Lasie's Wedding

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Lasie P.O.V

Excitement rushed through me as Janet helped me zip my dress up.

"I'm so excited!In one hour I will officially be Lasie Elizabeth Rollins!" I squealed as I picked up my bouquet."I feel like such a dork."

"No,it's not everyday you get married." smiled Janet."Unless your Aj."

We both laughed and they helped me with my make up.I was already sweating since I was wearing my lingerie and a wedding dress.

"Woo,getting toasty in here." I laughed.

"Well,in these brides maid dresses.We can feel your pain." Natalya laughed.

Natalya is going to be walking down the aisle with my cousin,although we had hoped that it would be her and Dean.

"We ready?" I asked.

"Ready." they said confidently.Tears were forming in my eyes.

Janet and Natalya looked beautiful in their green brides maid dresses.I was starting to cry.

"No." I gasped as I started blinking quickly as I fanned my eyes."You guys are making me cry."

"Well your doing the same to us." laughed Janet as she started blinking,too.

We laughed as I looked at myself in the mirror.

I don't mean to be all self obsessed,but I looked good.

My blonde hair was wavy and long,my make up made my blue eyes pop,and the dress made me look one hot maiden.

"Let's do this." I breathed as I put on my veil.

Janet and Natalya opened the door and the brides maid's and groom's men were getting into place.My nerves were growing as the rows started disappearing.

The last row was Roman and Janet,and man did they look cute together.

"Are you ready,wild flower." chuckled Papa.I hugged him and smiled,"Ready."

"Your mother would be so proud." he smiled as he entered the room.

I was about to cry right there and then.The beautiful white room had white,green,and black streamers and Seth and my little cousins looked cute in there flower girl dresses.Everyone gasped at my appearance and I couldn't help but blush.I saw Seth and my heart stopped.

He looked so handsome in his black tux and green tie,his soft brown eyes looked at me in pride and joy.I felt like someone could have punched me and I would have never known.

Everyone was dressed so nicely and the decorations were just beautiful.I felt like were going to explode from all the beautiful decorations and dresses.When I finally walked under the arch I felt like kissing Seth right then and there,but I restrained all my dirty little thought that were bubbling in my naughty little mind.

"Dearly beloved." the priest began."We are gathered here today.."

Blah blah blah blah.

As you know me,I am a major party animal.And I don't mean to be rude to the priest but I kind of feel like telling the priest to speed it it up so we can get to the fun stuff.

I heard sniffling and I turned and saw Natalya,Nikki,and Brie were already crying and Janet was on the verge of tears.I looked at Seth's side of the family and saw that many of the women were crying and all of them looked proud and happy.

Thank goodness they accept me.I looked at my side of the family,and saw they looked so happy for me.Seth's family dressed in white and balck to represent my colors and my family dressed in blue and black to represent Seth's.

Trying to keep the Shield Together  (Sequel to Do you know Justice Roman Reigns)FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now