Part Twelve: Christopher

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Something isn't... Right. Why do I feel so... Weird?

I waited in my hut for Sebastian since Kiki had mentioned something about him wanting me to wait for him. Kiki had mentioned something about the thing being something that I, "would like to see." Whatever that means.

While waiting I grabbed a glass of whiskey that I found from the wreckage that washed up on the beach. As I brought the sweaty glass up to my lips, Sebastian came through the front door; nearly giving me a heart attack. I choked some on the liquid and sat the glass down as I coughed.

"Dude, what the fu-" I started to rant when a girl wrapped up in Sebastian's sleep shirt walked in behind him. My eyes went wide as I watched her stand behind him, her head looking down at the ground while one of her arms hung tightly onto her other. She looked so... Cute, beautiful even...

"Um, you stay here... I need to talk to my friend here." Sebastian turned to the girl as one of his hands rubbed the back of his neck. She slowly nodded and moved to where some pictures hung on the wall, my eyes followed as her body swayed away.

Suddenly Sebastian pulled me into the guest bedroom that the small hut held, closing the door behind us as I turned towards him. His eyes holding slight anger, along with annoyance I couldn't help but smirk as he rubbed his face with both hands.

"So, can I ask why you brought a girl to my house?" I stifled a laugh as he looked at me annoyed still, as he fell backward into a chair at the small table in the room. I moved to where I was across from him, my back pressed against the wall as I stared at him.

"Let's just say, the Elder told me to bring her to you because you ain't got that long to live..." He slightly scoffed as I raised a questioning eyebrow with a frown on my lips.

"What are you talking about? I'm fine, it's not like the scar can get infected.." I scoffed as he stood up and opened the door to reveal the girl with her back to us, the shirt was slightly up but it didn't show anything below.

"Yeah, but he said that this girl, this random girl that I risked my life for- Is the only one that can save you." He spat, I looked at him with a questionable look as he rolled his eyes and closed the door, quickly but quietly as he turned back towards me.

"That doesn't make any sense, S. The Elder guy, he doesn't know what happened when I got this scar! Hell, I don't even know!" I yelled as he turned his back towards me, running a hand through his hair as I sighed. I moved to where I could see his face as he looked at me.

"Whatever that old... Coot told you, isn't true! I'm fine! See-" I paused, turning in a 360 to show my whole body that I was fine. Sebastian gave me this weird look as he gave a small chuckle, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he rolled his eyes.

"I can see that you're physically fine, but what about mentally? Any PDS? Or anything like that?" He asks I could tell that he was actually concerned as I shook my head; my hair slightly falling into my hair as I gave a chuckle. Though.. I get kept up at night by the sight of that beast and the... The girl.

Suddenly my eyes went wide as I turned towards the door and opened it, now looking at the girl as she looked quickly towards us. Our eyes met as we both just stood there, slowly I walked out of the room as she walked into the middle of the living room.

Sebastian walked out and I could see his lips moving, but I couldn't hear his voice. It seemed everything just left the world and it was only us two. Once I reached her, I started to circle her; studying her. T-The blue tail was now replaced with two gorgeously tanned legs...

"S-Sebastian, where did you find her?" I ask not even looking up from her as she watched my every move. I could tell that she was getting scared. Just as Sebastian was about to answer, her mouth opened and she what sounded like a whisper said, "where we met..."

I looked down into her dark, black eyes as she looked up into my hazel ones. My lips curled into a smile as I stepped closer, her body slightly slinked backward but as I stepped somewhat closer she stayed put. I reached up slowly as I moved a piece of hair that fell into her face, back behind her ear.

"Chris? What are you doing?" Sebastian asks moving to where he could see both of our faces, I turned to look at him as she looked down and away to where he couldn't see her.

"This is her... The girl that wanted to meet me, the one that Kiki told us about." I smiled brightly as he went wide eyed and slightly blushed, rubbing the back of his neck and moving his eyes to where they were looking up at the ceiling. I went to look at her again, when suddenly I felt this pain shoot through my legs.

I moved away from her as I stumbled backward and fell into the small sofa that laid against the back wall. Both of them looked up with startled eyes. They both moved closer, the girl dropping to her knees as she grabbed my hand and started to study the area around my scar where these weird... Silver scales started to form.

"W-What the- Gah!" I started but a small scream of pain left my mouth. Sebastian threw his hand over my mouth as he looked down at her and snarled. He was angry...

"What the hell did you do to him?!" I went to grab his wrist and growl at him, but I was in so much pain that I couldn't do anything but lay there in great pain. The pain I was feeling felt like someone was taking a large sledgehammer and slamming it against my bone, tryint to grind them to dust.

This burning sensation in my lungs started up a little after I fell against the couch. My free hand slammed against my chest as I tried to suck in air, trying to calm the feeling of suffication.. But nothing was working, I could feel my eyes becoming heavier as I tried to yell, talk, scream something! But nothing was working...

"I didn't do anything to him, you shark!" She screamed, unsettling sharp fangs showing making Sebastian show his hands in surrender. Her face read frustrated until she looked up at me and her eyes read, fear... Suddenly she was gone and grabbing hold of Sebastian's wrist, pulling him towards me.

"Pick him up and help me!" She ordered, quickly he obeyed and picked me up like a bride, which was embarrassing as much. I felt my lungs becoming strained as I pulled at my throat, my eyelids becoming heavier as I felt the sudden rush of wind brushing past my face...

That's when my body was developed in water... 

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