Part Twenty-One: Adam

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 Sebastian had dropped the whole thing about hearing me fall in the shower; which I'm thankful for because right now... I just wanted to sleep and understand what happened...

I laid in the extra bedroom with the lights out, that's when I noticed the sun was now just going down. I stared out the small window and watched as the large orb slowly drifted past the sea as the moon rose into the sky, I couldn't help but want to go find Christopher and find out who that girl was...

That girl... S-She saved my life, lord I need to find her and thank her... But, all I remember seeing was that beige colored... Tail? I mean, it isn't that hard to believe anymore since I now have a tail... Oh my lord, the tail if Sebastian sees he'll be bombarding me with stupid questions. Which I won't even be able to answer since I have no idea how the hell this happened!

I laid back against the soft bedding as my hands rested on the back of my head, that's when I heard muffled voices coming from Sebastian's room across from the hallway. Slowly I rose from my own cot and moved closer to my door, but the voices stayed a gentle muffle.

Rolling my eyes I gently opened my door, trying to be as quiet as I could as I stepped out into the cool hall, now stepping next to the door as I pressed my ear to the wood and listened carefully.

"Babe, I know... I know it sounds crazy, but I'm telling you I saw it with my own eyes!" His voice sounded so... Excited? I've never heard him like this unless it's about... Sea things. I tried to move closer to the door to hear better when it somewhat moved making me stop.

"Penelope, you aren't listening to me... If I can get Christopher and Serenity back to the mainlands without them knowing what's really going on... We'll be rich!" I went wide eyed, trying to think of a reason that Christopher and this Serenity chick could have that he doesn't already have from the sea...

"Yeah, Adam got here... Mhm, and yes I planned that already sweetie! I'm just looking for the right time..." His voice seemed to grow quieter as I slowly moved back from the door, my eyes wide and my mouth agape. I could hear the steady sound of footsteps as they pound, just like my heart sounded in my ears.

I looked around the way and started to walk back towards my room, trying to stay quiet... When the door flung open, I pressed my back against my now closed door, trying to steady my breathing as I gripped my chest; my thoughts are everywhere right now...

"I-I need to find Christopher..." I breathed as I looked out onto the sea from the small window, the moon now shining high over head as I watched the reflection dance among the gently splashing waves. I felt these weird pressure over my chest as I closed my eyes and exhaled quickly.


I could hear the loud crying coming from Serenity's room, her father rushed out with a look of anger on his face. He went storming past me only to turn around and hiss between his tightly clenched teeth.

"Make sure she doesn't leave again or consider your head this time." I went wide eyed some as I quickly looked away and nodded, I knew that Cedric was only angry... But, Serenity deserves to have a choice in who she loves; just like the rest of us.

Inhaling deeply I moved closer to her door, gently opening it to see her desk and dresser tossed onto their sides while her mirror broken, she sat there with tears streaking down her cheeks as she clenched her fist tightly. I could tell that this all just being dumped onto her shoulders had just set in.

Closing the door behind me, I went to move closer when my body was slammed against the door; making a gasp escape my mouth as I groaned in pain. Gently shaking my head I look up to see one of Serenity's hands up and out, a small black colored orb sat in her palm.

"I don't want to be apart o-of this..." She whispered as her shoulders gently shook with each quiet sob, her hair hid her face as I slightly struggled against her sudden magical force. S-She must've enhanced her magical abilities from Irene sooner than w-we thought... No, no, no... Irene!

"S-Serenity, please... I know you are hurting but you need to calm down-"

"Calm down..? Calm down?! How am I suppose to calm down when my father is practically selling my life away because he doesn't want his subjects to see him at his weakest point! This upcoming war will be the death of many, and it will be the death of Mercadonia... Especially if he comes into the mix..." She spat as she snapped her head towards me, that's when I saw her eyes... Instead of her usual black ones, there recited the burnt blood color from before...

"S-Serenity, please! It's Rayne, you know, the g-girl you're best friends with?! I just want you to talk to me!" I snapped as she looks at me with anger reciting in her eyes, I couldn't calm this storm...

Her chest was rising and falling quickly as she moved closer, the strength around my capture body tightened making a small noise leave my throat as I tried to call out for help. I could feel my eyelids become heavier as I continued to try and fight the urge to let my head fall.

I could see the look of satisfaction on her lips when the door flew open, revealing Lotus holding an Ocean True crystal towards Serenity as she laid unconscious on the floor. My own body fell to the floor as I coughed and sputtered to try and catch my breath.

"Lo-Lotus... Thank Irene, you beautiful girl.." I wheezed some as I slowly got up, now looking at Serenity as Lotus moved closer checking her over for any injuries.

"She's fine, well, most of her at least..." Lotus whispered as she moved back towards me, placing a hand on my slightly aching shoulder making me give a pitiful smile.

"Are you okay..?" She asked as I slowly nodded, rubbing the back of my head as I feel a knot slowly forming on it. I sighed and looked over at Serenity with confused eyes...

"I'm fine, but I'm more worried about what happened to Serenity... If she has Irene's powers, why were her eyes the color of burnt blood..? And why was the power in her hand black..?" I asked as she looks at me with slightly hurt eyes, that's when a painful groan came from Serenity.

"We need to tell Lowell..." Lotus sighs, grabbing the crystal and necklace string from her desk; now tying it around Serenity's neck as she backed away and left the room after saying she was going to go find Lowell and some other guards for back up in case she woke up.

I slowly moved closer to her and sat down with my tail curled somewhat under me as I brushed away loose pieces of hair out of her closed eyes, that's when I saw the large cut over her eye... Taking the back of her head, I moved it into my lap as I allowed a small smile to appear on my lips, but I could feel the tears begin to develop.

I have to admit, she looks kind of intimidating with it now hah...

"I'll figure out what's wrong with you Serenity... I-I promise..." 

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