Chapter 24

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Amu's Pov
I went to school with Ikuto. He kept reaching for my hand, and I kept pulling my arm away. Eventually, I let him hold my hand. He was like a cute needy baby. Always wanting to hold his mother's hand. We walked into the school, and people were talking. I ran my free hand through my hair. I felt Dia's egg wiggle and reached into my bag.

I wonder if Yori told him I killed his parents and this egg belongs to me. Hurry up and hatch, Dia. I've never met you, and I think the time is long overdue. We walked into class and I calmly jerked my arm away and sat in my seat. Ami was sitting at her desk talking to Kukai when Ikuto walked to his seat and joined their conversation.

I turned around and faced Utau. "You okay now?" I nodded "I'm okay." I said and Utau patted my head. "I was worried. Kukai's been pacing back and forth at home." I leaned on her desk. My eyes wandered as she talked, and I somehow found Ikuto looking at me and I looked away just as fast I looked at him.

Nikaidou walked in and I turned back around, but I could still feel Utau's smirking. "Stop it," I said, and now I can feel Kukai's eyes staring into my soul so to speak. "I swear I'll rip both of you to shreds if you do not look away right now," I said a little irritated. "Our lady is in love," Utau said in a singsongy voice. "Your lady is about to kill you," I said and Utau dropped the subject.

After class, I went up to the roof and leaned against the fence and looked down. Kukai was on the field, Utau was watching him, Ami was sitting with some guy she met somewhere, but no sign of Ikuto. God knows where he went. "Amu chan, when is Dia going to hatch?" I shrugged. "You know how she is. All she does is sleep." I said. 

"Talking to yourself again?" I turned and faced the door and sighed. Speaking of the devil. "You know perfectly well who I was talking about," I said and Ikuto came closer and reached out his arm and held onto the fence. I looked at him. He didn't cage me necessarily, or whatever the term is, but he looked at me seriously.

"What?" I asked and he leaned closer to my face. "We're not going to talk about the past 2-3 days?" I looked away. "What do we need to talk about?" I asked. "You could have killed me. Yori would have jumped at the opportunity, and you tried to protect me, and let me bite you. Have you lost your mind?" I asked. Some hunter he is. 

"I don't need to spell it out for you, do I?" I looked at him confused. What is he talking about? "I like you. A lot. Some would dare to say I love you," I looked at him in disbelief. No way he loves me. He lifted up my chin and kissed me. I didn't hate it, but...

He ran his fingers gently over my cheek and traced my jawline. "I won't let Yori get her hands on you." I paused. "Would you choose me over Yori?" I asked. "I would," What a fool. "Always pick family. Unless you have a good enough reason to pick someone else over Yori." I said. "Would Kukai pick you and Ami over Utau?" I paused.

"He'd pick her because she is his world. Family is the one you always pick before you pick anything else until you find someone you love more than family." I said. "And you are more important to me than Yori. I'll always pick you." I said nothing. I felt a wiggle in my bag. I reached in and gently gripped the egg that wiggled. 

"A vampire isn't something a hunter would miss, but I guess you aren't like other hunters. Your sister is the rarest dragon after all, and you're claiming you love a vampire, and your best friend is also a vampire." I said. "Yori never told me what kind of dragon she is." She is the rarest of the rare. She'd be a high price in the black market. 

"She's a water dragon. 1 of 50. There's not a lot of them anymore." I said. "And how do you know that?" I grinned. "Keep your friends close and the people who want to kill you closer," I said and the bell rang. "Get to class before you're late," I said walking past him down to class. I walked into the music room and sat beside Utau, Kukai on her other side and my side free. 

Ikuto walked in and sat beside me. "That took you longer than I thought it would," I said and he just shrugged. A teacher came in, but I had no idea who she was. Must be a supply teacher. I leaned back and looked down at my music book. I sure missed a lot. I mean, I did miss 2 months I think? Whatever. It won't take me long to get caught up again.

I leaned on Utau's shoulder and sighed and she patted my head and I sat back up properly. I looked at the teacher. She looked like she was stalling or something along those lines. "Does she look suspicious to you?" I asked Utau and she nodded. She turned to face Kukai. I turned to face Ikuto. "She's making me uncomfortable," I said. "Why?" He asked looking at her.

"She looks like she's stalling or something. it's creeping me out a little." I said. "You're imagining things. It'll be okay," I didn't say anything. I just looked back down at my page, but then I had an itching feeling something was going to happen so I pulled Ikuto under the chairs and Utau followed my quick reaction and pulled down Kukai, but nothing happened. 

"Hinamori san, are you alright?" I nodded. "I fell, sorry," I said and we all sat back in our seats. "What's wrong with you? Why are you so on edge?" I ran a hand through my hair. "I have a bad feeling, that's all," I said. I leaned back and sighed. "Just relax. It'll be fine." I nodded.

In the back of my mind, I imagined the worst, and it wasn't helping me relax. Then, out of nowhere, I could hear a faint gunshot. I jumped up, completely alarmed and looked at Kukai and Utau. "Either I'm crazy or you heard that too," I said, and they both nodded. "What did you hear?" Before I could say anything else, another gunshot was heard. 

People started screaming and the teacher tried to calm everyone down. "Okay everyone, you all hide, I'll turn off the lights and see what's happening." The teacher turned off the lights and left the classroom. I called Ami and she was freaking out. "I'm sending someone. Calm down and she'll be there." I hung up and called Yaya. 

"Yaya, skip with Kairi. I have a job for you." I said. "Hinamori san, this is no time to be calling someone." I looked at the guy than the whole class with my crimson red eyes. "Shut your mouth and hide in the practice room or behind something big, unless you plan on dying at school." Everyone shut up and hid while the four of us stayed put. 

"My lady, what is the matter?" Seems like Yaya gave Kairi the phone. "My school has someone armed. I need you and Yaya to protect Ami. Tell Nagihiko and Rima to be on guard." I said and hung up. "I don't understand why we don't all go to the same school and you spread us all out," Utau complained.

"We're all spread out because we are protecting humans. They're more than just a livestock, Utau." I said. "But-" I cut her off. "If you don't want to protect humans, leave the clan. I love you to death, but I run this clan my way. I've run this clan for more than 12 years are you're questioning me now?" She said nothing.

"Do you want to leave my clan, or not, Hoshina Utau." She got on one knee. "I only follow my lady," I said nothing. "Has she always been this firm?" Ikuto asked and I rolled my eyes when Kukai and Utau nodded. "Shut up," I said and went over to the door. That teacher still makes me on edge. Something isn't right.

"Why would someone in their right mind go out where the guns are?" I said out loud. "Because she's one of them." I looked at Kukai. "I seem to recall a school in the next town over being attacked and you can smell a mix of blood on her, can't you?" I crossed my arms. "Kukai," I said. "Utau and I are going to check it out. You stay here and keep Ikuto at bay." I said looking at him.

I won't say mind link is the best thing ever, but it's the best thing ever. "Ikuto will just run after you," Utau said. I crossed my arms. Ikuto held my hand and looked at me and I looked away. "Utau and I will meet up with Yaya and Kairi," I said. "Yaya, Kairi," I called out. "We're here. Ami's safe." I relaxed. 

"Ikuto," I said and he looked at me and Utau stubbly unlocked the door. "Yes?" He answered and I eyed Kukai. "See ya," I said and Utau and I dashed out.

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