Wakey Wakey!

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Janet P.O.V

When I woke up I saw I was in a hospital,and Rikishi and the Rock were in my room.

Wow!Bet you don't say that everyday.I mean how many girls get to see two Hall of Famers in their hospital room,looking down at you in sympathy.

"Hey Sleeping Beauty is awake." chuckled Rikishi as he hugged me lightly.I wonder if he is always this friendly?

"Hey guys." I murmured as I rubbed my eyes.My back was a bit sore,but I was fine,no big deal.It felt like I just fell down and just got back up.So not all that bad.Which is kind of weird.

"How are you feeling?" asked The Rock as he slumped down in the chair next to my bed.

"My back is sore,but that isn't surprising." I sighed,I mean that is what happens when you get beaten with a steel chair.

Rikishi and the Rock smiled lightly at me and left the room.I heard voices then Roman burst through the room,there were bags under his eyes.Showing that he proably hasn't slept for a while.He smiled at me and drowned my face in kisses.

"Roman." I laughed as I pushed him away.He was going to drown me in kisses to the death.

"Oh God I am going to kill those Wyatts for hurting my fiance.Nobody touches you but me." he growled as he ignored my pushing and kissed my nose,cheeks,forehead over and over again.

"What if you weren't around and I was dying?" I laughed as I fianlly got him to sit down next to me.

"I will always be around." he smiled at me as he grasped my hand,it fitted in perfectly,as usual.

"Now that is just cheesy." I laughed as I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him.

The Rock peeked through and sighed with relief,"It's alright,there just hugging."

Roman smirked at him,then he climbed onto my hospital bed and got on top of me too quickly for me to react.I blushed at the sudden reaction and saw that Roman winked at me.

"Red alert!Red alert!Rated R activity in progress!" shouted the Rock like a little kid who had just caught his big brother doing something they shouldn't be.

Roman and I laughed at his cousin's dorkyness as he got off of me and sat down next to me.

Then Roman's family(The Usos,Sika,Patty,the Rock,and Rikishi) came and sighed with relief.

"I thought you said they were...doing the dirty,Dwayne." scolded Patty as she put her hands on her hips.

The dirty?What are we teenagers with no protection!Oh Patty you are so cute!

"I said they were preparing to do the dirty!Roman got on top of her!" chuckled the Rock.

"Roman!" hissed Patty.

"I was joking,Mom." laughed Roman.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" asked Patty as she pushed my hair back.

Um,I have never had any woman do this to me except my Mom.And you can guess how long someone has done that to me.

"Fine.Which is weird.Usually when I get hit in the back it takes a day and a ton of pain killers to make the pain go down." I said as I thought.

"You've been out for four days,princess." said Roman lightly.

I felt someone touching my hair,when I turned around Sadie was brushing it.

We looked at her in confusion.

"What!" she asked."I never had a daughter!I never got to braid!"

"roman's hair is long enough." I joked and everyone laughed,well all except Roman who scowled as he ran his fingers through his hair.

We laughed as Sadie continued to brush my hair gently and started to braid it.

Suddenly Roman's phone went off and when he checked it he groaned.

"Dude,you need to have someone block her." sighed Jimmy,or was it Jay?

"Aj?" I growled.My anger was on a whole new level as the memory of Aj throwing me into the stair case made my cheeks grow hot and my knuckles turned white.

The entire Reigns family looked at me in shock since I have been very kind and have never seen me be angry.

"Dang,call a priest because a demon just came out of Janet." chuckled one of the twins.

"It's nobody." said Roman as he was about to put his phone back in his pocket but I snatched it.

I called the number back and the entire Reigns family left.When the caller picked up anger boiled through my veins.

"Finally you picked up!baby can you please come back home!Three years is way to long!" begged a slutty voice on the other end.

"Who the hell is this!" I snarled while ignoring Roman's jaw drop

"Who is this!?" hissed the voice.

"Roman's fiance!" I snapped.

"Oh,well then listen good you whore.Roman is way to good for you and he belongs with me!" snarled the voice.

"Before I could say anything Roman grabbed the phone and said "Shut up Jocelyn!If you would have loved me then you would have never have cheated on me!And don't ever talk to my future wife like that again!" growled Roman.

"But baby!" whined Jocelyn."You are always going to want more of Jocelyn Tate!"


"I am a stronger fighter than her.That is why my mom lasted longer that her pathetic-"

I snatched the phone and growled "You want to say something,say it to my face!I'll meet you any time,any place!"

"Oh,how pathetic,just like your mother." she said as she hung up.

I was breathing heavy and I glared at Roman.

"You have some big explaining to do on why you dated my mother's enemy's daughter." I growled ad I crossed my arms.

Roman had that look on his face that said 'Holy shit I am in trouble!'

N/A;So Janet woke up and Roman is in big trouble!!Dun-dun-dun Dun!!!!Roman's ex,slutty girlfriend is causing so stress to Janet!Not to mention that Ronda Rousey hate each other!So,Roman is in some DEEP!DEEP!Trouble

Trying to keep the Shield Together  (Sequel to Do you know Justice Roman Reigns)FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now