Part Twenty-Five: Sebastian

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 The sun's warmth shot through the window by the small kitchen table as I took a large drink of my coffee while waiting for Adam to wake up, I was about to turn on the TV when he came into the room already in his all day clothes. I arched an eyebrow and looked him up and down.

"You got someone to meet, or what?" I laugh as he looks at me with an arched eyebrow then gives a small laugh and rubs the back of his neck as he sends me a small smile.

"Um, no just thought I would go explore the island a bit more... I mean, you know the rescue boat is going to come for the remaining survivors sooner than later and we have lives to get back too." He laughs, stuffing his hands into the cargo pants.

"Mm, well, if you want I'll come with-"

"Uh, no! No, that's fine... I mean, I just kinda want to walk around by myself if you get what I mean." He laughed awkwardly as I cocked an eyebrow at him... Why is he acting so weird? I studied him for a second only to shrug off the weird feeling in the air.

"Ok, but hey if you see Chris can you tell him about the boat coming home soon, and that we should get ready to leave." I smiled at him, as he moved past me towards the kitchen and got into the fridge pulling out the milk carton, turning back towards me and opening it while taking a drink.

"Um, if I see him I'll mention it to him but I honestly think he's somehow grown attached to this place..." He whispered as I slowly nodded, remembering her... Serenity. That girl is going to have to not understand what's happening when I try to take Chris back...

"Well, I'm heading out... I'll see you later." Adam waved as he left towards the front door, closing it behind him and leaving me sitting there with my coffee cup under my face as I stared down into the dark liquid that coughed up steam into my face as I smiled wickedly down into the reflection.

My plans are falling into place...

"Yeah, see ya later, Adam..."

- Adam -

God, I could tell that the tension between Sebastian and I are high... No, just focus on finding Chris so you can warn him, and that girl. Whatever he's using them for...

I walked along the bank by the Cove area- there was this type of pull for me to go to it. Now standing above the crystal blue water, my legs in the water... I inhaled deeply before pushing myself into the water below me. Slowly I reopened one eye at a time, checking for girls and beast...


I stayed in the water until I felt my bones cracking and my blood pumping quickly, clenching my teeth tightly as I allowed an angered and upset scream leave my body feeling as if something was ripping my flesh apart with its sharp teeth, the sharp edges piercing my skin as I slowly opened my eyes to see... That godforsaken tail.

Allowing my breathing to settle, I studied the dark red and a black colored thing that replaced my legs as I watched it move side-to-side, the fin part perked up as I felt like I was lifting my legs up. The fin was a thick course of skin, but it weighed about nothing to me.

"So... This is what I have to work with? Perfect." I sigh as I remove my t-shirt that lightly stuck to my chest as I peeled it away, throwing it onto the dry, dusted earth; it landed with a 'plop' onto the dirt as I lowered myself back down into the sea and looked around trying to see if I could see anyone or anything that could be of use to me.

Nothing, once again.

I moved towards the large ship wreck that laid against the sand. Now, seeing the lost treasures that families had lost to the beast, Visin... It's weird to see all of these things lost to the world of the sea. Floating there I stared down at the items lost in the sand, along with the ship that was in half.

"Everything of your world belongs to us now..." A voice spoke making me quickly turn around to see a woman with a long, dark purple tail while her long black hair floated above her head and around her; it seemed to frame her soft yet steady face.

That's when I saw the giant 70-80 foot long Megalodon shark swimming a little bit ways behind her. I couldn't help but feel my muscles grow tense and she must've noticed as she turned and waved her hand, forcing a large water wall to shoot up from the ground making me shout slightly and fall back some.

Turning back to me she sent me a small smile as I allowed a weird sounding breath to leave my lips as I also sighed. The woman gave a small chuckle as she moved closer, the shark now moved closer but I didn't feel that much of a threat thanks to the wall before.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Irene and I'm kind of a big deal around the sea..." The woman or Irene laughed as she moved closer that's when I noticed the crown barouche around her forearm. I couldn't help but feel this weird want to bow to her and wait on hand and foot... Weird.

"Well, I'm Adam... And if you're such a big deal around here, then why are you out here..? I mean shouldn't you be protected and away from the dangers that are out here?" I gave a chuckle as she scoffed at the mere thought of having to be cooped up somewhere.

"Yes, that's true but- I don't like people dying because of my title." She spoke softly now, making me frown... I don't want to hurt her, she looked like she had already been through hell and back. I moved closer and placed my hand gently on her shoulder thus making her look up with slightly teary eyes.

"I don't know who you are but... A title shouldn't decide what the fate of others is, that all depends on who you are.." I spoke slowly as if I was trying to give myself a pep talk even though I didn't even know what this pep talk was even about... I moved back as she slowly dropped the wall, my heart was pounding a little louder in my ears.

"He won't hurt you, well, as long as you don't hurt me... But, thank you, Adam. But, you need to get to Mercadonia before it's too late. Your friend, Christopher he is injured and in trouble along with the love of his life. I need you to get there and help him, and save my daughter... My kingdom." Irene spoke quickly as I stood there with wide eyes...

S-She knew Chris...? H-How?! And her daughter? Kingdom?!

"I know it sounds obscured but you must trust me... Please, just swim to the North and you'll see a barrier... You must tell the guards at their post that you know the injured man and that you know how to help Serenity... Please, just trust my judgment..."

I stood there with wide eyes as I inhaled deeply and nodded.

"I'll do it... Just know everything will be alright..." I sighed as I moved away and began to swim away when I heard her gently whisper out while I swam further and further away, the only words that were stuck in my head were...

"May the Gods of the sea be with you, Adam... For you might have run out of time." 

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