Chapter 22

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Ikuto's Pov

Amu was burning. She was also panting like she couldn't breathe like she wasn't getting any air. "Amu chan," I looked down at her chara. She must be worried sick about her owner. I held Amu closer. I slowly moved her closer to the wall. I leaned against the wall and held Amu in my arms. I ran my hands through her hair. The hair closest to her scalp was soaking wet. She was sweating like crazy.

I looked at Yoru and he grabbed Ran and flew away with her. I held Amu closer. She was burning up faster and still suffering. I tugged off her jacket and whipped the sweat on her arms and collarbone with a handkerchief from her pocket. Why is she in so much pain all of a sudden? She wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. Just dancing on the... oh, shit.

I pulled out my phone and called Kukai. "What do you want? I'm kinda busy!" He seems on edge. "It's the blood moon," I said. "So? It's no big deal." I continued to whip Amu's sweat. "This one is called the alpha blood moon. This the night every hunter dreams of." I said and the line went quiet, but I knew what was going on in his head.

"This is the night every 100 years that all alphas of every race, every clan, every coven, everything is at their weakest, causing them to have a high fever, internal pain, unable to control hunger and even death if they're caught by a hunter," I said holding Amu close. "Ikuto, take Amu and hide somewhere until it's clear. Utau and I will handle everything else." The line went dead.

I turned off my phone and put it back in my pocket. I picked Amu up and grabbed her jacket. She was overwhelmed by the pain, she passed out. I'm not saying she was heavy, in fact, she was as light as a feather, but just looking at her made me want to cry.

I called out for Yoru, knowing he couldn't have gone far, and he along with Amu's charas came alone. "Oh no desu, what happened the Amu chan?" Yoru chara changed with me. "Get into her pocket." The all shrugged and flew into Amu's jacket pocket. "Where are we going nya?" I need a place Yori doesn't know. If she finds out Amu is weaker than her, she'll take the chance.

"Kukai wants me to hide her. We need a place no hunter in their right mind would go and a place no vampire would dare to go." I said. "Long ago, Amu chan build a little underground hideaway. No one knows where it is but her and us. Not even Kukai and Utau know." I sighed. I don't think she'd want me to know, but I have no choice. "You'll have to tell me where it is," I said.

"First, we go to the Aokigahara forest." That's far away. "We'll have to take a car," I said. "But Yori's home nya." He has a point. "Not only that, you're not old enough to drive yet. You're still only 17." And once again, they have a point. "Shut up, I'll drive." I looked at Amu. She looked like hell, and I guess she is legally old enough, but then again, legally, she's only 17 too.

"Amu chan, what if something happens?" Amu didn't look like she was in the mood. "I'll just drain them and ditch the body somewhere." I let her down and she wobbled a little. "Ran," Ran looked a little hesitant but Chara changed with Amu. "Let's go," we all followed her to the parking lot. We stopped in front of a red car. "Your car?" I asked. "Nikaidous car."

"You're stealing his car?" I asked crossing my arms. "Borrowing," she said getting into the driver's seat. I got in the passengers' seat and Amu hot wired the car to start it. She got her seatbelt on and pulled out of the school grounds. We were on the highway to the forest, but Amu left the highway and went onto a dirt road.

"The highway would have been faster," I said worried about her. She was sweating like crazy. She's only lasted this long because she's Chara changed with Ran. "On the highway, we can get pulled over and believe it or not, I don't have a license." I guess she wouldn't really need one. "It'll take longer but it's the safest desu," I said nothing. "We better hurry. It's you they're after."

Once we were off the dirt road, we got out of the car and Amu pulled out her phone. I checked my phone. I had one bar. It's not the end of the world, having just one bar. "Yo, Yuu, come over here get your car. Yeah just track me. Okay, see you in a few." She hung up and shoved her phone into her pocket. I was about to say something but then Nikaidou sensei came out of nowhere.

He looked at me then at Amu. "My lady," he said bowing. Don't tell me. "Take your car. Don't tell anyone where I am. We're far from where I want to go so you won't know either. The fewer people know the better. Utau's in charge and if Kukai complains hit him. Send Ami to Kyoto and I'll be back in 2 or 3 days." He nodded and got in his car driving away.

"Was he..." I didn't need to finish. "He was human." That's all she said. She held out her hand. "Hurry up. Ran and I can't stay like this forever." I took her hand and before I knew it, we were in the heart of the forest. Just a second ago, we were a good distance from the forest and Amu fell to the ground. I looked at Ran. She looked dizzy. Yoru helped her up.

"Amu chi desu." I picked her up. She was hotter than before. "We have to hurry. The forest is where they'll look for her first." I nodded and Miki told me where to go. We reached an old tree. "The entrance isn't far." Su stepped on the grass. "Here desu. We need Amu chans hand." I kneeled down and gave Su her hand.

"If you said blood, it would have been easier, Su. The door is blood activated like the secret training room at home." Miki flew up and pricked Amu's finger like the spindle in sleeping beauty, but she was a real beauty. The door opened and we all jumped down. I pulled out a lighter from my back pocket and found the light switch. It was amazing down here.

"Amu built this by herself?" Miki nodded and I set her down on the bed. "I'll take care of her. You go play." I grabbed a towel and started whipping her sweat. She pushed herself when she drove all the way here. She must be in pain. I brushed my hand over her cheek. She was burning. I lifted up her heard and laid her head on lay lap. It pained me to see her like this. She opened her eyes and it hurt. A lot.

"Where does it hurt?" I asked not expecting an answer. "Everywhere," she uttered weakly and I covered her mouth with my hand. "Don't talk if it hurts. I'm not going anywhere." I said and she closed her eyes again. I pulled out my phone. I had enough bars to call Kukai. I called and on the first ring, he picked up. "She's okay, right?" I looked down at Amu. Can she be considered fine?

"She's sleeping," I said. "Is she alive?" I looked down at her again. "More or less. She was just awake." I said. "Ikuto, don't let her out of your sight. She pushes herself. The weaker she is, the harder she pushes." I said nothing. "Yori will wonder where I am. Don't tell her anything." I said. I don't want her to find Amu. If Amu one day did go out of control, I'll handle her. 

"I don't tell her a thing." I whipped more of her sweat away. "I won't tell her, just keep my sister alive and I'll keep yours away." I agreed and hung up. I turned my phone off and set it aside, continuing to comfort Amu. I never thought I'd see her this weak since I met her. She was a strong person, but I guess it proves even the strong ones have a weakness or two. 

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