Chapter 17

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I sat on the tree. Watching a couple of bears. I stayed quiet until I attacked. As I killed all of them, I heard a scream. But not just any scream. Saki's scream. One of your youngest new generations. I dropped everything and ran out of the forest. She shouldn't be out here alone. I followed her scream to a park Ikuto and I went to once.

I looked all around me until I heard her scream again, but this time, she screamed louder. Like she knew she was going to die. I ran towards her scream and mind linked Kukai to gather the younger ones and head home ASAP. 

I stopped running and my heart sunk deeper. She was in the hands of a hunter, but not just any hunter. The kindest hunter I could ever think of. Ikuto. "Ikuto, what are you doing?" he looked at me as if I was the last person he wanted to see. I slowly walked towards him. "Saki, stay calm. He won't hurt you," I mind-linked. He can't hurt her. She's just a kid. 

"Amu, I didn't want you to see me like this," I could see Saki was scared. I had to act fast. "Ikuto, let the poor girl go. You must be scaring her to death," I said. "She's a vampire. You know how I feel about them." I took a deep breath. "You shouldn't just kill them when you see them. They didn't do anything wrong." I said. "She almost attacked an elderly woman before I can." 

Why was there an elderly woman out this late? "She's my friend's sister. You wouldn't take someone's family away from them, would you?" Like I'm one to talk. I killed his parents and sister...ish. "Amu, listen to me. I don't want you to see me doing this." I've seen worse. I need to find a way to free Saki and convince Ikuto to let her go. 

I felt a pulse and I dropped to the ground covering my mouth. Dammit. I went too long without eating. This isn't good. "Amu sama!!" No. This can't be happening. I looked up, and Ikuto let her go, although I don't think he meant it. I have to come clean.

"Tsukiyomi," I looked at him, my eyes glowing a deep crimson red. "Stay away from my clan," I said picking Saki up. "Amu," I didn't look at him. "Stay away from my clan," I said and took off to bring Saki home, where she belonged.

Ikuto's Pov

I woke up and ran to school It has to have been a dream. I need to find Amu. I got to school and ran into the classroom. Kukai wasn't in his seat, but Utau was, but she avoided my gaze. "Utau," She looked up. "A word." She hesitated but followed me out to the rooftop. The air was tight. You could cut it with a butter knife. 

"Where's Amu?" I asked. Utau looked at me blankly. "She's told you what she is, hasn't she?" Utau knows. "You knew who she is?" She crossed her arms. "You're smart enough o put the pieces together. Kukai is one too, but Ami I guarantee is 100% human." How? 

"How is Ami human and Amu is a vampire? They're twins." Utau didn't move. She stayed there, not moving anything but her mouth. "A vampire twin is like ordinary twins. But Ami's vampire gene is slow growing. When Amu was born, Ami was too underdeveloped to be born. Amu is years older than Ami." 

"But," Utau stopped me. "Has it ever occurred to you that you know little to nothing about Amu? The number of vampires that live around here? They all depend on Amu. She is their mother so to speak." Utau turned around to walk away, but she stopped. "Don't hate her. I'm not telling you she hasn't done bad things, but just know she did it for her family." Utau said walking away.

Utau's Pov

I left the roof and called Kukai. He stayed at home with Amu. Ami was here, but she was sent back to Kyoto. Lulu called this morning saying Ami made it there safe and that she's taking care of her. "How is she?" I asked. "She's normal. That's what's scaring me." I can't disagree with him. "Keep an eye on her. I'll come back soon." I said.

"is she eating?" I asked. "She's not. I gave her a juice box, but she only drinks half. Saki is traumatized. I don't think she should be going out for a long time." I had to agree. I leaned against the wall. "Keep an eye on them and I'll keep an eye on Ikuto. Make sure the barrier is us. If he knows, who knows how many other hunters in the area know." I said.

The bell rang and I groaned. "I'll call later. Text me if anything happens." I said hanging up and heading to class. I sat down, but all I could think about was Amu, and how she's dealing with everything. She said she has feelings for him, but she's not ready to admit to them. I love that chick to death, but she better make up her mind before someone makes it up for her.

After school, I was just about to leave, but Ikuto stopped me. I looked up at him. "I don't care what Amu is, or who she is." I crossed my arms. "I know how her mind works. Now that she told you, she's ready to fight. She's strong-willed. She won't give up until she's dead." I said.

His face said he really didn't care what Amu was. "Kukai is just like her. She's just stronger. If you can accept him, really accept him, then maybe I'll believe you about accepting Amu." I said grabbing my stuff and heading towards the front entrance and went home. 

"Do you think it'll work out?" I looked at Iru then back in the direction I was going. "We're just going to have to wait and see. Kairi won't tell us every time. If he did, what's the fun in life?" I said running up the hill and before I knew it, I was home. I took a deep breath and opened the door. 

To protect her Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang