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I slipped out of bed before she woke up and went to make breakfast. I could cook when I tried to, it was just that I was lazy. Every once in a while it was good to make a full meal, though most times I had no one to share it with.

I gathered pancake mix from the pantry and all the ingredients I needed to make it. I plugged in the waffle maker so it could heat up while I mixed the batter. The instructions said to wait till the light was green then flip it. As that cooked I whisked some eggs for an omelet, which would have tomatoes, onions, cheese, and ham. Behind me, Nique put her finger in some batter and licked it.

"Funny how you slapped my hand the other day for that," I said. She sat on the countertop next to the sink.

"Good morning to you, too," she replied. I let the onions and tomatoes cook a little bit before I added everything else. I went to the freezer to pull out the last thing I needed to complete this breakfast. "Bacon or sausage?"

I was already in the mood for bacon and she just confirmed it. She passed me a separate pan so I could fry it in there. The waffles were ready so I flipped them and set those down on a plate then poured more batter for some more. The onions were brown which meant I could pour the eggs in. I put in the ham along with a little bit of salt and pepper.

"Well look at you," Nique chuckled.

"Whatever. Pass me that bacon," she tossed it to me and I got started cooking it. I jumped back before the hot grease could pop me. Then I flipped the omelette and turned the stove off. Once again the light on the waffle maker was green, so I flipped it and put it on a plate.

"Jaylen you got way too much going on. I'll set the plates though." She limped over to the cabinet nearest to me.

"Whatchu doing? It's a stack of plastic plates over there. Plus you not even supposed to be standing. Please sit the fuck down," I said.

She smacked, but limped over to the couch. I placed her omelette and waffles followed by the bacon on the plate. I got her a fork, knife, and syrup and took it to where she was sitting.

"Jaylen, did I ever tell you how much I love food? You the best, forreal," she pulled me down for a hug.

"Told you I gotchu'."

I went back in to fix my plate and grab water for the both of us. "Did I do good?" D nodded and tore a piece of bacon off and put it in her mouth. I dug in, too, also enjoying it.

"So where we going first today?" I asked. She took a gulp of water before replying.

"We gotta get my stuff before it gets dark, but before that I gotta get this checked out." She already had her knee propped up on a pillow. I've never really had a sports injury and didn't know how it felt.

"What was your fastest time, anyways?" I asked.

"10.5 in the 100, 23.1 in the 200," she smirked obviously proud. She should be, those were fast ass times. If any school knew this, she'd get a full ride. I'd have to convince her to get back into it, especially since both of us had no one to pay our college tuition; we needed scholarships.

"Damn, Nique. You gotta start running again," I said. She shrugged it off and kept eating her food. "I might. That just really depends..."

"On what?" I asked. Like I said, D really ain't have any extra stuff on the side. She was smart and did a lot of community service but that was it. Monroe didn't have much to offer but sports so most of the students were just like that.

"I'll tell you my terms and conditions later. Go get ready so we can leave, shits bothering me," Nique pointed at her knee. I put both of our plates in the sink.

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