Chapter 10

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I laid in my bed. It was night right now, and I couldn't sleep. Vampire's don't need as much sleep, but we still need sleep. The whole mansion was silent. Everyone was asleep. Everyone but me. I sat up and sighed hugging my knees. I picked up Dia's egg. I don't think she'll be waking up anytime soon. Not while I'm this confused. 

I got out of bed and wandered out of the mansion and headed into town. I didn't know where I was going, but it beats laying in bed trying to sleep. I got to the park and climb the bars and hung upside down. If I were human, I'd worry about being like this too long, but I wasn't human. I just hung there. Emotionless. I can probably scare someone if they saw me hanging here.

I opened my eyes and swung back up. "Amu?" I looked down. What is he doing out so late? I jumped down. "Why are you up so late?" He just smirked at me. "I could ask you the same thing." I crossed my arms. "They why didn't you?" I asked and he just ruffled my hair. "Whitty as always." I watched him walk to the bench and set down whatever he was carrying with him.

"Ikuto," He turned around. "Yeah?" I paused. "How much do you hate the girl who killed your parents and sister?" I asked. This isn't my brightest idea. Can this even be considered an idea?! I watched as Ikuto paused in his tracks. His usual teasing-self was gone. He turned to face me. It didn't scare me much, but it was still a little scary.

"I won't be satisfied unless she dies by my hands." I back away slightly. I mean, I did see it coming. If he ever found out, I'm dead. His facial features softened. "I'm sorry, did I scare you?" I cross my arms. "Not really," I say. I had my arms crossed. "I guess it makes sense. People killed my parents when I was younger. I left here for that reason." I say.

But it didn't take me long to come back and kill his parents and return to Kyoto while Kukai stayed here while I went back to Kyoto to run a clan. "Did you know who killed your parents?" I shook my head. It was a lie. I knew exactly who killed my parents. I killed them myself and left their kids alone. Then their daughter tried to kill me and ended up 6 feet under. 

"It doesn't matter. I have my brother and sister." I say running a hand through my hair. "You have me too silly girl." He said ruffling my hair. I looked at him. He's completely convinced I'm a human. He has no idea I'm a monster. "Amu? What's wrong?" I shook my head. "It's nothing." I looked up at the sky. 

"The moon is hiding," I say without much thought. Ikuto looked up too. "Yeah, it is." I looked back at the moon. Or where it should be. But dark clouds are covering its beauty. Is this a sign? Will there be a war? This has to be connected to my bad feeling I've been feeling earlier, and it's been getting worse. 

I looked at Ikuto who was still watching the clouds. "Shouldn't you be getting home?" I asked. "I could say the same to you." I could stay out a little longer. "You never answered my question," I say and he takes a seat on the bench. "I was out on a hunt. You seemed a bit off lately and something told me to be on high alert or something along those lines." Am I too careless?

"Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself." I said sitting beside him. But not too close. He stinks of garlic. "Why are you all the way over there?" I was holding my nose. "You stink of garlic," I say and he pauses. Shit, I shouldn't have said that. "I'm allergic," I say quickly. Hopefully, he believes me.

"Oh. Sorry." He looks at his watch. "It's getting late. I'm going to head home. Be safe." I nodded. He stood up and grabbed his stuff. "Text me when you get home." I nodded and watched him leave. I relaxed. "And what's got you so exhausted?" I sat up and turned around, looking behind me. There stood a woman with long purple hair tied in a high ponytail. 

She wore a kimono and shared the same face as Nagihiko. "You came earlier than I thought you would," I say crossing arms. "Well, Ami said my lady needed me by her side. Of course, I rushed here as soon as possible to aid my lady." She said getting down on one knee bowing to me. "I, Fujisaki Nadeshiko, am here to serve you, my lady." There was a pause.

We both started laughing and I helped her up. "I missed you so much Nadeshiko," I said hugging her. "As did I. Now." She said sitting me down, still holding my hands. "Tell me," She paused and looked at me seriously. "What were you doing with a human? Nonetheless, a hunter?" I smiled. "keep your friends close and keep the man who wants to kill you closer." I say and she smiled.

Ikuto's Pov

I was watching Amu and this girl who just came up from behind her. After Amu mentioned I stunk of garlic, I suspected she was a vampire. I thought I closed that chapter in my career, but it just opened up again. "Ikuto nya, are you sure she's not just allergic to garlic like she said?" I ignored Yoru for a few seconds. "She could be, but she could also not be," I answer.

Yoru floated around me for a bit. "If she was a vampire, she would know you're a hunter and she would have never come home with you." I paused. When she first came to my house, I invited her in. I thought she was being silly, but what if she isn't? 

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