A cat-tastrophe

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Still no regrets here. Not one. I moonshot my regrets, and bills... and that one time with my ex... so yeah reading time enjoy bye. And remember no evidence no crime.

I scream so loud it confuses the writer so he cant write- (Y/N) POV- that. The girls walk out of a store empty handed. You would have thought theyd habe some bags or something... youd be wrong. Cue me, aka the Loader (Y/N), walking out of the store carrying a mountain of bags containing clothes. Some might belong to me. I dont bloody well know anymore.

Sarah: Doing ok there.
She asks causing Coco to laugh. I can even hear velvet giggle. I would be mad but have you seen her. No one with a soul can be mean to her.

(Y/N): cough Cardin cough.

Sarah: What was that?
She asks as I remember I have an empty inventory... that quickly fills with bags leaving a couple in my hands. They bought more clothes than I can stuff in my inventory. I call bull. Oh yeah conversation.

(Y/N): Oh nothing. And dont worry your clothes are safe.
I reassure them. Mainly as I think Coco will murder me if something happened to them.

Coco: Good. Now lets go. We still have three more stores to visit.
She says and I scream internally. I then decide to just go to autopilot and deal with it

(Y/N)s Mind.

Business Warrior

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Business Warrior

My entertaining thoughts of the terrifying vault monster in an office setting are cut off when I see a certain raven haired ninja girl woman thing walking on the other side of the road looking upset.

(Y/N): Ill be back in a moment.
I say quickly as I hand the bags to the girls and dash across the road.
- Hey Blake. Whats the matter?
I ask catching her off guard.

Blake: (Y-Y/N), what are you doing here?
She asks evading the question. I notice this and refuse to surrender.

(Y/N): I was out shopping with Sarah, Coco and Velvet. So whats got you so upset?
I ask gently holding her hand to keep her from getting away. She blushes and then leads me to a cafe to talk to me in private. I hear the rest of team RWBY calling her name... except Weiss which leads me to assume shes the problem. Blake pulls me in and sits down away from the window.

(Y/N): Ok you've got me here alone. Now please tell me whats wrong.
I say holding my arm. Damn shes strong. She proceeds to tell me about how Weiss discriminated about some faunus and how she was imature and my mind nearly wandered back to office warrior.
- Ok so you're mad because she discriminated against the faunus and the white fang. Im guessing because under that bow lies a pair of kitty ears or something.
I whisper so no one hears. The shocked look on her face leads me to assume Im right.

Blake: H-how did you know?
She asks worried.

(Y/N): Id say something like (Y/N) Springs, junior detective but that'd be dumb. Honestly it was the way Talon acts around you. He likes cats an dhe was really friendly with you. Besides that it was guesswork. Don't worry I can tell that you don't want everyone knowing so I won't tell anyone.
I say smiling. She looks a little upset but gives a little smile.

Blake: So you don't think its weird that Im a Faunus.
She asks and I smile and lean in.

(Y/N): Weird is kinda my life. But no I don't think its weird or a bad thing. I bet youd look as cute as Velvet with them out.
I tease causing her to blush and scowl at me.
-ok ok sorry. Innapropriate. Honestly I think you should talk to Weiss later once youve both cooled down a bit. Eh eh.
I grin and she facepalms.

Blake: You're as bad as Yang. But thanks for the advice (Y/N).
She says finishing the drink I wasnt even aware was there. I also notice my empty cup. I look around confused as she leaves.

As I do I see a boy in a bright yellow jacket walking down the street outside. The colour alone draws me to it but the black slanted H on it makes my blood boil. He notices me and gains a terrified expression before running.

(Y/N): Hyperion... no way. They were done for.
I say to myself as I leave some money on the table and dash out. I look around but cant find him anywhere.

Sarah: Whatcha lookin for?
She asks sneaking up on me alongside Velvet and Coco. I jump back summoning my shield. The three laugh and I sigh shaking my head.

(Y/N): Never mind. You all done?
I ask and they nod. We head back to Beacon and I head to their room to help sort through the inventorys worth of clothes that I have. My mind keeps switching between Blakes dilemma and that boy though.

Mark POV

I see the guy dressed like the Gladiator Athena and assume the worst. I run terrified of him being here to kill me like Athena did to Atlas (The corporation not the kingdom) I hide in an alley and pant.

As I poke my head out he walks past me with three girls. One with bunny ears and another with... Siren Tattoos! This is not good. Two Vault hunters. Wait no. Maybe they can help me. I say and write down the location for the White fang opetation tomorrow and have Magni (Defense Drone named after the Norse God of Strength) drop it at the right angle so itd land in his bag.


I pull out a (F/C) colour leather Jacket and see a slip of paper fall. I pick it up and see the white fang emblem badly drawn on it along with a location and time. I flip it over and see the Hyperion H on it and realise its from that boy. Velvet notices me looking at it and looks over my shoulder.

Velvet: Whats that?
She asks curiously. I slip it into my pocket and smile.

(Y/N): Nothing important, I gotta go talk to someone. Sarah can you take my stuff back to our room thanks bye.
I say as I run out heading to Team RWBYs dorm. I knock on the door to be greeted by Yang.

Yang: Oh hey (Y/N), Cant wait till next week?
She teases and I chuckle. I shake my head and ask if Blake is there.
- oh. She just left actually. She and Weiss had a little argument.
Of fucking course. I growl in my head hearing this.

(Y/N): Bugger. I need to find her.
I say and she holds my wrist as I go to run.

Yang: It might not be best to talk to her right now. - Or ever.
Weiss adds and I roll my eyes.

(Y/N): Shes a Faunus I know. This is pretty related. Also Weiss fuck you.
I yell the last part and break free leaving them confused and Weiss Angry. I see Blake talking to some blonde guy with a monkey tail. She takes her bow off revealing her cat ears. I walk over confusing the guy. She turns and sees me afraid.

(Y/N): I knew youd look cute. Now we gotta talk.
I say as I pull out the paper and her eyes widen. She nods and the three of us head out to Vale even though its late. I just hope things turn out ok. For me, that kid, Blake and her team. Also who the hell is this guy. I think as we walk.

(And dooone. I know two chapters in one night am I mad... maybe. I just had to get it out before I lost my ideas to sleep. Also I will say now. Marks defense drone is caller Magni, his healing one is Eir the norse Goddess of healing and the Super Badass Loader is Hel after the Ruler of Helheim, norse hell. Again needed to get it out there. Ok so I hope you all enjoyed. Until next time adios)

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