Part Twenty-Four: Veronica

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Everything is falling into place... I smiled wickedly as I motioned my hand over the palm of my other hand, wiping away the black mist that descended away into thin air as I rested my hands back onto the arm rest on my throne. I looked up to see my main maid kneeling there, her slightly wide eyes.

"Oh, please, Evie! Forgive me, I didn't see you." I smiled down at her, as I slowly got up and moved down the red velvet stairs towards her as she gets up quickly and shakes her head with her hands behind her back.

"O-Oh no, ma'am! I should've knocked louder when I didn't hear you answer me right away..." She whispered as I looked at her with slightly squinted eyes, as long as she didn't see what I was up too... No one in this kingdom can know about my plans.

"Mm, yes, well, Evie I need you to send Berwin along with some of our best men with him to... Mercadonia." I smiled somewhat wickedly as she arches an eyebrow while trying to read what my eyes read, turning my back towards her I quickly moved back towards the throne as I sat down I crossed one leg over the other and watched as she slowly nodded and quickly left to fetch him.

"Berwin believes that Serenity will not fall in love with him in a day... Oh, little does he understand..." I smirk to myself with a small laugh as I rested my back against the small, soft velvet cushions as I moved my hands to where my fingertips rested against each other as my silver bangs slightly slid down past my crown into my emerald eyes as I gave a gentle laugh.

"If only you knew..."

- Christopher -

I moved quickly through the sea as I felt my eyes' becoming heavier, my side was on fire by now. I left the sourcers a little bit ago and I was trying to follow the guards' trail that they left while they dragged away Serenity... God, Serenity all I wanted right now was to have her safe in my arms.

Suddenly my body flew forward and slammed against the sand beneath me as I looked up and saw two people standing above me as I looked up at the figures with slowly closing eyes. One of them moved closer and grabbed hold of my arm, moving it and looking at my side...

That's when I blacked out again.

- Lotus -

"Rayne! This library is forbidden, are you insane?!" I called after her when she grabbed her sachet and laughed gently looking at me with an arched eyebrow. Turning back towards me to where we were facing each other, I could tell that her eyes were bothering her because of how raw and red they were.

"Since when have you actually cared about listening to rules?" She laughed as I felt my cheeks become a heated red color as I rolled my eyes and moved closer as she brushed her hair over her shoulder, and turned around with a sigh, "alright... Let's go get forbidden." She laughed as I groaned, following behind her as we left the small place she called home.

Rayne and I made our way to the entrance of the barrier, surprising as the guards on duty allowed us to leave without an escort and other such. We swam away from the ship wreck, a just a little bit aways Rayne stopped and hid behind a medium sized boulder only to have me stand there with a confused look.

"Rayne, what are you do- Hey!" I started when she grabbed my forearm bringing me into the safety cover of the rock as I gasped and went to look where she was, only to see a merman laying on the ground with a pool of blood slowly leaving his side.

"H-Hey!" I called as I swam away from where Rayne was hiding, I could feel her hand try to wrap around my wrist but it slipped past her grip as I swam towards the merman as I kneeled down next to him and studied the wound as Rayne quickly joined me.

"His eyes are closing, he's losing too much blood we need to postpone the trip to the library and get him to medical." I sigh as I pulled off my own satchel and ripped off a sleeve from my other swim top and grabbed hold of seaweed a few steps away from us, taking it and tieing it around his wound and moving to around his head.

"Are you kidding me, Lotus?! W-We needs to go to the library so we can save Serenity, this guy is the least of our problems!" Rayne scoffed as I rolled my eyes and grabbed her wrist, pulling her closer as I pointed at the man unconscious that laid against the sand.

"No. I'm not kidding you, Rayne. You know my family's history, so... This is a big thing for me and now that my parents might be dead, I might as well live up to something that I want to be doing..." I breathed as she looked at me with slightly wide eyes, she must've not known that I found out...

"L-Lotus, how did you find ou-"

"I went to their house while you and Lowell left to take care of Serenity...But, I only found it in ashes..." I whispered as she looked at me with slightly hurting eyes as I inhaled deeply, and shook my head reflecting a mirrored smile at Rayne as I moved back towards the man as I nodded my head towards his tail, which she quickly moved too and lifted up.

"Thank you, Rayne..." I whispered as she nodded, I could tell she wanted to roll her eyes and scoff but all she did was smile and nod. We made our way back towards the barrier entrance, meeting up with guards who would help us with the man.

"Hey! Hey, we need help!" I yell as two guards came running from the entrance of the barrier, that's when I saw the whole kingdom rushing towards the castle... Once the guards took away the man to the emergency room, I looked over at Rayne as she looked at me, we both were thinking the same thing.

We quickly took off towards the castle, joining the group of people around the whole castle doors, while almost half of the kingdom was inside or in the windows as they floated there with their tails sticking out of the chiseled windows. I said excuse me and gave small shoves as I finally came to the front... And there it was, the scene of fear and war itself standing there before Cedric. He looked so... Smug.

"Hello, Cedric... Long time, no see." He smirked as Cedric held a frown on his face as he rose from his throne, I could tell by the way he looked he wasn't happy... H-He didn't want to do this to Serenity, but he had too... H-He had too...? No, he had a choice in this and he forced his daughter into something she can't control...

Is this really happening...?

"Hello... Berwin..." 

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