Part Eighteen: Lotus

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I'm so weak for crying in front of Lowell...

After everything that happened, Lowell escorted Rayne and me back to Mercadonia and once we entered the gates, it felt like some kind of... Army camp, and it's slowly eating away at our city. The small homes that stood near the entrance of the gate were... Gone, the only thing left was rubble.

"L-Lowell, what in the name of Irene has happened since we left...?" Rayne moved closer and whispered, I tried to keep up with them, but that's when I looked over and saw the area where my parents' house used to remain. I couldn't help but feel my throat tighten while tears developed in my eyes. I suppose Rayne or Lowell noticed that I wasn't behind them as I felt someone grab hold of my shoulder and pull me along.

Their arm wrapped around my shoulders, giving me a slight tug as I felt my bottom lip quiver as I wrung my hands tightly together as if I was trying to collect the sweat out of them and throw it away. While walking I saw the hundreds of soldiers leaving past us, Lowell standing between us and them.

"Rayne, this place became like this when Alonta threatened to send all of their best soldiers to practically kill us or-" Lowell paused when a small group of barrier patrols passed us, I guess he wasn't allowed to talk about this, "war." I waited till the patrols passed and went around a corner.

"Lowell, please, what is the or?" I whisper, my voice sounded so... Imploring. I could tell that he was rethinking of telling us what is happening, but like I was about to let that happen.

"You have to tell us now, Lowell," I growled, baring my teeth some; but they were a little sharper than before because I allowed my siren side to come through some. His eyes went wide as I put them away and felt my cheeks become a slight burning feeling.

"Fine, you really want to know..? The Prince of Alonta has demanded Serenity's hand in marriage, or we'll all perish." Lowell slightly spat in disgust as Rayne looked at me with wide eyes, while I did the same to her. I couldn't help but swallow all the saliva that had gathered in my mouth.

"We're so Featherfined..." Rayne slammed a hand against her forehead as we all stood there in the middle of chaos.

- Christopher -

I swam up behind Serenity as she slowly faced me with tears streaming, I couldn't help but feel my chest get pinched at the sight. The world around us became placid as she went to move towards me, only to fall to her knees; seeing this I swam to her side, developing her shaking body in a hug.

As I held her, a loud, blood-curdling scream left her lips I couldn't help but feel my muscles clench tightly as I tried to quiet her, not knowing if that beast was still in the range of us.

"Serenity, look at me..." I started but another yell came from her, I grabbed hold of her shoulders and made her look me in the eye.

"Serenity! Look at me!" I screamed her lips were quivering while spit still connected her parted lips, and tears streaked down her red cheeks. The way her eyes were slightly squinted as she looked up at me, the tears ripping past them as I held her tightly.

"Whoever that woman was, but if she left you and didn't have a good explanation for it... Plus she ran away when you called to her... She ran away, you can't change the past once it's happened.." I whispered looking her in the eye, her own were bright red and puffy, small sniffles left her as her body suddenly flung into my chest making an "oof!" Leave my lips as they went into a small smile.

One of my hands rested against the curve of her side, her face snuggled against my chest as I laid my head on the top of her own. We laid there, her in my arms seemed like the best thing to have ever happened to me... Suddenly two voices shouting in the distance made us both snap our heads in the direction, that's when Serenity went wide eyed.

"Chris... Get out of here." She whispered, my heart was pounding harder now.

"S-Serenity, no, I'm not-" I started when the shouting got closer, she shoved her hands against my chest pushing me away from her.

"Don't start this... Hero stuff... Just go!" She yelled now, I went wide eyed as I stared at her I could tell that she was about to cry all over again... And I didn't want that to happen, gah! What should I do?!

"Serenity! I'm not leaving!" I growled as I got closer to her, wrapping my arm around her waist pulling her chest against my own. She looked up at me with wide eyes whilst a small smile on her lips, she looked... Secure. Happy even...

"You! Halt!" The owners of the voices came into view and there was two merman in armour and with swords drawn, I looked down at Serenity as she looked so... Upset now.

"You, release the princess now! Or fall to my blade!" They shouted as Serenity moved a little out of my arms, still holding onto my hand as she shook her head quickly.

"N-No, you don't understand! H-He's the one that protected this whole time!" She shouted, but I could tell they weren't buying it... I tightened my grip on her hand and moved closer to her, that's when they attacked... One came straight for me, swinging the blade he held wildly while the other grabbed hold of her waist and throwing her to the ground behind them.

I felt this weird... Snap inside of me, I ran at the one that had thrown Serenity and slammed my side against him; knocking him off balance and away from her. I moved in front of her and stood there with my fist raised, one of them shook his head and ran at me, I grabbed him under his armpits and made him drop his sword, that's when...

"Serenity!" I yelled when a sharp pain entered my side, making my lips fall open as I went wide eyed and gripped the area that burned like a fire had been set to it. The man moved away, dropping a bloody hidden blade onto the ground. I tried to scream, but no noise came out of my throat. I tightly clenched my eyes in pain as they watered, I watched as they both practically dragged Serenity away...

"N-No! S-Serenity..." I shouted and as I went to stand up, I stumbled back to the ground. My heart was pounding a million miles per hour... It hurts, it burns... Gah! Son of a-

"Christopher!" That was the last thing I heard Serenity's voice yell... She was far away now, but I could still hear her screaming for me... I-I have to get up! S-She... She needs m-me... I gasped for air as I clenched my burning side as I pulled away from my hand and saw the crimson liquid leaving my flesh.

"Son of a... Serenity.."

That's when my eyes closed... Forever?

I have no idea... 

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