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Roman P.O.V

"She was a mistake,Janet." I sighed."I met her at a club,I thought she would be nice but she started spending all money and I caught her sleeping with other men.Three times."

Janet frowned and looked sorry,but then her soft blue eyes turned dark and angry.

"I still want to kick her ass." she said lowly."She isn't just trying to take you away from me,she insulted my mother.And when you do that there is hell to pay."

"I know,Janet.But I think we should just drop this." I sighed.

"If you dated Sara Mcmann or Gina Carano's daughters I will castrate you with a wooden spoon." she growled as she slipped on her WWE clothes since it was the only clothes she had.

"Kat is actually nice,not that I dated her but she seems ni-"

"Shut up,Roman." she growled as she put her hair in a ponytail and walked out.

I explained what happened then my family looked at Janet like she was a rare species.

The ride home was silent and then my phone rang.

It was on blue tooth with the car so Janet quickly answered it.

"Roman,babe.Is that slut with you?" sneered Jocelyn.

"You know I havn't even seen you yet and yet I can still hear the word Whore oozes out of your voice." Janet said in a monotone voice.damn,I have never seen her get this mad.It is kind of a turn on.

"Hilarious.Now,I am coming to see Roman so if you would like to have a match in the octagon would be happy to beat you. " sneered Jocelyn.

"No,stay away from me and my wife!I don't want anything to do with you!" I hissed.I love Janet,and she is the only woman I want to spend the rest of my life with me.

"I would be happy to,but let's make it interesting." Janet smirked.

What is she thinking?

"What?" growled Jocelyn.

"Wow,I haven't even said it yet and you are already mad,you must be really nervous." Janet laughed.

"Shut up and say it!" snarled Jocelyn.

"I want to make a bet." Janet smiled and continued."Loser has to leave Roman and say that the other's mother is better." I stated.

"No!" I shouted.

"Deal!" Jocelyn said quickly."Pack your bags,Jane.Because I will win." laughed Jocelyn.

"Oh,well even if you do,which you won't,you still have to go through Aj." Janet smiled.

"I don't know who that is!" Jocelyn hissed.

"Roman's crazy ex girlfriend." Janet snickered.

"I can beat her too." snipped Jocelyn.

Janet hung up on her and she turned to me with a slick smile.

I glared at her.I am mad,if she does lose then what?Is she really going to leave me?

I won't let her.No matter what the deal is.

"Silence,I am the only one who should be mad because you didn't tell me anything about your ex girlfriend." Janet huffed.


I frowned and turned back to the road.When we got home Janet lied down on the bed while talking to someone on the phone.

"Thanks,Papa." she said happily as she hung up.

"What was that?" I asked as I put on a new shirt.

"Nothing..." she said with a mischievous smile.

"Janet,can you please just drop the deal." I begged.

"Babe,I can do this." she said confidently as she held my hand in her's."Can you trust me?"

"Always." I smiled as I kissed kissed her on her soft cheek.

"Great." she smiled cheerfully."Oh,and can we go see Fault in Our Stars?"

"That romance movie with the two people with cancer?" I asked,no not a romance!

I'll get my man card taken away for watching that girly movie.

"Please!" she begged."I have been dying to see it." 

I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Fine,but don't expect me to like it." I sighed.

"Wouldn't dream of it." she laughed as she kissed me on the lips and wrapped her arms around my neck.

Her beautiful blue eyes were shining with joy.

I am glad,I love seeing her happy.But I don't want to see her get hurt against Jocelyn.

Jocelyn does enjoy hurting people.

I remember when we went to the park and she got bored because she said it was cheesy and stupid.Then a group of kids  accidentally hit her in the head with a beach ball.She was so furious that she popped the ball right in front of the kids and she smiled cruelly as they begun to cry.

Janet would have never done that.

Janet loves the park and children.She probably would have laughed if the ball hit her and then given the ball back nicely.

Trying to keep the Shield Together  (Sequel to Do you know Justice Roman Reigns)FinishedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon