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"Why we don't ever go to your place? My house is tired," I whined. Since Sydney and I have become better friends, she always wanted to be here instead of there. Even though I really don't know where there is.

Plus, I'm getting fed up with this damn house. And that boy.

Speaking of Jaylen, I think she has a thing for him. It is creepy as hell, but she's my friend. If she wanted me to know she would tell me. That may be why she likes to be over here so much. It does smell like him, and sometimes he'll come through while we're chilling in my room. When she hears that door open, she always wanna come downstairs and just stare.

Part of me feels like I'm just being extra. He isn't my boyfriend, and right now he isn't even talking to me. For what, I don't know. I keep asking him wassup, but the responses are dry and we barely even talk. It's like something changed and I don't know what. I thought after everything we would be closer. I thought he wanted to, I don't know.

I've already asked Wren if he's good or if there's something else that's up, but she says he hasn't said anything. So Imma cool on it and give him some time. Sooner or later we're gonna have to talk because we do live in the same house.

"Because you guys always have food. And I'm broke," she grabbed some juice out of the fridge and got out a glass.

"If you broke you better use that plastic cup because who ain't washing that is me." I hopped off the counter and turned something on for us to watch.

Kofi on Queen Sugar took all of our attention for about thirty minutes. "D, yunno prom is coming up." I nodded. I didn't have nobody to go with, even though I know who I wanted to go with.

"Yeah, and what about it?"

"We ain't got no dresses."

"We good. It's like three months out," I replied.

She facepalmed herself. "Dummy! That means we already late. We might as well just show up in some fucking rags if you thinking like that. We should have been started looking."

"I'on like getting dressed up," I responded truthfully. I like comfort, not glamour. I could be cute sometimes but nothing too much.

If you asked me last year I would have told you that I wasn't going to nobody prom. But the way people are talking about it is making me excited. "Bitch you goin' to have to get over that. We not coming to play, period."

I laughed at her seriousness. It took me a while to get used to her personality. She was very different from me. Too damn bold, funny, and loud at times. But Sydney was cool people. Hanging out with her every day for the past month has been some cool shit. I've seen a thing or two.

"Yeah we can go look around tomorrow" I said, scrolling through my phone. Jay still had not texted me since last week, he hasn't called me, nothing. But he did have something up on his Instagram story. I clicked on his face at the top of my screen to watch it. It was him in the car with some new niggas he met. It was some girls in the back, too. I couldn't really tell what was going on.

Hopefully he was making good decisions, and not being a fucking idiot.

"Alright. But Domonique, don't be mad at me."

I was confused. "What you mean?"

Sydney had a guilty ass look on her face. "What the hell did you do?"

"I might have invited some people over."

I stared at her like she was dumb. "And why the fuck would you do that?" I don't know the first thing about having a party or kickback. If that's what this even is. I literally don't talk to anyone else so who is even coming?

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