~Chapter 13~

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AN: Hello, wonderful people! Hope summer is treating all of you super well! ^_^

I'm again sorry for the long wait! In a pure me way, I spent a lot of my summer days nursing a pesky cold. Again. Combine that with not knowing how to write out a chapter though you have the ideas for it (apparently it can happen, oops), and you get a mess. *crossed fingers* The next update should be up soon-ish. :)

If you like the chapter, leave some love please :D.

Your Fearsome Hamster

The bell of Mr. Fredor's library rang out, startling Margo from yet another gripping romance of hers. Ah, just when the viscount was going to confess his undying love...She reluctantly raised her eyes from the book. No one was waiting in the library's foyer. Strange. She climbed down the flight of stairs and opened the wooden door. It let out a loud screech, making her wince. Mr. Fredor needed to have it fixed. 

Outside, the stone paved street was deserted, but for a stray cat who rummaged endlessly through some bits left probably by the butcher's down the road. Margo stepped over the threshold and squinted in the distance while holding the shawl closer to her shivering form. Fog was heavy that morning. The fire lit lamps on the street were long extinguished by the frigid wind of November. Looking left and right did not reveal the identity of whom had visited earlier. 

Few people in town faced the cruel weather of the coming winter, and even fewer did so for a book. She sighed. I don't know why I keep hoping for customers. Just when she was about to close the door, a mewing sound was heard. She jumped slightly.

Looking down, she saw the culprit with the big yellow eyes. The vagabond feline was rubbing itself on her dress, stopping every couple of moments to look up at her and mew for attention. However, it was not the fluffy cat who made her heart beat faster in trepidation.

A small piece of parchment laid on the library's doorstep. Innocuous in appearance, but threatening in message. She bent to take it with shaking hands.

Those who choose evil, have only one salvation. Death. Choose wisely.

Margo disbelievingly read it a couple of times. Who could have written this sick joke? She turned the paper over searching for a name. Nothing. Surely, it ought to be just a morbid prank probably pulled by young boys. Maybe it was not even meant for her, but for poor Mr. Fredor, the librarian the children liked to tease for his unconventional taste for the supernatural. She crumpled the message in her hands. Her eccentric old owner did not need this.

Mewing was heard again. The grey cat raised one of its paws, its long claws slightly scraping her legs. 

But what if this has to do with the damned creature from the cemetery?  Cold lead filled her veins. No, Margo, do not even go down that path, this has no–

"I did not know you were a cat person, Margo," a familiar male voice suddenly said.

She yelped. The stray feline yelped as well, quickly dashing though the library's shelves far in the  back. Sneaky animal. Still holding a hand on her heart, Margo turned to face the unexpected guest.

"What did I tell about startling me, Benjamin Verant," she crossed her arms, tapping her shoe in a show of amused irritation. 

"To never do it again," he smirked.

"Exactly. And what did you just do?" She fought to keep her expression neutral.

Her Cursed Monster (Mad Protector Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now