Part Five: Serenity

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I-I did it... I saved a land-lover!

I sat on the top of a smoothed over rock, looking up at the watery sky that's when my thoughts began to replay what happened... The images that replayed the most were of when I saw the large thing get brought down into my home, right in front of me.

I was swimming around, trying to find something... Anything that could help me to show my father, my home to show them that I can protect myself outside the barrier, suddenly as I was about to come close to the outer-skirts of the city limits, a large thing came crashing down from the higher sky, right in front of me, only to be followed by debris that came down in fast.

"Ah! W-What the-" I was cut off by a loud, roar-ish screech come from a little bit aways, now seeing... Him. The great beast my mother and father told me about, b-but those are just stories to scare guppies... Right? I watched from a safe distance, hidden behind a large rock that was standing planted in the sand.

I watched as suddenly a... Thing, came crashing down from the higher sky. I could see this red cloud slowly forming around it, I could tell that it was starting to panic... I moved to where I could see better, that's when I noticed the beast was feasting down on the other things that had fell from the higher sky.

That's when I noticed the beast turned towards the thing that was frantically trying to swim towards the higher sky, that's when I moved closer towards it, now seeing that it was struggling with it's injury. Seeing this... Something inside of me, almost as if it was instinctive.

I swam quickly towards him, grabbing him under his arms and then, I saw.. The large red cloud puffing from the water around it's tail... Tails? I looked down at it's legs with curiosity, that's when I felt something grip my hair and pull, making some bubbles come out of my mouth as I gasp as my head is brought forward, the thing looked up and saw my face.

We both gazed at each other, only for his, I assumed it was a he, head bobbed downwards, looking down where the red smoke poured out of his tail, that's when he must've noticed mine, only for his head to drop. I went wide-eyed as I quickly swam towards the cove to where I saved him...

Once I came back from my thoughts, I found myself already at the higher sky and going past it's barrier... I popped my head out of the skys' barrier and looked around. Slowly, I moved to where I was hidden when I heard some loud laughing and screaming, frightened I moved to where a rock hid me.

I stayed there when I noticed some children go running by but that's when a little girl, smaller than the ones that ran past me before her. She slowed to a stop, looking around as she sat down by the edge of the water, her small feet gently splashing the water that surrounded them.

Slowly I moved around from the rock, that's when the little girl gasped and got up, hiding behind a large rock that was on the land. My lips formed an 'o' as I noticed that she was... Scared. I moved closer towards the edge and sent her a small smile, along with a small wave.

"Come on, you can come out. I won't let her hurt you, I promise.. See." I smiled, lifting both of my hands up to show I didn't have anything as I rested my elbows against the earth as I slowly raised my blue tail, showing the glistening scales as I watched her eyes fill with wonder.

Slowly she moved closer, sitting a little bit aways as I sent a smile. "Hi there, my names Serenity, what's your name..?" I ask, as I waited the water with my tail as her eyes followed it some as she looked at me, her lips now coming into a smile.

"H-Hi, my names Kiki.. W-What are you?" She asks, her lips still in a smile as she moved somewhat closer. I gave her a large smile.

"Hello, Kiki... And oh, well, if I tell you, you can't tell anyone alright... It'll be our little secret." I smile as I lifted my hand up, along with my pinky as she gave it a sour look, only to hold up her own pinky and lace it with my own. That's when a flash of light flashed in my mind, as I saw what seemed a house burning.. A night sky overtaken by the black flames filling the starry night as I heard a loud scream, "mommy!"

I shook my head and looked at the small girl before me, her face reading confused as I pulled my pinky away slowly. I sent her a small smile and cleared my throat. So.. she has no family?

"Well you see, Kiki... I'm a princess of a kingdom that is waaaay down there..." I paused, moving my hand and pointing down past the higher sky's surface. The girls' eyes lit up with wonder and happiness and with that... I felt this sudden ping in my chest, right where my heart is.

"Oooh, y-you're a princess of the विषम जानवर, or the venomous beast... At least, that's what our Elder calls you all.." She gawked, as I raised an eyebrow along with scrunching my nose slightly. Venomous beast..? Is that what we are to the "land-lovers'" call us..?

"Yes, well, we like to be called Mercadonians. Or mermaids, as many would say. But, tell me this Kiki.. Did you land-lovers' find a man here ealier today..?" I ask, as she tilts her head some with a weird smile.

"You mean "the chosen one?" Mhmm, our Elder took him into his cottage not that long ago for questioning. After he woke up from the rest he was in, he mentioned something of a beast and.." Kiki paused, looking back at my tail as her eyes grew wide.

"Y-You're the one who healed him.. And made him the chosen one! This is great I have to tell Elder!" Kiki shouted, as she rose from her sitting area than began to run away from the small cove that I hid in. I went wide-eyed quickly swimming around the area and following her close.

Just as a village area came into sight, I jumped out of the water and somewhat tackled her. I held her against my chest as I looked around, making sure no one noticed us. I turned her around and held her shoulders, making sure we had eye contact.

"Kiki, please, listen to me... You can't tell anyone, and I mean ANYONE about me... Plus, you promised me you wouldn't, Kiki.. People will hurt my people and once I become queen of Mercadoia I'll have to protect those people with my life... They are my people and I can't let them just... Get hurt because of me." I quietly say, as I rub my thumbs over her shoulders trying to relax her.

Kiki looked at me with slightly teary eyes, I could tell what I told her slightly bothered her and made her think more. That's when she nodded slowly, a small smile appearing on her face.

"O-Okay, I promise that I won't tell anyone... But, what about that man..? Can I tell him?" Kiki asks as I look into her light grey eyes. I bit my lip some as I splashed my tail lightly trying to get my body a little wet since I was still on land. I sighed as I noticed the sun was beginning to go down.

"Tell him to meet me at the cove tomorrow night, when the moon rises. Now, Kiki I must go... I have my own adventures to go on, you go have fun and don't forget our little promise." I smile as I wave to her, her small hand waving towards me as I found my way back into the ocean, diving into the shallow waters only to quickly take off towards the deeper waters.

Now.. Trying to figure out how to meet him without freaking him out about this... 

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