Part Nineteen: Serenity

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No, no, no! I-I need to get back to Christopher!

I fought against the tight grip of the two guards, who I don't even know! I pulled on each of my wrists harder as Mercadonia's barrier and gates came into view.

"Stop fighting, brat." The one that had struck Christopher spat, his saliva landing on my face as I quickly turned away and felt my eyes water with tears. My mind was racing as was my heart, th-this is so stupid! When I heard a low chuckle leave both of their throats, I snapped my head and spat back.

"You're not guards, y-you're scandals!" I screamed as I yanked on my wrist harder as they dragged me into the barrier that held this large mass of... Just chaos. Fires were settling and eating away families homes, I watched as the area around us smoldered at the scene...

"W-What in the name of-" I started to whisper when I was suddenly thrown forward, my front slamming against the ground as I rolled and came to a stop, I shook my head lightly and looked up to see them with large smiles on their faces. I felt this liquid dribbling down my nose, slowly going down my lips and tracing the line between them as I spat some; knocking the liquid away from my separated lips, now seeing the crimson.

I took my hand and wiped under my nose and my lips, taking my hand away I saw the blood slowly streaking down my tightly clenched fist. I looked up at them quickly while feeling my heart beating faster against my rib cage, I wanted to just... Hit them.

I wanted to hit them and not feel guilty about it! I slowly stood up with the help of a pedestrian, I moved closer to them while they had their backs turned.

"Um, excuse me, you all realize that I am the princess that has been missing for you know, almost a week now, and well... You two just assaulted, so, I would be bending backward for me now." I spat, showing my teeth as I crossed my arms over my chest and puffed it out slightly.

One of the men looked at the other and gave a small snort, as he moved closer... He towered over my small figure when one of his arms slipped around my waist making me squeak and shove my hands against his chest, trying to hide the fact that... I'm terrified right now.

The one holding me close to his chest slowly leaned down to where his lips were next to my ear, making me hiss in anger as I tried to push him away. His breath smelt of Urtra, which is another form of bourbon that lives inside the walls of Mercadonia... And it burned my eyes terrible honestly.

"And you realize how much that I really don't care? The king is in such a desperate space, maybe he would take you for his daughter. You have her attitude anyway." He spat, his saliva splattering on my cheek as I swallowed my own as I reached up and wiped away the spit, it leaving a small streak of blood on my cheek.

"Ugh, disgusting..." I whispered as they grabbed hold of my forearm dragging me back towards the place that some wish they could call home when I really call it a prison... My father wasn't going to be very happy to see me...

- Rayne -

Lowell, Lotus and I went towards the palace to tell King Lycan what happened to Serenity, even though I had mentioned to Lowell that it's a wasted effort, almost none of the guards know how to hide their tails and breathe out of water, and what makes him think that Serenity wants to even come home after experiencing the human life?!

"Well guess what, Rayne, news flash you aren't her mother because she decided to leave during Serenity's youth and she's lived in your shadow this whole time! Her own father doesn't know anything that goes on in her life because she is either locked away in her room learning about being a queen, or she's out trying to live a normal life as a child..!" Lowell snapped, his chest rising and falling quickly as I stared up at him... My heart was pounding harder against my chest as I noticed our noses were just inches from each other.

"You disgust me, Lowell.." I whispered as he was close enough to hear my voice. He opened his eyes slightly wider as he looking at me his lips were slightly parted as I felt my eyes slightly water.

"I was only a mother figure in her life because her father never remarried and no strange women were going to come into her life if I had something to say about it." I slowly whispered as I backed away and rigged my hands as I moved around him and started back into the main hall, where Lotus stood with a small face of disappointment.

"So, you really think that she will never come back?" Lotus asks I could see the tears already forming in her eyes as she wrung her hands tightly as she stood before me.

"Listen, Lotus.." I started when suddenly two guards or patrols came marching into the main hallway, women in their hands; they were practically dragging her! I moved to where I was closer and that's when I saw...

"S-Serenity.." I whispered, she looked horrible. Blood was streaking down from her nostrils, it going past her lips and dribbling down her chin. I couldn't help but let out a small, frustrated scream as I moved toward them and grabbed them by their collared shirts.

"You bastards! That is the princess of Mercadonia, Serenity Lycan, and you dare treat her like a peasant!?" I screamed as Serenity sat on the ground with tears streaking down her somewhat dirty cheeks. Lotus had moved closer and helped Serenity to her feet, I could see she was hurting... More mentally, than physically.

"W-We didn't know! She never said anything, and she tried to attack us!" The smaller one yelled as he grabbed at my fist that was curled in his shirt. Lowell by now had entered the room, anger written all over his face as I dropped the men to their knees.

"Like shell, you didn't! She is wearing the crest of our kingdom, you imbecile!" Lowell shouted as he moved closer, grabbing hold of his sword about to unsleeved it when Serenity quickly spoke.

"Lowell... N-No, please, don't.." Her voice sounded weak, but yet it was so strong. He stopped what he was doing and quickly moved towards her, one arm wrapping around her back and the other under her knees as he carried her toward the throne room, Lotus following quickly after.

I turned back toward the guards who sat on their knees with concerned, even fear to fill their eyes. I couldn't help but look at them with a concern of my own. I moved closer and stooped down to their level, now eye-to-eye I slowly whispered, "Why did you hurt Serenity..?"

They both looked up at me with tears in their eyes as they hung their heads in shame. The older looking one slowly looked up with a single tear streaking down his cheek.

"W-We... We didn't, we tried to protect her..." I stood up with my eyes, the shock was written on my face as I looked down at the floor and bit my lip. I turned away and slowly walked down the hallway; my eyes twitching as I felt this weird... Magic in the air, that's when I turned around and saw both of the guards leaving the main hall...

"Their eyes are the color of burnt blood..." 

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