Part Thirty: Serenity

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My life is falling apart...

I stared at my pitiful reflection that stared back at me as tears streaked down my reddened cheeks as my bottom lip quivered at the sight. My mind racing as my eyes searched the reflection of them, trying to find somewhat of a relief in the watery areas but- There was none.

Suddenly the small white door creaked open, thus making me quickly turn around on the small stool as my watery eyes landed upon- "L-Lotus..." I croaked as I quickly tried to get from the velvet stool, only to bring brought back down onto the soft cushion.

She moved closer, her cheeks were streaked with tears also as I noticed the small glass of water in her shaking hands. The way her bottom lip quivered as she moved to where she stood before me; suddenly falling to the floor onto her knees as she allowed a choked back sobs as I moved as far off of the stool that I could as my hands stayed latched to the floor in iron chains.

"S-Serenity... She's here-"

"Lotus, please- Who's here?" I moved to where my eyes were looking into her own as she looked up with hurting, bloodshot eyes that read- Death.


As soon as that name left Lotus's lips, the small white door suddenly flew open once again; now showing this older looking woman standing there with a queen like dress wrapping around her upper body and opening at her waistline where her tail appeared.

Her face was this light whipped color, bright pink lips, rosy cheeks and finally bright green eyes that resembled that of freshly bloomed green leaves in the spring; yet those eyes held something- Something deep, dark... And dangerous. The woman moved into the room, her lips holding this smirk as Lotus quickly rose to her tail; trying to hold this strong look but she looked more defeated than anything else-

"So- You're my sons' new wife, oh, how exciting-" Her voiced as if she was spitting out poison from a lionfish as she moved closer, both of her hands placed on top of one another as they stayed against her pelvis. Lotus bowed her head as she went to move past the woman is known as the queen of Altona, or queen Veronica.

"Yes- Sadly." I spat as the door closed behind Lotus, now we stood there staring at each other. That's when I noticed the way her eyes had become this- This dark look. Suddenly she moved closer, as I felt my eyes burn- not from tears or anything like that, but this anger...

"You understand why you must marry him, correctly?" Her voice sounded as it was hot metal becoming soft to be bent and shaped but only this metal would be lit at the end holding the most red.

"Because you and my father decided that we would connect the kingdoms by a- Need I remind you, forced marriage." I spat as I sat there looking into the mirror as Veronica rested behind me, her figure loomed over my own as I wanted to reach behind me and smack her head into the glass-

W...What am I saying!? I would never do something like to someone- Anyone, even!

Being deep in my thoughts I hadn't realized that Veronica had reached up and grabbed my black hair in her fist, pulling my head back making a somewhat choked outcry leave my throat as she held something- Sharp... Slick by my throat.

"I don't need reminding you little witch-" She snarled.

"I'm not the witch here!" I said angrily as I tried to reach her, but it was no use as everytime I would move my hands would be ripped back down to my sides by the chains whilst she pressed harder against my throat.

"Oh, please! You're the only descendants of Irene, and she is nowhere to be found! So, that makes you a little. Witch." Veronica suddenly pulled the object away as I turned around facing her trying to reach her but my arms became this heavy feeling as Veronica only smirked...

"But, once you and Berwin get betrothed your powers will become one with him- And my grandchildren." That she-devil laughed as I snarled and allowed a siren-like scream to leave my throat, but the usual effects had nothing on her...

"W-What the-"

"Oh please, you didn't really think that would have an effect on me, now would you?" She cackled as I sat there with large eyes and an 'o' shaped mouth... Everything that has been happening to me, all of these terrible things- They were her doing.

"Y-You... You made me say that in front of Christopher, you made me agree with what is wrong in the world- For Irenesakes, you made me leave what I've been waiting for my whole life just because you wanted more power?!" I screamed as I thrust my body forward, the stool knocking over as my tail slapped against it and the floor.

I could feel the chains beginning to give in, pulling at them seemed to do somewhat of some damage. My eyes were blazing my now, I don't know why- That's when I looked up at her and she looked- Terrified, yet pleased. Yet she leaned forward to where her mouth was next to my ear.

"Yes." She slowly whispered, leaning further back as I closed my eyes and felt this weird- Ora wrap around me. I looked back up with wide open eyes as I pulled my arm up, one at a time, ripping the iron chains from the floor and watching as her face went to terrify to utterly petrified...

"After everything I've been through... After everything you've made me do... " My voice seemed to speak slower than what I meant, yet it sounded louder than what I hoped. I shot up my hand and just as this bright ball of light began to shine in my palm; Veronica shot up her own hand which shot out this ball of oozing black goo.

My body slammed back into the mirror, small shards shot out from the wall making me hiss in pain as I hung there the glowing black goop holding me against the wall as she rose from her fallen state, a smile now appearing from her face of fear.

"You're weak, dear- Just give up, you are to be wedded to my son and that's final, whoever this Christopher boy is- He's already gone back to his own kind, making love to whoever he can find..." Her voice trailed as the burning in my eyes and my fight seemed to cease to exist at this point

My head fell as my body slowly slid from the area where it hung, I slouched on the ground with my tail pulled up to my chest as I watched her leave the room. The way she seemed so... So proud of what she is doing to my life.

I sat there in silence, tears streaking down my cheeks once again as I picked up a piece of the glass that laid on the floor before me my choked sobs seemed to become louder as I held it tightly in my grip; to where it was almost cutting my palm. I felt my eyes burn more as I lifted the shard of glass to my skin...

No, no, no, no- Was the only word that was going through my mind, but my hand seemed to have a mind of its own as I allowed seven words to leave my trembling lips as tears dripped from my chin-

"Have fun trying to marry the dead..." 

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