Friday Night Smack Down

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                                                                      Roman P.O.V

I put on my uniform nervously as I tried to keep myself calm.I always try to act confident in front of Janet as much as i can but I think my walls are crumbling.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Janet in her yellow bra-thing (She told me what it was but I was to busy checking her out) and her blue short shorts.

I tried to walk out strong and confident but the thought of the Wyatts laying a finger on my girl made me nervous.

What if I can't protect her?

What if they hurt her?

"Roman are you okay?" she asked softly as she took my hand.

Stop it Roman!

I snapped out of it and nodded strongly.

"Okay,you ready?" she asked softly.

"Yeah,let's go." I nodded.

I was even more worried that we were missing Dean,that means if Seth and I get knocked out then the Wyatts can do what ever they please with the girls.

Stop it!

I need to have confidence in Janet and the girls,they have proven many times that they are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves.

I met up with Seth as we waited in our spot so we can walk down the stairs to the ring.

"Nervous man?" asked Seth.

"Yeah." I admitted.

"It is gonna be fine,our girls are just as strong as they are hot." he smiled at me.

I smiled back to show I agreed.

The Wyatts came out first,then us.

The crowd was cheering us on until Aj's theme came on.

She came down skipping happily while her 'Friends' walked behind her.

Then Natalya's theme came on,when she walked out she glared at the Wyatts furiously.

I couldn't blame her,I would be just as pissed if someone hurt Janet.

Then Lassie,who came down to the ring and winked at Layla with a mean smirk on her face.

Then Janet,she came out strongly and showed no fear toward the Wyatts.

That's my girl.

Janet slid into the ring and glared at Aj with pure hatred and placed a smirk on her glossy,pink lips.

Her wavy bangs covered her right eye and was about three inches above her butt.

She turned to us and stepped out of the ring for the match to start.

The match started with me against Luke Harper.

The bell rang and we went at it.

I repeatedly hit him in the head but it seemed to be not having that much affect.

Luke caught my next punch and picked me up then slammed me down on the mat.

Pain surged through my back so I crawled to the nearest hand in my corner and tagged it in.

If I would have known who it was I would have never tagged her in.


But Janet didn't seem to care as she crawled into the ring with Luke.

Trying to keep the Shield Together  (Sequel to Do you know Justice Roman Reigns)FinishedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin