Part Thirty-One: Rayne

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 I sat in the suffocating quietness of the sourcers' library as the stacks of books and papers continued to pile up around me; as my eyelids felt heavy and dark circles had added triple under my eyes as they continued to scan the old, dusty pages that had native languages written on them as I tiredly tried to translate them... Yet I've come up with almost nothing so far about Irene's powers, or her family tree.

"Mother of Irene!" I shouted as I slammed one of my fists down onto the table as the books somewhat smacked against each other. I moved to where my lower back leaned against the tables' edge as I gripped tightly onto the edge as I looked around the large area, seeing the different titles, languages, origins and etc.; and they seemed to mock me as I tried to find some... Some cure to help Serenity.

Looking over I saw that the sky seemed a little darker than when I arrived here; take that as a note I began to gather the books I thought were the most useful towards what I was looking for. Once I had everything gathered I went to shut the door when something caught it- thus making me jump back as I tried to slam it shut.

"What the-" I mumbled reopening the door and that's when I saw this... this gorgeous dark emerald green amulet sitting on the ground, slowly I reopened the creaking door as I moved closer to see that the item was somewhat... Glowing? Setting down my satchel as I lowered my body to the ground, tucking my tail under myself as I gently took my hand and cupped it around the gem.

"Why is this on the floor? Shouldn't it be put away, in a safe place?" I mumbled to myself when I heard the sound of people rushing by, yelling and calling out, "the day has come for our sanctuary!" I grabbed my satchel quickly and stuff the gem inside, hiding it under some books that I had grabbed.

I quickly got outside and slammed the door shut; locking it in place as I swam out a little bit when I saw some of the kingdoms' people running towards the palace with their arms filled with gifts. While rushing out into the crowd I was able to grab someone's arm and pull them aside.

"What is all of this rachet on about?"

"Didn't you hear the great news?!" The man I had grabbed spat as I rolled my eyes annoyed.

"Obviously, no, I didn't. What is this great news?"

"Serenity is getting married to Berwin from Altona!" The man sounded so... so pleased by this outrageous thing. But I suppose that Cedric didn't tell his people that he is practically forcing his only daughter into some... Some arranged marriage.

"Yes, I know that she is, but what is with all of the sudden interest?" I asked as the man gave me an awkward look.

"The wedding is today, as in right now!" The man spat and ran back towards the kingdom as I stood there with my head shoved up my tail as I shook my head and quickly swam after the crowd trying to catch up to them and see if I could see Serenity before any of this... This disaster got out of hand.

- Serenity -

I... I couldn't do it... Now, I'm still stuck in this stupid marriage.

I sat in my room just staring at the broken... The sad girl that sat in my mirror staring back at me, my eyes worn and bright red as I stared back trying to recognize her when my bedroom door creaked open. Slowly looking over my shoulder I finally saw...

"R-Rayne...?" My voice broke as she stood in the doorway, her satchel strapped around her shoulders and chest as she quickly came towards me, dropping her satchel as her arms developed me in a large hug as I felt my dry eyes become wet once again.

"Shh, shh, it's alright Serenity. I'm here... Talk to me, what the hell is going on?" Rayne lowered her voice and sat on her knees as she placed her hands on the sides of my face as I leaned into her palm, the feeling of my tears slowly leaking from my tightly shut eyes.

"M...My life is ending today! I have to get married to a...a tyrant! He's doing all of this because of his mother! I can't take this anymore, Rayne! My thoughts and my body are being held captive by some... Some jerk somewhere and I can't defeat them or push away the actions that they force me to do! My heart is... Is shattered and I can't fix it by this marriage!" I shouted as I pushed away her hand as Rayne allowed a sigh to leave her lips as she looked up at me with teary eyes before reaching into her bag.

"I was going to wait till I knew what this would do but... You need it right now." Rayne sighed as she pulled out an old, dusty book and a glistening green gem.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I realized that you're a descendant of Irene, right?" Rayne started as she sat the objects on the floor before sitting back on her calves as I just stared down at her.

"Yes? She's my mother, of course, I'm a descendant of her and my grandmother. But what does that have to do with anything?" I laughed as my eyes quickly dried at the mention of my mother. Rayne sat up some and grabbed the book, opening it carefully to this page that read our old language.

"Well, I may have discovered something that could help you control your newly found powers- while also fighting off the person that is controlling you." Rayne's eyes held hope yet my own held nothing of that, I knew it wouldn't work... but I couldn't let her know that.

"Rayne... Do what you must..." My voice was low as she gave me a large smile as she grabbed hold of the gem and grabbed a broken necklace as she pieced the items together as I watched her with wondering eyes. Taking the necklace she placed it around my throat as I placed my hand over the somewhat glowing gem.

"Protegere defendere, potestate. Protegere defendere, Imperium!" Rayne began to chant loudly as she held her hands towards me while I held tightly onto the gem as I felt the gem slowly rise up from my chest as I looked down at it with wide eyes as Raynes' chanting began to become blurred words as a bright light shone around my body, as I felt my eyes burn and itch with this over-powering feeling as I opened my mouth to scream in pain; but nothing came out.

"Modum, fessis quietem, potestate... How are you feeling?" Rayne opened her eyes as my chest rattled as I tried to inhale. I look over at her as the shells in my hair clinked together as I felt my heart pounding hard against my chest as my lips turned up into a smile as I lifted my hands up from the ground as I ripped upward to where my wrist freed themselves from the iron chains that had imprisoned me.

"I..I feel so powerful. Yet in control." I smiled as Rayne threw a victory fist into the air and laughed as she rose from her sitting position as I got up and developed her in a large hug as I laughed and felt my eyes water with... With happiness. I pulled away a little and placed a hand on her shoulder while my other laid against her cheek.

The only thing on my mind was... Christopher and... and Berwin.

I looked up into her eyes as Rayne seemed to read my mind as she gave a single nod before pulling away and grabbing her things as I stood before her, my shoulders pulled back with my head raised high. I felt... Empowered. As if I could control my own actions and, now I could protect my loved ones and... My kingdom.

"Thank you, Rayne... Now, let's go trash my own wedding..." 

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