Part Thirty-Five: Lowell

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  Splotches came into view as my eyes slowly opened as I groaned and slowly sat up as I looked around to see that I was surrounded by empty cells, and the keys laying on my chest. Slowly I pushed myself up onto my elbow and looked around when I heard a the shouting and cheering of a large crowd from up above.

Frowning my brows together I slowly pushed myself up from the cement, gathering my sword-sleeve as I noticed that my sword was missing; as I made my way up the stairs, that's when I noticed the citizens running around, most of them rushing into the castles' courtyard. Taking one of my hands I rubbed the back of my head gently as I looked around and saw the Altona guards had multiplied while I was unconscious.

"I suppose the evil queen is on her way... Damn, there might not be enough time." I spat as I inhaled deeply and took off towards the castle, pushing past people who stood in my way. That's when a figure caught my attention thus making me spin on my tail to see- Cedric.

"My king!" I called out as I quickly swam towards him as he turned towards me with a large grin on his face. I couldn't help but slightly grimace at this look.

"Ah, my dear boy isn't today a... A lovely day for a wedding no?" Cedric smiled widely as I arched a brow at him... He's acting... Strange, stranger than normal, might I add.

"Yes, it is, my king... But Cedric there is a problem- Christopher got out of the cell." I spoke lowly as he eyes suddenly filled with anger and startled look as he grabbed my shoulder and took me off away from the crowd. I could tell that some people were giving us some funny looks as I glanced around.

"What do you mean he got out?! Lowell, you were supposed to be keeping watch of him!" Cedric somewhat spat as I glanced away; feeling somewhat sheepish as I sighed and nodded taking up the blame for my mistake- that's when the loud, allowing church bells began to ring.

"We will talk about this mistake later- I want nothing, and I mean nothing at this wedding to go wrong." He hissed some as he looked around as we both noticed that the crowd had almost vanished completely.

"And do what, sir?"

"Find him and-" Cedric paused as I looked up at him with somewhat scared eyes, I knew how much Serenity actually cared for this man... Now, her father was about to decide his fate- it being life or death.

"And?" I swallowed a mouthful of spit.

"And kill him."

Cedric's voice sounded so... So hard and vile as he turned away and went into the castles' main room as he moved past all of the guests and ontop of the stairwell as he shouted out among the people, "Hello my citizens! Thank you all for coming to this grand celebration of my daughter, Princess Serenity and the prince of Altona, Berwin!"

The people began to shout and cheer as he grinned down at them, I stood off to the side with my arms crossed over my chest as I felt my lips turn into a frown and my eyes squinting when I noticed someone walking along the upper level towards the ceremonial room.

Frowning my brows as I swam off away from the crowd, I went off towards the ceremonial room when I saw- "Seren-" I began to shout out, yet I held back when I noticed someone drop down into the darkness as they floated away to the shadows and sticking to them as I watched from the doorway that was somewhat lightened by the sunlight.

"Who's there?" Serenity's voice sounded strained and choked back, as somewhat sniffles as the person moved out of the shadows and there stood- "Christopher?" Her voice shook as she pushed herself up from the floor and quickly swam over towards him as she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head into his necks' crook.

- Serenity -

"I..I thought my father had you thrown into the dungeon, how did you escape?" My voice continued to crack and strain itself as I held tightly onto Christopher as if some force would come to take him from my grasp- but I won't let that happen... Not again.

"He did... And I think he wants me dead because of this stupid arrangement, and your friend, Lotus? She helped me escape and we have a plan, but for now, I want you to understand something Serenity-" Chris paused as one of his hands slowly reached up and caressed my cheek as a single tear slipped past my wide open eyes.

"Just know that I will do anything- and I mean anything to undo this, or to take you away from it all." His voice whispered as he pressed his forehead against my own, both of us closing our eyes as I allowed a shaking breath to escape my slightly parted lips.

"Then, take me with you when you leave, Christopher! I just... I just want to be with you." My bottom lip quivered as I stared up into his gorgeous eyes through my thick black eyelashes as I moved my head to where it gently rested against his shoulder as Chris gave a small chuckle before taking my chin in his index finger and thumb, thus making me looking up at him with teary eyes, once more.

"I want to be with you, too, Serenity... And alright." He smiled greatly as I looked up at him with shock.

"R..Really? Christopher, let's go- Now, we can be together forever, then." I whispered as I reached up and placed my hand on his cheek and rubbed my thumb over a small scar that I hadn't noticed before. I squinted my eyes as I felt my lips turn into a wide grin.

Suddenly I felt myself leaning in as I noticed that Christopher was also... My dark eyes darted to his dark and mysterious, yet loving eyes then to his thick, rose-ish blush lips as his own did the same before we both finally met in the middle... Our lips intertwined as I found my hands finding their way to the back of his head as I grasped his thick hair in one fist while the other stayed wrapped around his neck. His own hands had found their way to be wrapped around my waist while the other tangled itself in my long, thick black hair.

That's when a loud shout came from the doorway as this made Christopher push my figure behind him as I grabbed his shoulder and somewhat dug my fingertips into his flesh as he held his arm out as if to protect me...

"Lowell? Lowell, what are you doing!?" I shouted as I moved some out from behind Chris, yet stayed near him as Lowell moved closer- I could see that his eyes held anger.

"What am I doing?! Need I remind you that you are the one getting married today, actually right now so that our kingdom doesn't fall into the ground but here you are wanting to run away with this... This bastard!" Lowell shouted as Chris scoffed as I grabbed his arm and held him back from trying to attack Lowell.

"I never agreed to this marriage, Lowell. Besides Berwin just wants our kingdom for power and to control the sea! And don't you dare call him that! What has gotten into you? I thought you cared for me like a sister!"

"That doesn't matter, anymore, what matters is you're getting married right now to Berwin of Altona and there's nothing that anyone- not even Christopher could do about it! And yes... That's before I found out that you were selfish... A selfish twat."

My eyes went wide as I stared at the man I thought I knew as a brother... Slowly I shook my head and felt my eyes begin to burn- not with tears, like they had before when I was enraged; reopening my eyes slowly, my vision had become this milky white as I looked at Lowell and felt Chris's hand being gently placed on my shoulder as I cleared my throat and began to speak,

"You're a fool, Lowell. I did not agree to the marriage, nor did my father have my consent on giving away my hand.. I've fallen in love with this man named, Christopher and he, if he will have me... I will give myself to him and if I need, I will kill Berwin and all of those tyrants of Altona-"

My voice sounded that of Irene when the large double doors slammed open to reveal the queen of Altona, Veronica-


"Hello, deary. Now... Who's ready to get hitched!"  

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