Part Seventeen: Sebastian

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We were all just standing there in the living room of Chris's hut, I was about to ask Serenity a question when she sprinted outside, which is weird considering she could barely walk just like a toddler. I looked at Chris as he looked at me, that's when we both quickly sprinted after her.

That's when we saw her standing at the edge of the small cliff that was outside the hut. She was screaming down to... "Adam.," I whispered as Chris looked at me and looked where Serenity was looking, he had just resurfaced but... He wasn't breathing heavily like I was when I went down to save Serenity.

"Get out of the water! Visin's coming!" She continued to scream but Chris grabbed her shoulders making her face him, she looked scared... Why the hell is she scared?!

"Serenity, why are you screaming at him?!" Chris asked, somewhat harshly as she pushed away from him and pointed out on the water, that's when I saw the top of a large fin rip past the surface of the sea...

"Oh, shi-" I started but that's when both Serenity and Chris started to yell at Adam, and I quickly joined in. With all of us yelling this caught his attention when he looked over to us he looked- Dazed..? I shook off the weird feeling and motioned for him to climb onto the land.

Just as he was about to reach the land, a large wall of water shot up out of the water. We all went wide-eyed as we stumbled back some, watching as the large beast, or Visin take off towards the West. I felt my body relax when suddenly Serenity backed up, I looked over my shoulder thinking she was going back to the hut... I was way wrong.

The next thing I knew, her body went flying by Chris and me, her body becoming developed by the water. I went wide eyed as I watched her petite figure change into her mermaid form and take off towards the way that Visin went in. "Oh my God, are you kidding-" I started to yell when Chris suddenly jumped in.

My face read shocked as I watched his own body take form and swim quickly after her. I sat there with my mouth slightly open and my arms out as I slammed one of my hands against my forehead.

"I swear to God, they are going to keep that up... And here I am, talking to myself... God give me strength with these two..." I sighed, as I went down the large cliff meeting up with Adam halfway as he looked drained. I got closer and put my arm under his armpits and one of his own over my shoulders as I walked to my hut.

"Hold on bud, we'll get you fixed up.."

- Adam-

I was short of breath but I wasn't breathing heavily, it felt like my lungs were on fire... But, I could feel myself breathing fine... Gah, what is happening to me?!

Sebastian helped me to his hut as I sat on the couch as he got me a glass of water and as soon as it touched my hand I felt this weird... Shiver go up my spine. My hand felt someone had set it on fire, making me drop the glass suddenly. He looked at me with a slightly confused look as I went wide-eyed.

"Gah, I'm so sorry dude... Guess I'm still a little shaken up, um, where's your bathroom?" I coughed, clearing my throat. Sebastian arched one of his eyebrows and rubbed the back of his neck, I could tell he was slightly suspicious.

"Um, yeah, it's down the hall to the left." He mumbled as he gave a slight awkward cough as I rose from the sofa and quickly moved past him and rushed towards the bathroom, I closed and locked the door once I entered the small room now looking at myself in the mirror.

"Why does it feel like my skin is engulfed in flames?!" I whispered as I clenched tightly onto the sink as I sighed, looking down at my hands. Nothing... Seemed weird about them...I rubbed my eyes as I opened the door and called out to Sebastian.

"Hey, can I borrow some dry clothes..?" I ask, as he hollers back a quick, "Yeah," and disappeared from the living room. I closed the door and leaned against it, why do I feel so...

"Gah, forget it, Adam. You were just seeing things... None of that happened. Hopefully, a warm shower will help me." I sigh under my breath as I pull off my soaking shirt, feeling this sudden itchiness on my shoulder. Giving it a quick scratch I turned on the water, getting it right as Sebastian brought me the clothes.

"Thanks for this... Hey, I meant to ask what happened to Chris and that girl that was with you?" I ask, arching a brow as he moved his eyes to where they weren't meeting my own. One of his hands found their way into his jeans' pocket as his other found its way to the back of his neck.

"Oh, um, they went off towards this cove they found..." His voice trails some as he coughed.

"Alright... So, how does Chris know that girl..?" I ask, giving a small frown while crossing my arms over my chest. I don't know why but I've always been more protective of Chris than Sebastian, probably because he's younger than us both.

"Yeah, that's the girl that wanted to meet up with Chris that one at the Cove place... Hey, I'm going to go find us something to eat..." Sebastian quickly left the doorway and went towards the kitchen, I shook my head and rolled my eyes as I placed the clothes on the toilet and removed the rest of my soaking clothes.

I closed my eyes as I inhaled deeply, allowing the warm water to rush down my body. Suddenly the itching feeling from before returned, making me grunt in slight pain as I reached to where it was; that's when my legs gave out from under me...

I gave a slight yell as my body slammed against the small tubs' flooring. My eyes slowly fluttered open as I rubbed the back of my head that had made an impact with the showers' wall. Slightly shaking my head, I reopened my eyes as much as I could, thanks to the water.

"What the-" I started when my eyes settled on a dark blood red with large black stripes streaking across the top and bottom tail resting against the bright white walls of the tub, the ends of it hanging over the side as I stared at it with large eyes, whilst my lips hung open.

"I have a... Tail?" I whispered as I slightly moved it, watching the way it bent and moved just like my legs would. That's when I heard Sebastian banging on the door, his voice slightly muffled.

"Bro, hey, are you alright?" He shouted as I shook my head realizing that I have a f***ing tail?! Sebastian can't know... I quickly try to get up and slip over the edge of the tub, slamming my back somewhat against the ground making me grunt some.

"Uh, y-yeah! I'm good!" I shouted back, as I grabbed a towel and started to dry my body off. Somehow it actually worked, I quickly grabbed the clothes and pulled them on as I started to dog-shake dry my hair when I opened the door, revealing a slightly worried Sebastian.

"Hey, are you okay? I thought I heard you fall." He asks, crossing his arms over his chest as I shake my head and coughed some.

"Uh, no, I dropped the shampoo... Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." I rubbed the back of my head, where I could feel a small bump growing as I sent him a small smile. I can't tell him... He would go insane, hell, what would Chris say?! God, they wouldn't believe me anyway...

"So... What's for dinner?" 

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