Chapter 11

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Amu's Pov

I was out with Rima and Nadeshiko shopping for clothes. I sat in a chair while the two of them robbed every store we've been to. I bought a few things myself, but not as much as they did. "You called someone to come pick up our clothes right?" I nodded. I called Kukai and Kairi to come pick up the clothes we buy. I don't think they'd be happy about that though.

Once we got home, Rima and Nadeshiko put their clothes away. Before they walked upstairs with some of their clothes, I stopped them. "Wait, you two." They stopped and turned around to face me. "Training begins in 30 minutes. 2 laps around the city every minute you're late." They nodded and moved their clothes upstairs.

I went to my room and changed into shorts, a tank top, and running shoes. I walked back out and Ran was playing with Eru and Daichi. "You three tell everyone training starts in 25 minutes." They nodded and flew off. I walked into the study and went downstairs through the passageway behind the bookshelf. I slit my wrist and let the scanner scan my blood an let me through.

I walked down to where the other vampires are and woke them all up. We all met in our underground gym. Everyone was there, including Ami. I keep telling her this kind of training is something she doesn't need, but she always insists on it. Saying it's her weekly cardio. I split everyone into groups and they worked from there.

Kukai was in charge of the group working on their combat skills, Utau was in charge of weapon sparring, Yaya was working with gymnastic skills alongside Kairi and Rima was in charge of regular sparing alongside Nagihiko. Nadeshiko was sitting with me watching everyone working hard. After 2 hours, I called for a 15-minute break.  

Yaya collapsed on the ground and Kairi helped her up. I was leaning against the wall and Kukai was sitting on the ground. I looked over and Nagihiko. "How was it?" He just shrugged. "Some of them need to work on their timing." I nodded. "They all need to focus. If this continues, they're dead." Rima said crossing her arms.

"My group was too scared to spare with me," Utau said crossing her arms and I eyed her. "Who in their right mind wouldn't be terrified of you charging at them with a weapon?" I asked. Utau shrugged and sat down beside Kukai. They are so lovey-dovey, it's intoxicating. I crossed my arms and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and ran a hand through my hair.

Ami was the first back. I looked at the time. "I'm going to run to the blood bank," I say getting up. "Are you stealing or claiming you've been sent by a hospital?" I smiled at Nadeshiko. "Compelling comes in handy in these situations." The only problem I would have is if I run into Ikuto. But I doubt I will. 

"Just be careful." I nodded. "Kukai," His eyes lit up. "Ami's in charge," I say. "What?! But I'm older than her!" I crossed my arms. "I'm younger than you too yet I'm the one who runs the clan. You're not the leader type." I say firmly. "You're so mean." I laughed. "You know I love you, but Ami's more suited for this. I'll be home soon." I say going upstairs and getting Ran before leaving.

I got into my car and drove off towards the blood bank. I grabbed a fake ID from a hospital volunteer and pinned it on my shirt. I fixed my hair and glanced at Ran and smiled. "Let's hurry this up," I say getting out of my car and walked into the building.

I went in and headed to the front desk. "I'm here for some blood," I say. She glanced up at me. "I don't think so, sweetie. You seem too young to be the one who picks up blood." I ran a hand through my hair and my eyes glowed a deep red. 

"You're going to tell someone to give me the blood I need, and you will not type anything into the computer." She nodded and stood up and walked towards the back of the building. Humans are way too easy to compel. The desk lady came out and so did a man who was wheeling blood bags towards the front. He eyed me.

"You mean to tell me this little girl is who's picking up the blood? This seems fishy." I eyes glowed red once again. "You're going to give me the blood and forget I was ever here and you will erase any severance and proof of me being here." They both nodded. The man pushed out the blood and I opened my car trunk. He loaded them up and the woman was on her computer. 

I pointed at her and Ran went over to make sure she was doing as I said. Once it was all loaded, I closed my trunk. Ran flew back and said the lady erased everything. I looked at the man. "That's good. You never saw me." I say and he nodded. 

I got into my car and started my car. Ikuto called me and told me to come over for a little bit. "Are you going to go?" I called Kukai and told him to come get my car and drive me to Ikuto'shouse. "is that really a good idea Amu chan?" I faced Ran smiling. "Always turning him down will raise some red flags. It's fine once in a while." She nodded and floated around my head. 

Once Kukai got my car and drove me to Ikuto's house, he stopped me before I could get out. I looked at him and he looked into my eyes seriously. "Be careful. He's been asking me more questions than before." I nodded. "I'll keep that in mind," I say getting out of the car, but not before giving Kukai Dia's egg. 

Just in case she hatches. He thinks I took it because it reminds him of his parent's murder." He nodded and drove off. I went and knocked on Ikuto's door. Once the door was opened, he splashed water on me. But not just any water. Holy water. Is he onto me? He also tossed a silver cross at me. I caught it. 

It burned, but I didn't flinch, but it did feel like my body was on fire. "Is this your idea for getting a girl wet?" I asked putting the silver down as calmly as I could. I looked back up and he threw garlic at me. I looked at him weirdly. It smells so bad. I tossed it back and pinched my nose. "That smells gross, and I told you not even 2 days ago that I'm allergic," I say pinching my nose. But I could still smell it.

"You're not a vampire?" I looked at him then looked at him shocked. I have to play this right. "I can't believe you! You called me all the way over here to see if I was a bloody vampire?" I asked. "Well, you said you're allergic to garlic and you're really pale, unlike Ami." I sighed. "Ami is an outdoor person. I like staying inside in a library." I say. I mean, I wasn't completely lying.

"Plus, people can be allergic to garlic," I say crossing my arms. "So did you really need something from me or are you just wasting my time?" I asked trying to sound a little upset. He pulled me into his arms and hugged me. "I'm sorry. It just scared me." I pushed him away and looked up at him. "Why?" I asked a little curious. 

"Because if you are a vampire, I'll have to kill you before someone does it painfully, but I don't think I could kill you." I looked away. You can when you find out I'm the vampire who ruined his family life. Sort of. I mean, Yori is still alive... ish. "And why not?" I asked without giving it much thought. It just slipped out of my mouth.

"Because Kukai would miss you, and so would Ami." I shrugged. "They'll do fine without me." If I ever did die by his hands, Kukai would be the one to take over, but now that I think about it, Maybe letting Kukai take over is a bad idea. I'll pass the clan down over to Utau.  Definitely not Ami or Kukai. I love them, but they're not clan leader material. 

"I won't do fine." I looked at him. "Huh?" I asked giving him a weird look. "I said I'd miss you. I've grown to like you a lot." I raised an eyebrow. He looked away and coughed. "Well anyway, I just wanted to prove Yoru right." Prove Yoru right? "Why did you want to prove Yoru right?" I asked. 

"Because last night when I saw you, I hid in a tree watching you until you went home." I was slightly alarmed. Did he see me with Nadeshiko? How the hell did I not notice he was still nearby? "I didn't go home for another 4 hours," I say nervously. "I know. I stayed until I followed you home, but then I lost you." I felt my throat go dry quickly.

He must have lost me when I walked past the barrier we put up recently for security reasons. He must have walked by and completely missed the house, and thank god for that. I looked at my watch nervously. "I love to stay and chat, but I have a few things to do," I say turning around, but I stopped and faced Ikuto before leaving. "I'll see you tomorrow?" He nodded.

I turned around walking away calmly. I better go to school, or he'll be even more suspicious. I'll have to tell everyone to be on their toes. "Are you worried he's going to find out?" I was far enough to talk freely, but he could be watching me.  "We'll have to see." Kukai will have to do a better job at keeping his mind off of us for a while. It might be hard though.

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