Monday Night Raw Pain

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                                                                  Janet P.O.V    

I am so excited!!!!The wedding is in one month and Roman and I have planned everything!I can't wait!The wedding is going to be at an old,big,church in Rome.

I told Roman that I was happy with a small wedding but he insisted that we do something big,he said that he wanted to make me the happiest world on the planet.

Whenever Roman is asleep or isn't looking, I peak in the cupboard to look at my beautiful wedding dress!!!

When I clocked into Raw and went to my locker room,where Roman was waiting.

"Hey handsome." I smiled as I kissed him on the lips.

"Hey beautiful." he smiled as he kissed my nose.

I have a match against Fandango again so I have to get ready and get out there because I came in late.So I canged into my gear,with Roman watching,and then slipped on my boots.

"Good luck,but I highly doubt you need it." he chuckled as he kissed me one more time.I gave him my engagment ring because jewelry of any kind is not allowed in the ring.

"Here." he smiled as he handed me a tiny elastic band.It is what the WWE superstars wear to show they are married.

"Okay." I smiled as I slipped on the band and walked out.

My theme music came on and the crowd started to cheer.There were signs with drawings or pictures of me and Roman.

One fan had drew a picture with me standing under the arch with Roman and I had Aj in a head lock and Roman had Bray,we looked so lost in thought together in the picture.

I laughed at the picture and winked at the person holding it up,they got excited and started jumping up and down.

I climbed into the ring,waiting for Fandango.

Sure enough he came out in his giraffe print pants and with Summer Rae dancing around like she always does.


They slid into the ring and continued to dance in the ring until the music stopped and Summer Rae jumped out of the ring.

Fandango smiled at me and held his hand out as he mouthed 'Congratulations',but he had a mischievous look in his eye.I carefully walked up to him and shook his hand but when I was going to let go he let go and clothes lined me!

My back stung from the impact of the fall,but when Fandango tried to clothes line me again,I dropped to the floor and grabbed his legs so he fell and hit the mat face first.I tried to pin him but he kicked out at one.

So I got up and did something that I knew I probably shouldn't be doing.When Fandango got up I charged at him then Super Man Punched him!The crowd laughed and cheered as I skipped around.I was going to spear Fandango but Summer Rae came in and started yelling at me,but considering I am a girl it is not bad for girls to hit other girls.

I speared Summer Rae then I speared Fandango.I pinned him then my theme music came on.

I skipped around and started blowing kisses to everyone until the lights went out.

No!Shoot!I forgot tat the Wyatts got out of jail a while ago!Oh no they are going to kill me!

I turned around and sure enough the Wyatts were standing in front of the exit.Bray had a big mischievous grin on his face as he walked down to the ring,each one of them blocked each side of the ring.

Then a theme came on that sent relief through me.

The Shield

Roman came running down with the Shield but he was too late,Bray snuck up from behind me and hit me with a steel chair!I gasped in pain as I fell to the floor and the pain flooded through my entire back.

He hit me once,twice..four times before Roman came into the ring and started beating The Wyatts senselessly.

My back was aching and begging for a break, and I felt like tears were going to form.

No!Don't cry!Don't cry!

I sucked it up but I crawled out of the ring were Aj was waiting with a twisted smile on her face!Where the hell did she come from?!

To weak to fight,she threw me into the steel stairs and I cut my forehead with the edge of the stairs.I was bleeding badly,from my back,legs,and stomach.My blood was in the ring,and everywhere around the arena.The Shield were fighting the Wyatts as Lasie and Natalya came out and pummeled Aj,Natalya stopped and helped me backstage and to the doctor's office.

"Oh my God!" the doctor gasped,I think his name is Lenny, as he helped Natalya carry me to a bed and he started putting bandages on me to stop the blood from coming out.The blood was coming from small cuts but I had some major bruises that made me look like I walked down the wrong ally at midnight.

The pain was unbearable,and I felt like crying but I held them in.I was growing weaker and tired by the second that I fell asleep before anyone could tell me anything.

Trying to keep the Shield Together  (Sequel to Do you know Justice Roman Reigns)FinishedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora