Monday Night Rogue

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                                                                       Lasie P.O.V

"This is going to be so exciting!" squealed Natalya as I helped zip up her pink bustier.

"I know,we are going to fight Tamina and Layla so act mean." I remined her.

"Okay." she giggled as I handed her the cap,

"You guys ready?" asked Janet as she came in"Oh,you guys look cool."

"Thanks." smiled Natalya.

Janet cocked her eyebrow at Nat,as if telling her she is not putting on the act.

"Oh,I mean." she began in a serious voice."Of course I look cool you moron."

We all laughed and held our stomachs.

My phone went off.


Good luck tnight!I believe in you!


Thanks,hope you enjoy the match


Trust me,I am biting my nails in excitement!Jk!

I laughed as I put my phone away.

"Who was it?" asked Janet.

"Taj." I smiled.

"Oh yeah,what did she say?" asked Janet.

"She wanted to wish us good luck." I answered.

"Aw,how sweet." smiled Natalya as she put on her gloves.

When we walked out we met up with the guys.They weren't going to wrestle but they were still here to support us.And when they saw us their jaws dropped.

"What's goin on boys?" asked Janet as she wrapper her arms around Roman's neck.

I walked up to Seth,who was in a wheel chair,bent down and put my hands on the arm rests so my boobs would show.

I smirked and said "Hey big boy."

Seth gulped and it was cute when his Adams apple bobbed up and down.

Natalya snuck up behind Dean so she could rest her arm on his shoulder so she could wink at him.

Dean's jaw dropped as Natalya played with the hem of his shirt.

"You girls are trying to soak us arn't you." said Roman as he backed away from Janet.

We laughed as I gave the theme guy our new song 'When I grow up' by the Pussycat Dolls.

The theme came on and I gave Seth a quick kiss good bye before I headed out with the girls.

The crowd cheered but we did not smile or wave,even though I really wanted to smile.We walked down to the arena strongly and I kept my head up.

Tamina and Layla rolled their eyes at us but they had no idea what Natalya and me had instored ofr them.

Janet stayed by the side just like Aj did for her group.I stayed in the ring with Layla and the referee while Tamina and Natalya stayed at ring side.

The bell rang and I immediately clothes lined Layla,she sat up in shock while I gave her a mean smirk.

Layla got up and tried to clothes line me back but I dropped to the floor when she came around and when she came back I gripped her legs and made her fall to the ground.Then I got on top of her and repeatedly started punching her in the face until the referee pulled me away.

Trying to keep the Shield Together  (Sequel to Do you know Justice Roman Reigns)FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now