Just you and me

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                                                                 Roman P.O.V

I walked into our bedroom,still pretty fumed about Janet getting her hair cut.

Janet was sitting on our bed reading a book,as usual.The stuff she bought was layed out on the bed like she usually does.She had bouth five book,one bottle of perfume,lotion,a cute yellow dress,brown sandals,and a plastic bag which she most likely kept all the new bras and underwear.

I opened it and saw bras and something else.I pulled it out and saw it was a sailor bikini;navy blue with white poka dots and a red bow in the middle.

"Paws off." growled Janet as she flipped a page.

"Janet,we need to talk." I said as I sat down next to her,

She sighed as she closed her book and set it aside,when she turned to me her hair didn't sway how it used,the way I liked it.

"I'm listening." she said softly.

"I know we have had a lot of issues lately.Like the Wyatts and Aj." I began,when I said Aj's name her blue eyes darkened,but I continued anyway."And I know it still didn't give me the right to act like an ass on Friday or at Jamba Juice."

She nodded and was waiting for me to continue.

"I just want you to be safe.I hate seeing you bruised and hurt because it makes me feel helpless.That I can't protect you,and you are everything to me,Janet." I said as I touched her hand.

She sighed and said "I am sorry,too.I don't like feeling helpless either,like I need to stay behind you and let you get hurt.You are everything to me,too." she said as she hugged me.

Her soft hair was on my cheek and I could smell the scent of apples.

My heart lifted as I replayed her words in my head over and over.

An idea lit up in my head and I smiled.

"Come on,we are going out.Just you and me." I smiled.

"That sounds like a plan,I am going to change into my new dress." she perked up as she picked up her dress and cut off the tag.

"Can I watch?" I asked playfully.

"Nope." she said as she shooed me away and closed the door.

When she came out she looked gorgeous,the dress fit perfectly and two pieces of her hair on each side of her head were pinned in the back."You look beautiful." I smiled as I kissed her on her glossy lips.

"Thank you." she blushed.

"We ready to go?" I asked as I picked up my keys.

"Yup." she smiled as she picked up her purse.

"Okay let's go." I smiled as I opened the door for her and we walked out together.

Just as we were about to leave my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Roman,Lasie came up with a great plan for the Wyatts!" exclaimed Seth.

"What is it?" I asked.

"We should let the Wyatts attack us outside of WWE." he said.

"What!Seth that is a terrible idea!" I hissed.

"No,because if they keep on attacking us then they will be put in jail for a week and suspended from the WWE for two!Enough for us to come up with a better plan." Seth said.

"Okay,I gotta go." I said as I hung up.

"What did he want?" asked Janet.

"He said we should let the Wyatts attack us so they can be put in jail and suspended from WWE for a little while until we come up with a better plan." I said.

"Smart." she said as she put on her seat belt.

We went to Subway and bought some sandwiches then took them to the park,where I laid out a blanket for us to lay on.

It was nice,being with Janet alone.It has been a while since we got some us time.

We watched kids play,butterflies fly bye,and said what the clouds looked like.

I saw Janet constantly watching a baby trying to walk.

I reached out for her hand and held it,her blue eyes stared into mine.

"Maybe we can have some of our own." I smiled as I kissed her hand.

Her eyes softened and her cheeks turned pink.

I know what I said and I mean't it.

I do plan on marrying Janet Caley Thomson,and I do plan on having a baby with her.

We packed up the picnic stuff and walked around the park together,holding hands.

"I you were to have a baby,what gander and what would the name be?" I asked her.

"Hm,I guess both would be great.Sam for the girl,and Dj for the boy." she said.

I liked those names,I nodded in approval as we walked.

There was a fair in town and i thought it was the perfect place to take Janet.

It was big;a Ferris wheel,a bunch of rides,games,and food.

We bought tickets to go on rides then looked around.

"Do you want to go on the Sphinx's Revenge?" she asked as she pointed to a ride that looked like a boat swinging back and forth.

"Sure." I said as we walked to it.

When we got in we sat next to a little boy and his family.

The boy was a WWE fan because he stared at Janet and I like he found heaven.

Janet pulled out a piece of paper and signed it then passed it to me.

When I was done she gave the kid the paper and a smile lit up on his face.The boy did the 'zip the lip' sign with his fingers and sat down while admiring our signatures.

The ride was great,if it went any faster I think I might have thrown up.

I saw a strength tester and went for it.

I saw Janet frown as she looked around worriedly.

I paid the guy,picked up the hammer,then struck the plate.The little marker went all the way up to the bell and it rang.

That's when I realized what Janet was frowning about,a bunch of girls were grouped together and were giggling at me.

A blonde girl winked at me and that is when Janet lost it.

She paid the guy,then struck the bell,too.

The girls stopped smiling as Janet glared at them while she walked over to me then grabbed my hand and dragged me away.

I am glad that I am not the only one that gets jealous in this relationship,because what Janet did was priceless!

We went on a couple of more rides then went back home,got dressed up,then I took Janet out for a romantic dinner.

I know on WWE I may be a big mean guy but I can be very romantic when I want to.

Trying to keep the Shield Together  (Sequel to Do you know Justice Roman Reigns)FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now