Part Fifteen: Irene

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 I-It's been... So, so long since I've seen my people.. My friends... My family... God, t-they must be so lost, so scared... Gah! M-My magic... Gah, after all these years it's finally w-wearing down. T-The barrier must've been tampered with... Oh my dear, why do I have a feeling that Serenity and her friends did this...

The coldness of the dark waters surrounded me as I hugged my body close, waiting for ... It to get back. I still remember what happened... All those years ago. I was so foolish back then... I miss my husband and daughter so much, it's been so many years since I've seen them. Serenity m-must be of age by now... I hope Cedric isn't too harsh on her for her... Millions of questions...

Suddenly I felt the warmth of hot breath fan across my cold, pale face. I looked up to meet his black eyes, his head leaning downwards as I raised my hand gently pressing it against him. That's when a loud growl came from somewhere else around in the darkness... He moved closer, just barely brushing past me as I stayed there trying to warm up.

The next thing I know, I feel something brush against me and push me up. I look up and see him trying to pick me up, as I sighed and nodded slowly getting up on my tail. I felt weak... His head found it's way under my body, pulling me up and he took off swimming out of the dark trench.

The warm-ish feeling water rushed around me as he tried to swim slower, allowing me to get more warmth. I sighed as I rested against his smooth skin. I watched as the sky above the surface as the moon started to rise and take over the sky.

"Sea have mercy on my daughter and our kingdom... Visin, I understand you must protect me from... Whatever is out there, but I want to go home... My family needs me..." I sighed, I could feel tears developing in my eyes as I watched the sky go by as Visin swam faster. Suddenly Visin sped up, making me tumble somewhat backward against his tough skin.

"V-Visin! Visin, what are you-" I paused my yelling when I saw a body starting to swim up from under the surface. I felt this weird... Shift in the water as I looked around, finally catching a small glimpse of a beige tail swimming quickly away.

"Rayne..." I whispered under my breath as I looked forward to seeing the man trying to get to the surface and away from Visin. I mean.. Who wouldn't? A giant like himself, who wouldn't be afraid...?

I went wide eyed as I held up both of my hands, feeling the strength leave my body as I pushed a large wave of water ahead of him, forcing the man up and away from the waters and Visin's reach. Once Visin noticed the wall, he quickly veered off towards where we came from.

His side just barely scraped up against the water, I could tell the man had seen me... His eyes wide as his head followed to where we swam towards. I felt this burning feeling in my eyes, along with the inside of my hands. Breathing heavily through my tightly clenched teeth I felt this wave of nausea hit me.

I sucked in another breath to keep from losing what was left in my stomach. Looking back over my shoulder I could tell that the man was safe... Thankfully. Now looking forward I saw Visin was swimming in deep, bright blue waters. The ocean around us seemed so... Barren.

"V-Visin..?" I whispered, trying to find the strength deep inside of me. I went to sit up, only to fall off of his back and slam against the dusty sand. I quickly hid my face with my arms, as my body rolled along the ground. The dust from the sand shot up, dusting my body as I came to a slow stop.

Sputtering and coughing I looked around, my eyes heavy and burning from the small bits of sand. I laid on the ground, looking around trying to find Visin I only noticed that... He's gone. Looking all around me, I could see further out and no sight of Visin...

"Curse of the sea!" I screamed, hitting my fist against the ground as I slowly stood up. I looked around feeling as if I was being watched, I wrapped my arms around myself as I moved along through the barren lands. Sudden a loud howl came from further away, I turned around quickly only to fall backward, my back slamming against the ground.

"Gah.." I coughed, as I sat up and rubbed the back of my head that's when I saw this large... Long, dark green vine laid against the ground. W-Where did this come from..? There's no vegetation out here...

I got up and moved closer to it, the way it bent it was so... Strange. My fingers gently scraped against its rough texture, that's when it twitched making me flinch away. Once it settled I looked at it with wide eyes as I stood there while my lips made an 'o' shape as I noticed a large body moving towards me.

"V-Visin..." I whispered, I started to move towards him when I saw something swimming quickly behind him..? I could make out only a tail from the small silhouette, I moved to where I could see better now. Visin suddenly started to swim faster, as if he was... Racing the thing?

He got further ahead of it, now swimming above me seeming like he was trying to hide me. I grabbed hold of his fin while trying to climb onto his back, that's when I heard a female voice scream out to me... I turned around and saw...



I followed Visin to this barren area, the large beast suddenly started to swim faster. No, you're not getting away this time! I pushed my limits to catch up with him, that's when I saw... H-Her.

I slowed my swimming to where I was just staying to where I stopped, I stood there and stared at her. I could tell that she had seen me... She stared straight back at me until Visin swooped over her frozen body, once the shadow of his body left she was gone...

"M-Mom! Irene!" I screamed, swimming after her and Visin, I knew this was dangerous but the women that I thought was... Dead for so long is right in front of me... I needed to see her. I tried to swim faster, but suddenly a large wall of roaring water stood up on the ground.

I stopped in my tracks as I watched them swim away, I pressed my hands against the water as I started to hit it with my fist. My eyes filling with tears as I watched that... Bastard swims away with my mother, the women that left me and my father alone for all these years...

Slowly I looked down at the sand as the water quickly rushed back to its former way, I stood there with my head hung low as I allowed my tears to drip down my face. I could hear Christopher yelling out my name as I slowly looked up and held a steady face.

"S-Serenity, thank god I found you... Are you alright?" He asks, breathlessly as I slowly face him the tears still streaming down my slightly reddened cheeks. I look him in the eyes and feel what might be my heart slowly breaking into a million pieces. As I slowly whispered out with a shaking voice...

"T-That- M-My... She left me...For the beast?" 

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