Chapter 27

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Amu's Pov

Utau, Kairi, Mizuki, Kukai, Ami and I just got home after being at the hospital. I called everything to the main hall. I waited until everyone came. "Hunters are catching onto us. We have to be more careful." I said looking around. "We're on lockdown until further notice. Tonight, hunt as much as you can, bring back as much animal blood as possible. I'm not letting anyone out." 

Everyone nodded and were off. I crossed my arms and faced Kukai and the others. "Ami, pack your bags. You're going to Kyoto until further notice. Nagihiko, escort Ami then come straight back." He nodded and he and Ami when to go pack her bags. "You're going to go see Ikuto?" I looked at Utau then at the main doors. 

"No," I said. "Once everyone comes back, make sure everyone but Nagihiko is accounted for then put up the barrier as soon as Nagihiko is back. It shouldn't take him long. He'll be back before sunrise." I said. "Ikuto will want to see you," I said nothing. "I don't need to see him," I said and walked out of the main halls and up to my room. 

I pulled out my phone. I could call him, but if I told him I'd be gone a while, he'll store right over here with Yori tailing him in the shadows. I shook my head. This is no time to be worrying about those two. I shoved my phone back into my pocket. Who would send a family of hunters after us? I paced my room and sighed when I came up to no conclusion. 

I went back downstairs and Utau and the others were sitting on the couch. "Something is going on. Someone or some clan is plotting against us." I said crossing my arms. "What are we to do?" I sat on the coffee table. "For now, I don't want anyone to leave, including us. For now, we train until this uneasy feeling goes away." I said and they all agreed. 

"Watch over the vampires you are assigned. I don't want to think this, but if one of our own is plotting against this clan, come to me that second. Not 5 seconds after, the second." They all nodded. "I'll take Saki. She's still shaken, correct?" Yaya nodded. "She should be in her room right now." I nodded. 

"I'll take the young ones Saki's age while I'm at it. You all know your jobs." They all nodded. "When Nagihiko returns, give him back his." Nadeshiko nodded. "Who is out hunting?" I asked. "All of mine are out." I nodded. "Mine too." I crossed my arms and looked at the others. "Mine are training downstairs." I looked at Yaya. "They're all hunting except for the young ones." I nodded. 

"Everyone is accounted for as far as we know?" They all nodded. "Do a head count when they all come back, and another head count when Nagihiko returns. No one and I mean no one is allowed out of this house, no matter their status unless told otherwise by myself, face to face." They all nodded. 

Ikuto's Pov

After the hospital, I went home and Yori attacked me at the door. "Where the hell were you? You didn't answer me!" I pulled out my phone. "How did you call me 200 times in one hour?" I asked. "Never mind that, you didn't answer my question." I scratched the back of my head. "I rather not tell you," I said pushing her off me and tossing my bag on the couch. 

"How rude. To think your cute little sister was worried about you." I rolled my eyes. "I just ran into a few hunters who wanted to kill every single vampire in the school," I said grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. "How many vampires go to that school of yours?" I took a sip. "Only 3. Amu called 2 others over to protect her sister." I said. 

"Why? Her sister is a vampire too." I guess Yori doesn't know Ami is human. If I told Yori, Amu would kill me, but would Yori really stoop that low? Perhaps I should keep my mouth shut for now. "She's her only sister. You can never be too careful when dealing with your siblings. Even if her older brother is a love-struck idiot." I said. 

Yori sat on the couch. "Isn't she the middle child?" I nodded. "Then why isn't her brother the leader?" I leaned on the counter. "Kukai would only burn down their house, and no one fears him. People fear Amu." I said and she laid down. "I knew she was feared. I just assumed everyone feared someone from her family." I sat on the single couch.

"How much do you know about Amu anyway?" I asked sitting down. "For one, she has a high pain tolerance." I raised an eyebrow. "What does that mean?" I asked. "If you splashed any supernatural creature with holy water, they scream because it burns, and if they feel the pain, you can see the steam. But her pain tolerance is so high she almost doesn't react. No pain no scream." 

 "So that time I splashed her it did hurt, she just wasn't in enough pain to scream?" She nodded. "Dunk her in a pool of holy water and even she can't endure it long." I leaned back. "So if I pushed her into a pool of holy water..." I said and Yori answered me. "She could die from the intense pain." I ran a hand through my hair. 

"Don't worry." I looked at Yori. "I won't attack her yet. This is a sibling promise. I won't attack her until I'm back at my full strenth. I won't go charging to her domain either." I smiled a little. "I'm not woried about her. She can take you down in a blind of an eye." Yori threw a cusion at me. "How rude. At least pretend I have a chance." I chuckled. "Whatever helps you sleep at night." 

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