26- Protectors (/)(*)(+)

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Captain America: The Winter Soldier was epic- everyone go see it. I wrote the majority of this chapter listening to the soundtrack

Chapter Twenty Six- Protectors

~Thea' POV~

Dinner is loud and rowdy, exactly what I had imagined an Asgardian dinner to be like. Thor, Fandral, and Volstagg entertain the rather large crowd with stories of their adventures in the nine realms, which attract raging reviews. I laugh alongside Leah and Jane, who are beside me. Sif is on the other side of me, but I do not really engage her in conversation. I try not to really think about Loki's words towards me earlier, but they sting me nonetheless

Leah begins to yawn even though it isn't too late yet, but Jane looks at me with a smile, "I'm going to take her to bed. Would you like to come?"

I glance at Thor, and then nod. Jane picks Leah up and together, we slip out of the dining hall and into the quiet corridors of the palace. We pass a few guards and servants but other than that, we are alone.

By the time we reach Leah's room, she has fallen into a light sleep, her head resting on Jane's shoulder. Jane lies her down on the bed and then covers her up. I help tuck in the edges and adjust the soft, fluffy pillows. I notice Jane watching me, but I don't really pay attention to her.

Looking down at Leah, sleeping and dreaming peacefully, I wonder what the future will bring for us. We no longer have a home, and no family that I know of, except for Darcy, but everyone knows she couldn't possibly take care of us. My sister's innocence hurts me a little, because even though she is subject to the terrors we are now facing, she isn't responsible for the life of someone else, like I am.

"You knew my parents."

The statement comes out of my mouth before I can stop it. Jane pauses from where she is blowing out the several candles near the bed and looks up at me. Her large, inquisitive eyes are full of sadness.

Sighing, she stands up and beckons out of the room. I kiss Leah's cheek softly and we leave her breathing peacefully in a blessed sleep.

Jane sits down on a bench across the hall from Leah's room, and near mine. "You got my letter, didn't you?"

I shrug, not trusting myself to speak even though I had sworn to myself that I would not cry when this moment came.

Jane looks away for a moment, takes a deep breath and says painfully, "They were my best friends. We met freshman year in college, all of us. I knew your father first, and that's how he met your mother."

I nod- I'd already known this. When I had asked, my mom had told me that she and dad had met through a mutual friend in college.

"Your parents were curious. Too curious at some points, I suppose." A wry smile crosses her lips. "In New Mexico, around the same time I met Thor, your parents told me they discovered something, something dangerous. I think it has something to do with the Imeldi. But what they found scared them, and that's when Erik and Angela stopped their astrological work- well, the real deal anyway."

I wince at my parents' names, then hesitate, biting my lip. Jane sighs again. "You need to understand that your parents loved you and Leah very much."

"I know." I say sharply. I'm tired of people telling me that. I'm not foolish enough to see past the love that my parents gave me for my entire life. Well my entire life until this chaotic, crazy month.

Jane seems to see that this upset me, because she hurries one, "They never told me what they discovered. I think they just stopped. Did the letter say anything about it?"

Blue Moon| Book 1 | An Avengers fan fiction series| *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now