World Heavy Weight Champion

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Janet P.O.V

Today I defend my title from Alberto Del Rio.He is not a very nice person,not at all.I only met him once and he didn't make a good impression.It was in the hallways when I accidentally bumped into him.I said sorry and he said that I should be,then muttered some bad cuss words in Spanish.In Texas there are Mexicans and I learned a bit of Spanish,just to order food and to know if somebody is saying something mean.I told Alberto to watch his mouth and don't try to piss me off.Luckily he listened but it seems we havn't dodged a fight.

My theme Hard by Rihanna came on and i walked out with my head held high and title over my shoulder.My fans cheered and I smiled and waved to the crowd.

"Ladies and Gentlemen this is sure to be a fun match.Jane,the third woman ever to be world Heavy Weight Champion versus Alberto Del Rio,a two time World Heavy Weight Champion." announced Micheal Cole.

"Jane has been champion for three week and has been beating all who come against her.The crowd can not stop shouting her name.Listen to them!" laughed Jerry.

I jumped into the ring and firecrackers went off,then I gave my title to the referee and saw Alberto eyeing my title.

"That is as close you will ever get to my title." I snapped at him.

A malicious smile spread across Alberto's face and he said "We will see.".

We got into fighting positions then the ball rang.

Alberto tried to punch me but I dropped to the floor and he ended up walking over me so I grabbed his leg and got him in a leg lock.

I thought I had him but Alberto jumped for the ropes so the referee made me let him go.

Alberto got up and tried again to punch me but I moved and wrapped my arms around his waist and threw him over me and made him fall face first into the mat.

Exhausted from picking up someone so heavy I used the ropes to support me standing up as I regained my breath.

I pinned Alberto but he kicked out at two.

So I climbed onto the ropes to do the Frog Splash but Alberto caught me.He picked me up and threw me down hard on the mat.

I winced as I rubbed my aching back.

Then I punched him in the jaw and scrambled up onto the ropes and kicked him down.

I pinned him and this time I was successful.

My theme came on and the crowd cheered as the referee gave me back my title,which I happily placed back on my shoulder.

Where it belongs.

I skipped back to my locker room where Roman was waiting with a warm kiss and a hug.

"Great match babe.That deserves some victory take out." he chuckled.

"Sounds great!" I laughed as I packed up my stuff.

Roman smiled at me and it made my heart flutter.You think that after two years that I would be able to control these feelings,but I couldn't.Not around Roman,he had this capability to make me blush or make me feel all warm in my heart.

It was so great having him by me,I could have never asked for a greater boyfriend.

Roman and I walked out of WWE holding hands like usual.

My mind drifted through many thoughts and one in particular caught my mind.

"Oh Jesus!Roman I forgot to tell you!" I gasped as I smacked my head.

"What?" he asked softly.

"I have to go to Texas for two days to help my dad get through Mom's Death." I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair.

My family does this on the anniversary of Mama's Death.We gather together,talk about how much we miss Mama,eat her favorite meals,and visit her grave.It is hard for Papa to get through the day without crying.

Papa loved Mama,we all know it.Papa had made it his hobby to make Mama smile all the time.He always brought her roses and gifts.Anyone could have seen that they loved each other.When Mama dies Papa was devastated.He would not eat or talk for weeks,it took us along time to make him eat.

"Okay,babe." Roman smiled faintly as he kissed my fingers.

"You will be alright,right?" I asked.

"I have been alone for along time until you came into my life,princess.I will be fine." he chuckled.

I smiled and said thank you.

I hope Roman will be okay.Not only that,I hope he won't cheat on me.

You look at Roman and you think..Damn!That is one sexy man!

And I am pretty sure I am not the only girl who thinks that.That is what scares me.I would hate to come home and see Roman with some girl.I would brake down and probably die.

I love Roman,just as much as I love life.

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