Chapter 7

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Amu's Pov

I've locked myself at home for weeks. After that night with Ikuto, I couldn't bring myself to go to school. There was a knock on my door and I got up opening the door only to find Ikuto with Kukai. Damn Kukai for letting him in. "Hey sis, how ya feeling?" I glared at him. "What do you want?" I asked. "I'm going to kill you for bringing him here," I said to Kukai using our mind link. 

Kukai looked at me smugly. "He said he wanted to see you." He said grinning. "And I wanted to see your reaction." I glared at him harder. "You and Utau were the one who wanted me to stay away from him. I'm trying but that won't happen if you two hand him to me on a silver plater." I say and Kukai just leaned on my door frame. 

"Well, ya found me. What do you want?" I asked crossing my arms. "You haven't been at school, so I was worried." Ugh. Feelings. "I'm fine. What else do you want? Surely that wasn't the only reason you wanted to see me." I could feel his eyes trying to peek behind me. My room seemed normal, but upon closer inspection, my room screams "I'm a vampire." 

"No, that's all." I raised an eyebrow. "Get him out of here before he notices anything, and mind link everyone to steer clear of blood while he's here," I said to Kukai using our mind link. He put his hand on his shoulder. "Everyone steer clear of blood or anything vampire related. We have a hunter in the mansion." Kukai has the strongest mind link in our clan.

Firm growls were heard within the mind link, some vampires were not very pleased to hear an enemy within our territory. "Why did you let a hunter into the mansion? Amu sama would never allow such action. I could feel the mansion growing darker and darker. "Ikuto I'll come to school tomorrow. Go before my father returns. He's not keen on boys when it comes to me."

Kukai looked at me, semi sadly, but he and I both knew if mother and father were here, Ikuto wouldn't have made it in unharmed and out alive. "You heard the lady. Bossman doesn't like boys near his baby girl. Off you go now." Kukai said pushing Ikuto out of the house. I mind linked Yaya and told her to make sure Ikuto made it out alive and unharmed.

I laid back on my bed and sighed. He's noticing things. He has to be. I'll have to be more careful. I rolled over on my bed and closed my eyes. I have to think of something. Something to make him think I'm human. Or at least make him think I'm just a little odd. "The first step would be going to school tomorrow," I say to myself. 

That night, I just couldn't sleep at all. I got out of bed and got dressed in all black like I always do. I opened my window and jumped out onto the tree not too far from my window. Maybe about 4 or 5 feet. I jumped down from the tree and headed for the main entrance. Usually, there were guards making sure nothing could come in without authorization. 

Once I got to the main gates, both guards looked at me and soluted to me. "Lady Amu, where might you be headed?" I paused after I walked a few footsteps past them. "I'm bored. I'm going out. I don't know when I'm coming back. Kukai's in charge until I return." I say continuing to walk.

Once I got into town, my feet somehow took me to a graveyard. But not just any graveyard. Tsukiyomi Yori was buried here. Without even thinking, I walked towards where her grave was. There were flowers on her grave bed. Ikuto must have been here recently. Every vampire has a special ability. 

Kukai's ability was intensification. Any power he used would instantly intensify. Just standing beside him can increase one's power. Pushing it to the max. mine was communication. Sounds lame, but it comes in handy. I can communicate with anything that is alive or was once alive, and let me tell you. Tsukiyomi Yori isn't exactly my biggest fan. 

"No need to hide. You know I'm here. Don't pretend you don't know I'm here." Within seconds, the little girl I killed appeared before me, sitting on her gravestone. "What do you want? I don't like talking to creatures like you." I crossed my arms. "I don't know why I'm here," I say. "My brother came to visit me the other day. He said he met a girl that interest him." I said nothing.

"The second he said she had the most beautiful but empty eyes, I knew he was talking about you. Even I had to admit you had beautiful eyes. But you're empty. You're a hollow jar." I said nothing. I knew I was empty. I felt almost nothing. "There's a war. A silent war between vampires and hunters. But it seems your clan is on neither side." I said nothing.

"Unlike my fellow clan mates, I will not pick a side. You've noticed, haven't you? You're following me, aren't you? Watching to make sure I don't do anything to your brother." This time, she was the one who was silent. "The second you found out about me, you came for me, hoping to bring my head back to your brother, but clearly I won our little battle," I say coldly. 

"While it's true you defeated me and I ended up apart of the dead, you know perfectly well my body is completely fine," I say nothing. I knew fully what she was. "I must admit, when I first found out what you were, I was shocked, but Ikuto shows no sign of being one himself, which leads me to believe he was adopted." She said nothing. I must be right.

"There is a reason you and I don't get along. You were cursed one way, and I was cursed the other way. I never asked to be born that way I am, and I don't think you could bear being how you were born as. As long as you're buried, no matter how many years, eras or lifetimes pass, your body won't decay, rot or be destroyed, but neither will mine. We're both cursed." She didn't say anything. Not even a peek.

"During our final battle, you wanted me to kill you, didn't you?" She asked. "I did. I couldn't take it anymore. But it seems like you're still fighting who you are." Silence. I was silent. Am I still fighting? What am I fighting for? Who am I fighting for? Why am I still fighting? I had hoped she could kill me that night. But she should. 

She only laughed and climbed off her stone and circled me. I wasn't afraid. She could touch me, but even if she can't, she always finds a way to get inside my head. "Ikuto is the kindest soul I've ever known, but for some strange reason, I'm attracted to your soul and not his. Why is that?" That was the real question. 

"You know the answer well. You just refuse to accept the answer. I looked down at her grave bed. "Maybe one day, I'll feel like digging you up and let you wander the world again, but that just might be too cruel," I say walking away. "The day you do decide to let me walk the earth again, the first thing I'm going after is your head." I stopped. 

I was far away, but I knew she could still hear me loud and clear. "When that day comes, you better kill me. I'm not fighting as hard as you think." I say walking out of the graveyard. I glanced back. Yori was a strong spirit, but she still needs to train 10 more lifetimes before she can put me under. 6 feet under that is. 

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