Chapter 12

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Utau's Pov

Kukai and I were in Amu's room watching her semi-freak out. Our great leader and younger kin wasn't really a panic type, but she was being a bit too calm. As her best friend, I know she's going mad in her mind. I leaned forward resting my chin on my hand that was being supported by my knee. "We're just going to have to be more careful," I say.

Amu faced me like she was about to murder me. I mean, she can't kill me. I'm already technically dead. "I can't be careful. Other clans come after the leader before taking over a clan. They're coming for me first, and I don't plan on surrendering my clan to low-life vampires who spend every day of their lives terrorizing and murdering innocent humans." Amu sounds upset.

I looked over at Kukai who was way too relaxed to be in this conversation. "I'll keep a closer eye on him. He has a thing for you so it might be a little difficult." I looked at Amu. "He has a thing for you and you didn't tell me?" I asked and Amu looks like she's been pushed into a corner. I don't think I've ever seen anyone push this woman into a corner.

"I didn't even know! I mean sure we're a little flirty, he's nice to me and cares for some reason and we kissed a few time I think and almost had sex that one time-" She got cut off by Kukai. "You almost what with him?!" I slammed a pillow in his face and he fell back. "This isn't about you. This is about your sister and the future of this clan." I say leaning back using my hands as support.

"It's not that big of a deal. I mean, he's nice and all, but I don't think we'd work out. He's a hunter whose life mission is to kill the vampire who slaughtered his parents." I had to agree with her. She and Ikuto would never work out. Never in a million years. I laid on the bed. This is a real mess we're in.

Amu's Pov

Utau laid on my bed and Kukai was sitting against the wall on my bed. I ran a hand through my hair. This is the messiest mess I've been in for a very long time. I looked at the time. "I think we need to blow off some steam. Let's go into town." Utau sat up nodding. "We can go to the new vampire club everyone's been talking about." I crossed my arms.

"That's not a bad idea. I'll grab my jacket." I nodded and sat on my bed with Utau as Kukai ran out of my room. "Mine too!" I leaned on Utau's shoulder. "What's wrong now?" I shrugged. "Running a clan is hard work. I just make it look easy." I say pouting and Utau pats my head. "You're doing a good job. We're orderly and have a little bit of humanity left." I giggled.

"I was hoping you'd say that. A little bit of humanity won't kill a vampire as much as people claim. Although it's true vampire's were savages, but we've become stronger willed and what not." Utau nodded and I grabbed my jacket when Kukai came back in with Utau's jacket in hand and his already on.

As we left my room, I grabbed the yellow egg that was on my dresser and turned off the lights and ran after Kukai and Utau. We got outside and I took a deep breath. "We're walking?" I nodded looking at the two of them. They held hands and I swear I saw Kukai blush a tiny bit. Just a little hint of pink on his cheeks.

"Amu sama!" I turned around and Yaya ran towards me with Kairi trying to catch up to her. She jumped and I caught her just in time. She wrapped her legs around me and her arms around my neck while I tried to support her, holding her by her thighs. Out of all the years, Yaya's been in the clan, she's still the lightest one. This girl just doesn't gain weight at all.

"Where are you guys going?" I smiled at the sweet little vampire that was apart of my inner circle. "We're going to a club to blow off some steam. Kairi, you're in charge until I get back." He nodded and I let Yaya down. "Can Yaya be in charge with Kairi?" I shrugged. "You can be his assistant." Yaya cheered. The title has no meaning. It's an empty word. It means nothing.

"Anyway, we'll be back in 3 hours or more. It is a club after all." I say crossing my arms. "Can you handle the two of them alone?" Kairi asked pointing at lovey-dovey lovebirds holding hands beside me. I crossed my arms. "It's better than hanging with the two of you alone. Kukai I can hit without feeling bad." I say and Kukai gasped.

"Fair enough. Be safe." I nodded and watched the two of them enter the house. "I hope we don't come home to a burned down house." I nodded. Hopefully not. I turned around and we started heading for town. We were up on the tallest hill in the city so it might take us a while. Halfway down the hill, I saw birds that were once on the trees suddenly fly away from the house.

I looked at Kukai and Utau. "Maybe I should have put Nadeshiko or Nagihiko in charge." They both nodded. "That might have been a better choice." Oh well. Can't do anything about that now. If we burn down the house, we'll just need to compel someone to come fix it and not ask questions about the layout of that old Victorian house.

Once we reached the town, everything seemed so much louder than at home. Granted that most of our fellow clan mates keep themselves busy when I don't have anything for them to do, but still. They are far quieter and behaved. "Kinda hard to believe some of our clan mates were once humans." I nodded looked at Utau. "We raised her well at least. Utau's the only once human turned vampire within my close circle beside the twins." I say crossing my arms.

"And what is that suppose to mean my lady?" I giggled scratching the back of my head. "It means you're my best friend and I'm harder on you because you're my brother's girlfriend," I say smiling. "And soon to be wife, right Kukai?" I asked with our mind link and it entertained me watching Utau blush madly and Kukai chuckle awkwardly. I walked past them.

I might be cruel to most people that cross my path and I might have killed many humans and vampires alike, but nothing cheers me up more than messing with my brother and best friend or soon to be sister-in-law.

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