Chapter 6

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Amu's pov
"You can put me down now." I say a little embarrassed. Ikuto chuckles and puts me down. I dusted myself off without looking at him in fear he'll tease me about this. "I need to take out the contacts. I'll be back." I say. "I'll grab your bag from the classroom." I nodded. "I'll meet you outside." I nodded and walked into the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror.

I can't believe I was so careless to let my anger and rage get the better of me and forgot what little humanity I have. I sighed. No use dwelling in the past now. Utau and the other girls walk in and smirked at me. I sighed and put the glasses on. Here comes the sisterly teasing.

"What is he going to do with me when he finds out I'm a vampire?" I asked. Rima patted my shoulder while the others sat on the sink countertop. "We'll see." I nodded. "Amu sama needs to trust herself. Amu sama would never hurt Ikuto tan right?" I thought about it. "I did when we first met. I hid him. But then I killed his sister." Utau sighed.

"Look, he doesn't understand. What you did was self-defense." I didn't say anything. "Amu nee, they were going to kill us. Kill me." I nodded. "I did what I had to do to protect my family." They all nodded. "Nadeshiko is coming back soon. We'll go hunting when she comes back." I nodded. "I'll see you after school." They all nodded and we left the bathroom.

I walked out to the front of the school to find Kukai and Ikuto talking. I tapped Ikuto's shoulder. "Oh hey. Ready to go?" I nodded. "Before you go, a word my younger but stronger sister?" I nodded and Kukai pulled me towards the tree. Ikuto was too close so we used our mind link.

"Tonight is bloodlust night. Can you control yourself?" I laughed. "Of course I can. Don't be a minute late. If you are he'll insist on taking me home and you know how dangerous those roads are." He sighed and nodded. "I'll be there. No bitting." I rolled my eyes. "Don't drain my best friend and I won't drain yours," I say walking away from him.

"Thanks for grabbing my bag." I reached for it but Ikuto pulled it out of my arms reach. "Let me." I hesitantly nodded and followed him towards his house. He didn't live too far so it was nice to walk. Once inside, he told me to sit down. I sat down and the whole house made me uncomfortable. He probably had wooden stakes and holy water everywhere. He can easily kill me.

He came back with a blanket and a bottle of whiskey. "Sorry I don't have any chilled water. I only have cold whiskey." I smiled. "I prefer cold whiskey rather than room temperature," I say taking the bottle and drinking a quarter of it. "Slow down or you'll fall drunk before noon." I giggled.

"I can take care of myself." There was a pause. "You don't have to listen to Utau. I can call someone to pick me up and you can go back to school." He raised an eyebrow at me. "Don't like my company?" His company is what I'm afraid of. "That's not the case. I just thought you're only letting me stay is because Utau asked. I can take care of myself." I say.

"I know. But I just wanna be with you. It's a weird feeling. I don't know what it is, but I feel it when we're alone." I smiled. "I got scared when I saw you surrounded. Kukai said he'd get Utau but they were taking too long." I nodded. It's bloodlust night. That's probably why.

"They always take their sweet time. I can never count on them to get the other." I say. Ikuto chuckled and pulled me closer to him, pressing his forehead against mine. "You have a tiny fever. Have you been sleeping right?" I shook my head. "I slept last night I think but not much before then," I say. Ikuto looks at me worried.

"What were you thinking?" I shrugged. "Something I don't wanna tell you yet," I say. He nodded and went to get me an ice pack. When he came back, I took the ice pack and put it on my cheek while leaning against Ikuto again. "You know, you're really cute." I chuckled. "Very funny," I say. "No, I'm serious. Something about you is just so ... familiar." My smile dropped.

"I like it." I don't like it. I hate it. But I can't hate you. "Amu?" I shook my head and looked up at him. "There's something about you. I really like it." You shouldn't. "Really? And what kind of something are you talking about? You're not seducing your best friend's sister are you?" Why am I teasing?

"If I was, I wouldn't care about how she feels." I smiled. "You're just like me. But I'm a bit more heartless." I say. There was silence. A comfortable silence. Ikuto's lifted my chin and kissed me. Just like last time, I liked it more than I should have.

Ikuto moved without breaking our kiss and got on top of me, kissing down my body. Half of me wanted him to stop and run away, and the other half of me didn't have the will to stop him. It was a constant battle between myself lately. I don't know what I want and why I need.

I moaned as his kisses trailed down lower on my body. Vampires are sexual creatures, hell I've been turned on many times in my life, but with Ikuto, it's a different feeling. What do people call it? Passion? Love? Companionship?

I pushed Ikuto away and looked up at him. "What the fuck are you doing to me?" I asked not expecting him to know what I'm talking about. But he only smiled at me and caressed my face gently. "I ask myself that about you all the time."

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