Part Seven: Christopher

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After my meeting with the Elder, he had come to the conclusion that... I'm a chosen one... Whatever that really means, he didn't want to give me too much information just in case, "something happens," to me over the span of two nights, which I don't understand...

"Chris!" I turned and looked over my shoulder to see, "Sebastian, dude, what the hell happened..?" I ask after we embraced each other and began to walk down the beachside again. I couldn't help but feel this. Tension on my chest, as if someone was hitting a large hammer against my heart as it pounded harder and faster.

"I could ask you the same thing, you're the one that is supposedly "chosen," what did the Elder want with you anyway?" He asks as I stuff my hands into my pockets, I didn't want him to actually ask about that... I feel like he would think that I'm insane, or something along those lines.

"I actually really don't want to talk about it... But, tell me this... How did you make it out?" I mumble as we stop just before entering the outskirts of the village that we are staying at for the time being.

Sebastian's head hung low some, as he stared at the sand beneath our feet. I couldn't help but feel this... The weird sensation that he had no idea what had happened to us or our boat.

"I-I don't know.. The only thing that I know is that I was in the water and the next thing I know.. I'm shored. I mean, I was found how you were but the only difference is that I didn't have a massive scar going from the top of my ankle to the inside of my calf."

I looked at the ground, Sebastian had practically been through the same thing as I have; the only difference... I was saved by a beautiful woman while the current saved him. I couldn't help but feel... The want to find her. I mean, it's not the only thought I had honestly.

I've wanted to go find that woman ever since I woke up. Sebastian and I looked up to see a small child come running up towards us, her hair bouncing around her shoulders as she bounded over stopping in front of us.

"Hi! Are either of you the supposed, "chosen one?" She asks in a cute voice, I couldn't help but grin at her she was adorable...

"Hello there, little one... Um, yes, I'm the supposed chosen one.." I smile gently as I crouched down and made eye-contact with her, her small arms settled in front of her as she sent another cute smile.

"Hi, well, I have a special... Message from someone. But, she wants you to meet her tonight at the cove, but she wants you only come if you want.." She spoke lightly, somewhat holding her tongue as if she was also... Hiding something. Then again, she's a small child it's not like she's hiding anything big.

I gave Sebastian a side glance as his face held a smirk, I rolled my eyes some as I looked back up at her with a smile. I moved a little closer and brought my voice to a whisper.

"Well, who might that message be from?" I ask as she gives a small smile along with a little chuckle, as she eyes me some then shakes her head to where her hair slightly shook.

"Sorry, but I can't tell you that because she wants to know that you really want to meet her..." The small girl spoke quietly as I shook my head slowly as I stood and stuck out my head to her, as she giggled and grabbed hold of my large hand with her tiny one.

"Well, I guess that's why she had you come tell me. Anyway, what's your name?" I ask with a smile as she smiles back and gives me a small nod of acknowledgment.

"I'm Kiki, and that girl told me that I can tell you her name if you would like to know it..." She smiles as I nod gently and released her hand as she put it behind her back with a large smile.

"Well, her name is Serenity... Anyway, I need to get back to the orphanage. It was nice to meet you, chosen one.." She gave a small nod as I nodded back to her and off she went, as happy as any little girl could be... It hurt actually. I mean, she said she was an orphan, and she is such a sweet girl...

Sebastian and I began to walk once again as we started to talk about things that happened, and that's how we got back to the topic of me washing up on the shore, or like everyone keeps saying I was brought up by a "venomous beast," which I don't even know what that means...

- Rayne -

After the encounter with the great beast, Lotus and I went back towards the shipwreck where Lotus thinks that the worse might've happened here. I, being the non-adventure that I am, stayed close to Lotus while we explored the ship area. That's when I moved to the area, trying to stay to where I could see Lotus.

"Hey, Rayne! Come here and help me real quick before you become too adventurous!" I heard Lotus yell from a little way aways as I quickly dropped what I was messing with and swam over to where she was, now seeing Lotus sitting there trying to push a large desk like thing up.

"Lotus! Are you an idiot?! You can't lift that-" I pause my rant, swimming quickly towards her and helping her push it over when I notice... A large red crystal laid against the soft sands, somewhat buried under it.

"Hey, Lotus... Isn't this Serenity's crystal? From her crown?" Lotus moved from where she was looking and saw the crystal, picking it up and moving in between her fingers as she sighed and slowly nodded.

"Yeah... It's Serenity's. If she lost it here, that's means something happened... Can you use your magic and tell anything..?" She asks, placing the crystal in her bag as I shrugged and slowly closed my eyes and taking a deep breath as I tried to focus on the thing that happened here.

I could see everything... The large beast, the earth-walkers dying... Then, I saw Serenity swimming away with something, or someone in her arms as the beast chased after her... I re-opened my eyes and looked at Lotus with large eyes as I grabbed her shoulder and nodded, as I took off swimming towards the cave I saw her go too...

Hold on, Serenity... We'll come save you...

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