Part Ten: Sebastian

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The night is coming to an end... I wonder how that whole date thing went with Christopher..?

I got up from the soft cot that was in my house just on the outline of the bay, near the cove where Chris was having his date... I sigh as I pull on my wallet, which I had to air dry which my money and such got ruined, thankfully the picture of my wife and son were fine... How? I have no idea...

I walked down the beachside, the wet sand squishing between my toes as I stuffed my hands into my pajamas' pockets; luckily the mud like sand couldn't touch the material. While walking I went past the cove area, I could tell that Chris has already left; but as I went walking past I heard this loud... Splashing sound?

The curiosity over taking me, I quickly jogged over and emerged from the large bushes that hid the cove away. That's when I saw a petite hand surfaced, but just as quickly as it appeared it went under the water. I went wide-eyed as I quickly went over to the edge and tried to grab hold of the wrist, only for it to slip away past the surface.

I clenched my jaw as I shook my head and quickly dove into the slightly freezing water. The water rushed through my body as my eyes settled upon a nude woman, her eyes closed while her lips hung open. The rushing waters seemed to drag her down further.

My lungs began to burn as I tried to swim quickly down to her, I reached forward grabbing hold of her hand. I pulled her small, yet heavy unconscious body towards my own as I frantically started to swim back up towards the surface. My eyes started to become heavy as I felt the burning feeling in my lungs become... Unbearable.

The heaviness of my eyelids started to take over, just as I was about to give up... My hand shot through the surface, my hand clenched tightly onto the rocks of the edge by the cove. I gripped at the sand and moss covered rock, pulled her unconscious, naked body along with my own body out of the freezing water.

I coughed and sputtered as water erupted out of my mouth, allowing me to take in a large breath. While continuing to cough, I looked over at the young woman quickly realizing that... She wasn't breathing.

"No, no, no... Damnit!" I groaned, it coming out and sounding like a cough as I climbed to where I could reach her. Now seeing that... She really was nude. Heat rushed to my face, as I shook my head now thinking that I have a job in this...

I moved her head to where I could start to give her CPR, after giving her a few breaths and pushes on her chest to help her, she quickly sat up and coughed up gulps of the cold, salty water. Her eyes snapped open as they searched around. I could tell that she was frightened...

"Hey, hey, hey, it's alright. You're safe, now." I held up my hands, showing I had nothing to threaten her with. She arched an eyebrow as she looked down and went wide-eyed.

"O-Of course, I'm frightened! N-Now, w-who in the name of Irene are you?! And w-why am I naked?!" She yelled as I stared at her... H-How did she..? Nevermind. I could tell that she was on the verge of tears... I moved a little farther away, pulling off my long-night shirt and handing it over to her.

"Here, take this, I understand that you must feel uncomfortable. But, my name is Sebastian and well, let's just say I just saved your life..." I gave a slight chuckle as she stared at me, her eyes read that she was frightened still. I backed up a little further, still sitting in the sand as she sighed.

"Can I ask for your name..?" I ask as a sudden awkward silence fell over us. The ocean tried to cover the silence but it did nothing. The girl looked at me from over her shoulder, her long black hair slightly draped over her pale-ish, tan-ish skin.

"Um... My name is Serenity. And you said that your name was um, Sebastian, right?" She asks, turning towards me that's when I noticed that my long shirt was thankfully long enough to cover her up fully. I sighed in relief as I stood and crossed my arms over my chest as she sat there. That's when I noticed that she began to shiver.

"Yeah, my name is Sebastian. Hmm, come on, we need to get you somewhere warm.." I mumble and started to walk away and as I went to say something, I looked over my shoulder and saw that she was still sitting on the ground.

"Um, are you alright?" I ask as she looks up at me, a small look of sadness overtook her face. Arching my eyebrow I went back towards her and crouched down next to her.

"N-No... I don't know how to use these... Weird tails." She whispered, looking down at her lap as I looked at her in confusion. I stood up and held out my hand, she looked up at my extended hand. One of her own eyebrows arched as one of her hands slowly reached up and took it.

"Do you mean that you don't know how to walk?" I ask, a small smile appearing on my lips as she looks up at me, a small blush appeared on her cheeks as her eyes darted to the side; giving me a sign that... She didn't. I sighed, leaning down and wrapping an arm around her shoulders while my other hooked underneath her knees.

She squealed as I did, her eyes wide as she grabbed tightly onto my neck as I allowed a small laugh to escape my lips. I started off back towards the village and towards the Elder's house because I have no idea what to do with her... I made it to the Elder's house just as the sun began to peek over the horizon.

I sat her down, and just as her feet touched the floor the next thing I know, she's on the ground with a surprised look on her face. Looking down at her, I knew somehow.... Chris was going to want to see this. I knocked on the door a few times, just before barging in and seeing the Elder at a small table with pipping tea at his side.

"Elder... I'm sorry for this, but you must help me with this..." I motioned towards the girl that was sitting next to me on the ground. Her body was slightly pushed behind me as I sighed and rolled my eyes. She's acting like a scared child from what? An old man?!

"Sebastian, where did you find her..?" Elder asks, not opening his eyes as he took a slow, steady sip of his tea. I sighed angrily.

"Um, I found her about to drown out in that hidden cove area. Where Christopher was supposed to meet the girl that wanted to meet with him... Wait, why does that matter?!" I growl, I know I was calm before but I mean I get it she is scared and everything, but I mean, my God!

The elder looked up at me, his eyes slightly squinted as he looked down and sighed, slowly standing from his seat and walking over towards us.

"You must take her back to Christopher... Now, or he will die the most painful death imageable..." 

Venom Of The SeaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя