll kill Ikuto." Kukai agreed and we both jumped. She turned around and shot me and I screamed. Tsk. Damn her. "So I was right, the Hinamori clan is here." Tsk. Damn that woman. "Get away from him," I said. "He's nothing to you. He is a hunter, and he will always be one." I said nothing. This is bad.

If they find out we're protecting him, every single hunter will be after him. "He means nothing to us, but he's one of you. Why are you trying to kill one of your own?" I asked. "He's been seeing a vampire. He's no longer one of us." I looked at Kukai. "What now?" I asked. "We snap her neck ." I looked at her. I calmed down and walked closer.

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