Part Fourteen: Serenity

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 I could tell that those words leaving my lips had hurt Christopher... He just stared up at me with wide eyes, all while Sebastian stood there with his mouth open wide and his arms crossed over his chest. Anger was brewing from off of Sebastian as I stood there with tense muscles.

"Serenity, right, well, excuse me here buuuut, are you f***ing serious?!" Sebastian yelled, moving closer towards me making my eyes grow wide and they began to burn as if someone had thrown hot, salty water inside of them making them burn.

I went to step backward but my back collided with the damp sand, suddenly a loud splash happened and the next thing I know, there's Christopher was standing there in front of me, his tail replaced with legs as I stared up at his bare backside; my cheeks became this weird... Hot feeling.

A red color filling my face as I quickly looked away. The burning sensation had left my eyes as Christopher moved towards Sebastian, who was covering his eyes with one of his hands as he turned his head towards the ocean as I also quickly looked away. W-Why is my heart pounding so fast..?

"Sebastian. Chill. She's just giving out ideas, it's not like she is really thinking about leaving-" Chris stops and looks over his shoulder at me, his face reading upset.

"Are you..?" His voice seemed to be in a whisper, I couldn't help but just stare at him. My heart was still pounding while my cheeks were a heated flavor. I slowly shook my head, not wanting to say anything in case my voice would break either in embarrassment or just being upset.

Quickly Chris nods, turning back towards Sebastian as he grumbles under his breath. He looks over his hand, now seeing that Chris is still... Bare.

"Can you please put some pants or at least some underwear on before everyone else wakes up and sees you..." He spat as he moved his eyes to where he was looking up at the sky. Chris gave a small laugh as he moved past Sebastian back towards his small hut where he was living.

I laid there for a second, trying to gather myself as I sucked in a deep breath through my teeth as Sebastian finally turned towards me, I could tell that he was tense about the whole thing. Slowly he moved towards me, I looked away feeling my shoulders grow tense.

Suddenly, a hand appears in front of me as I looked up to see his hand extended towards me, I slowly took it as he helped me up as I began to brush the mud like sand off of my back and backside. I looked up at Sebastian since he stood about a foot above me, towering me almost.

Sebastian rubs the back of his neck, a small sigh leaving his nose as he looked around trying to not meet my eyes as I rubbed my left arm, feeling this sudden anxious feeling beginning to form inside my stomach. I crossed my arms over my chest and just as I was about to walk away, a hand wrapped around my wrist and held me in place.

I looked back to see Sebastian standing there holding my wrist as I looked at him with wide eyes.

"S-Sebastian..?" My voice whispered as I felt my heart start to pound hard against my chest, I couldn't help feel slightly afraid since what just happened only seconds before this... Sebastian looked up at me, his eyes somewhat watery looking as he released a breath that sounded like he was holding forever.

"Don't let anything bad happen to him... Please." His voice slightly broke as I felt my own eyes grow watery, I slowly closed them and sucked in a deep breath nodding as I reopened them to see him release my wrist and start walking back towards the small hut.

I stood there, starting to walk the same way only to look back over my shoulder and feel this... Urge to jump into the water and swim away, to leave and find the comfort inside my mother's and father's arms... To hear them say it's alright and not have to worry about anything else in the world... But, the only thing wrong with that fantasy is that... I can't go back and I can't have my mother...

- Adam -

Everything is going to Hell. I was supposed to just come here find those two morons and take them home, but now I'm stuck on this stupid Fiji Island because that bastard of a boat man left with the other tourists. Gah, of course... I just had to be the only one left on the main land.

I walked along the edge of the beach, my hands resting on the back of my neck. The sun had risen higher into the sky, making the heat of the world seem to jump alive. I had pulled off my sleep shirt while I was walking and stuff it into my back pocket. While walking this weird feeling suddenly crept up from my stomach, the aching feeling.

The gentle crashing of the waves against the rocks made me take a deep breath from the salty air. The small spray of salty air went up onto my face as I looked past the shallow waters. Suddenly I saw this large... Abyss just off of the shore, I couldn't help but move a little closer to the edge.

That's when a rock slipped out from under my footing. My body hurled towards the ocean, the salty water covering my body like a blanket on a child. I opened my eyes after I was developed in water as I went to start swimming up, I suddenly stopped when I met a pair of hazel met my own.

Suddenly, a pair of lips slammed against my own as air entered my lungs making me take more air in. She then pulled away and went wide eyed, suddenly swimming away that's when I saw the amber, beige colored... Tail. I shook my head and started to swim back up towards the surface.

"What the hell-" I started only to hear Chris and Sebastian yelling for me to get out of the water... That "Visin" was coming closer towards land, which I don't even know who that was.... Until I saw it. The large fin sticking out of the water. The beast... 

I started to swim away back towards the shore, that's when I felt a large wave come from behind me. Pushing me back towards the shore, I looked back over my shoulder to see a scared eye from the over side of the wave, the dark black pupil staring into my soul... That's when I saw the women sitting on top of the large beast...

"Jesus... What have I gotten myself into...?" ​​​​​​​

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