Chapter 13

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Amu's Pov

We just got to the club and I tapped Utau's shoulder and pointed at the bouncer. It was Kei, her ex-boyfriend. Utau groaned and Kukai had no idea what we were talking about. I don't think Utau's ever told anyone about Kei other than me. "Kukai, you go in before us. I need to talk to Utau about something."He nodded and went ahead of us while we were a few vampires behind.

Once we were at the front of the line, Kei grinned. He didn't really look at me, rather was smirking at Utau. "Well look who's coming back running. Lucky for you I'm still single." Utau groaned and crossed her arms. "I'm not here to play Kei. Let me in." She said firmly. "I think you'd have way more fun out here with me." he was about to grab Utau and I slapped his hand.

"Keep your hands off my sister," I say firmly. He crouched down, insulting me. He's treating me like a child. "Then you must have been human once. So sorry but I've been a vampire since I was born. You don't stand a chance against someone like me." I raised an eyebrow. "I'm a clan leader. I'm not some common child, and don't you dare touch Utau." I say a little pissed.

"Hey, isn't the Hinamori Amu? The leader of the Hinamori clan? I hear she's very powerful." I had my arms crossed. Try calling me a child again bitch. "You don't scare me, little girl. You're probably not over 100. I'm 198, as in I am your elder." Don't make me laugh. "I was born 2000 years ago, making me 2000 years old. 2000 years your elder. Do you want to mess with me?" I asked.

Someone else dressed in black and a red tie came out. "What's going on here? Is something wrong?" From the looks of it, he's the owner of the club. "Yes. Your bouncer is harassing my sister." I say crossing my arms. "Kei, is this true?" He shook his head. "No sir, this kid is just messing around. I'm not allowed to let anyone under 100 enter." I had my arms crossed. 

I looked at the owner seriously. I may look like a child, but I am not a child. "The unwritten rule of the vampire society is to never oppose the Hinamori clan. The hinamori clan is the oldest and the strongest clan who can turn anyone against one single clan. Utau is apart of my clan, that I run." I say firmly. I was standing my ground. "I can fight with you all night," I said. 

"I'm sorry my lady. Let them through." Kei tried to fight, but the man struck him down. "I won't let you get away with this," I grinned. "I already got away with it. Stay the hell away from Utau." I mind linked back and we walked in finding Kukai talking to some girl. 

We walked over and I cleared my throat and when he turned around, he saw his death. Well, he can't really die, he just stops being the walking dead? "Kukai, we said go ahead, but we didn't mean this." I'm positive he can feel the amount of danger he's in. He's a goner if you ask me. Beyond goner. 

"Theses your sisters? They're cute." Damn right we're cute, but Utau is more pissed than cute. "I'm his sister. She is his scary girlfriend." I said. "Oh, wait I know you. You're Hinamori Amu. You run the Hinamori clan." I nodded. "Excuse us," Utau said grabbing Kukai's arm and I watched him being dragged away. 

"Don't let her scare you. She's really in love. You know how it is when people like us find love." I said looking at the girl Kukai was talking to. "I do. My girlfriend is the love of my life." Well, at least now I know she doesn't like Kukai. "So, what were you talking about?" I asked. "I asked him if he knew any other clubs. I'm new in town." New? A new clan or a lone wolf? Or lonevampire?

"Alone?" I asked. "No. My girlfriend and I left our old clan. They were doing things we didn't agree with." I raised an eyebrow. "Were you from Kyoto?" I asked. "No, Osaka. The Hitori clan." I groaned. "Tadase is something alright," I said ordering a Bloody Mary. 

"You know him?" I nodded. "Unfortunately. We grew up together when his clan lived in Kyoto. we were engaged up until my parents died and I became the clan leader. Then I announced our engagement was off." I said taking a sip of my Bloody Mary. I tossed out the celery and drank the blood. Vampire bloody Mary was 100% animal bloody. Not my favorite, but I won't complain.

"How? I heard it was too embarrassing to let anyone but the close circle know." I grinned. "I hung him in a tree, covered him with something I found lying around and wrote on his forehead. Woman represent I think. But back then I probably wrote dirty or bugs." I said grinning. Oh, the sweet memory. I looked at the girl. 

"Anyway, if you plan on staying, come to my clan. I'm strict with my clan though. We're a big family." I said. "I'll think about it." I smiled. "I'll be waiting," I said walking away to find Kukai. Hopefully, he didn't die. 

Once I found them, I had to admit how they act is like how Ikuto and I act. I shook the thought out of my head and walked towards them. "I was expecting a dead body," I said crossing my arms and they both laughed. Utau more than Ikuto. "It's easy to talk to each other when you've spent god knows how many years together." I smiled. 

"That's good. Let's go have fun." I said pulling Utau to the dancefloor. "So, what do you plan on doing with your Ikuto situation?" I shrugged. "I'll think of something," I said. She smiles at me. "You always do." I do, don't I?

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