Break Out

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                                                      Natalya P.O.V

Tonight I defend my title against Aj.I know I am going to win because I am stronger,my only worry is that Aj's group is going to get in the way.That is why I am bringing my girls with me.

As I got ready at the entrance the Shield came by.

"Good luck babe,although I highly doubt you need it." chuckled Dean as he kissed me on the lips and my mind drifted for a second.

"We are her luck." chuckled Lasie.

"Tamina and Layla are Aj's." said Janet seriously.

Ever since that one match between Aj and Janet we have always tried to keep the two away from each other.

If you left Janet alone with Aj you might as well spend that time buying a tombstone for Aj.

My entrance music went on and me,Lasie,and Janet walked out together.

Aj smiled at me but I smirked back to show I was not at all scared.And I wasn't.Why should I be afraid of a tiny,slimy,pathetic bitch who can't stay with a guy for a less than a month.

i climbed into the ring and waited fro the bell to ring.

When it did Aj lunged at me and made me fall to the ground,she repeatedly struck blows that did not really hurt but still stung.

I kicked Aj off of me then I punched her in the face which made her fall on her butt.Then I shoved my knee right into her head.

I was ready to pin her when Tamina came in and Clothes Lined me!

My neck and back were sore and the next thing I knew a fight had broken out.

Janet was fighting Tamina and Lasie was beating the hell out of Layla.

Lasie grabbed Layla's head and rammed it into the bell.

Layla dropped to the floor and Janet threw Tamina into the stair case.

We were about to leave when the lights went out.

The crowd booed so I knew what this meant.

The Wyatts!

Someone grabbed my hand and pulled me forward.

The lights came on and I saw it was Lasie and she was holding Janet's hand too but it was too late.

Th Wyatts were blocking our path and  Bray Wyatt was smiling at us.

Janet got in her fighting position so we did the same,but it did not seem to scare them.Brey just laughed at the fact that we thought we could take them.







The Shield came out quickly and came to our side.Dean of course stepped in front of me,Seth stepped in front of Lasie,and Roman stepped in the front with Janet.

We were so close to fighting them when Hunter's theme song came on.

Lovely,the authority.Like they are going to be any help.

"Whoa whoa,Wyatts.Shield.Uh,Diva Shield.Settle down please." said Hunter.

Lasie gave me a look and smiled.

Diva Shield,I could get used to that.

I know that I should probably call Hunter,Triple H but he dosn't deserve it.He was Triple H,he was the Game,he was a WWE legend.Now he is just Stephanie Mcmahon's husband.

He is a 'Used to be' a 'Once was'.

"How about I do this,On Friday Night Smack-down for the Pain Event it will be a 6 man and 6 Diva tag team match up." announced Hunter and the crowd cheered.

My team smiled at each other and than at the Wyatts and Aj's team.

They smiled back at us,the only difference was their smiles were actually scary.

Hunter walked back stage and left us with the Wyatts.

"It appears we are going through the same thing like last time arn't we?" sighed Janet."You are gonna end up losing."

"No,this time it is going to be different." smiled Bray.

"How so?Everybody you have we can beat.I can easily beat Aj,Lasie totally K.O.d Layla,Natalya can take down Tamina,and I am sure the boys can do the same with you." Janet snapped.

"All I have to ask is are you ready to see your boyfriends get hurt?" asked Brey with a sick twisted smile.

Then the lights went out and when they came back on.

"We can take them." I said not so confidently.

Dean put my hand in his and nodded in agreement.

We walked backstage together and saw Lasie had a black eye.

"Damn,Layla got a little out of you." i gasped.

"A little." grumbled Lasie as she walked ahead.

She must be pissed.

                                                       Lasie P.O.V

Great!Now I have a stupid black eye because of Layla.Now I highly doubt Seth will want to be around me.

I stormed into my locker room and slammed the door behind me but Seth came in right after.

"Babe, are you okay?" he asked softly.

"Please leave." I sighed as I walked into the restroom.

Seth ignored me and took hold of my hand and me close to him.

Face to face.

He saw my black eye and frowned.

"It's so ugly." I sobbed as I closed the restroom door in his face and locked it.

"Aw babe it is not that bad." Seth cooed at the door.

"Yes it is." I sobbed as I examined my swollen eye in the mirror.

"No it isn't.Come on baby I still love you." said Seth through the door.

"Yeah but you don't want me with you right now." I sniffled as I tried to pull myself together.

Then the door went down to the floor with a loud crash,revealing Seth who was panting lightly.

He smiled at me then stepped over the fallen door and pulled my face into his.

He kissed me gently and mad me me feel as light as air.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and opened my mouth to let his tongue have as much room as it needed.

I moaned as I ran my hand through his long blonde/black hair.

We stopped when we ran out of air and pulled away.

"See,I still love you." gasped Seth as he tried to regain his breath like me and he brushed a lock of my blonde hair out of my face.

My cheeks heated up and I looked away so he would not see.

"I see you blushing beautiful." chuckled Seth and it only caused me to blush more.

"Come on,let's go get some ice on that." soothed Seth as he held out his arm,which I graciously took and let him lead me to the Doctor's office.

Trying to keep the Shield Together  (Sequel to Do you know Justice Roman Reigns)FinishedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora