The Death Anniversary of Ronda Rousy

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                                                                    Janet P.O.V

I packed up my stuff,gave Roman one last kiss (Maybe more than one),met up with Lasie,and drove to the airport.

"Do you think Mama would be surprised if she knew I was in the WWE?" I asked Lasie curiously.

"Probably not,she always had hope that you would be a fighter." said Lasie.

"How do you think the boys are doing?" she asked while looking at her phone.

"Probably watching football." I chuckled.

"Hopefully." grumbled Lasie who checked her phone,again.

"Gotta trust them." I told her and myself.

"Yeah I know." sighed Lasie as she messed with the blue necklace that Seth got her for Christmas.

"Do you think Mama would approve of Seth?" asked Lasie curiously.

"I guess so,he isn't dirty or anything." I shrugged as I parked and we got out of the car and went inside the airport.

We walked up to a lady in a blue uniform and asked her for two tickets.We had to give her our liscenece and passport.

"Okay all set up.Flight 6 will be your ride to Austin,Texas." said the lady sweetly.

"Thank you." we smiled as we picked up our bags and waited for the time to get on the plane.

I am proud that Seth helped Lasie get over her fear of heights.Otherwise we would have to walk.

We got on the plane and sat in the first class section which was still very weird to me.I felt like any seconed a flight attendant will come up to me and say I don't belong here.

I have always felt that way about great things.Great treatment,food,rooms,and.. Roman.

I always feel like I am not good enough for Roman because I know it is true.

He is like a rich velvety cake made with the only finest of ingredients and I am a Mcdonald's cookie.

See what I mean?

Any Diva would be great with Roman.Any.

Aj did it.

Who says that it can't happen again?It can.

I sighed as I slumped down in my chair and pulled out my phone to listen to music.

Out of total irony of what I was thinking about,the first song that popped up was 'When your gone' by Avril Page!

The lyrics poured into my soul and the horrid memories of back when Roman ignored me flooded back to me.

Fear slipped into my heart and I could feel my heart beating faster than usual.

I don't know if anyone noticed but I blacked out.



 When I woke up Lasie was shaking my shoulder telling me it was time to go.

"You fell asleep quickly,when I came  back from the restroom you were already asleep." chuckled Lasie as she pulled her bag onto the floor of the plane.

I decided not to tell Lasie I fainted because it would sound stupid and then she would stick closer to me than a bee stuck to it's honey.

"Oh,yeah." I smiled faintly as I pulled my bag down too.

As soon as we walked out of the plane the hot,Texas air hit me.

I smiled at the familiar feeling and saw Papa was waiting by his car.

We walked up to him and hugged him.His eyes were red and puffy,you could tell he had already been crying.

"How you doing,Pa?" i asked softly.

"As much as I can kiddo." he sighed as he got in the car.

I looked at Lasie sadly and she gave me a hopeful smile,then we got into Papa's car.

We stopped at a flower store and bought roses and Lotus flowers( her favorite).

After that we went to the grocery store and bought food for the banquet.We were going to make steak,potato salad,corn,and vanilla cake.

When we got home instantly we got to cooking.

Papa cooked the steaks on the grill,Lasie was handling the potato salad,and I was baking the cake.

As usual it was quiet,nobody said a thing and just worked.It was even weirder considering that Dj was not here.I miss him just like everybody else does.He had this great habit of breaking the silence and making people laugh.

I wish that Mama and Dj would just burst through the door and make us laugh once again.


[1] Roman

R u in Txas?How was ur flight?

Me-Yeah I am here and it went fine.I gotta go.

Roman-Okay babe.Miss u alredy

Me-Miss u 2

I sighed as I put my phone away and added eggs into the batter.

Sure enough Lasie got a call and she told Seth that she was fine.She had him on speaker so I heard everything.

"I wish you were here with me babe." Lasie smiled.

"I wish you were in bed with me so we co-"

"I wish you would hang up!" I snapped and Lasie turned pink.

"Lasie you had me on speaker?" chuckled Seth.

"Yep." i laughed and Lasie said bye to Seth quickly and hung up.

"So what would you two be doing in bed,Naughty?" I joked.

"Same thing like you and Roman." retorted Lasie as she poured the corn into a sauce pan.

"Sleeping?" I laughed.

"Yep." she laughed.

Then Papa came in gloomily and placed the tray of steaks on the counter.

It instantly made us feel bad.We were talking about the loves of our lives and we are supposed to be celebrating the death of his love.

So me and Lasie swore not to talk to or about Roman and Seth for the whole day.

When it was time for dinner there was one chair that was left empty.


Dad sighed as he passed around the steaks in silence.

We ate quietly until the silence was killing Lasie.

"Mama had good taste in food." Lasie smiled softly.

We all nodded in agreement.

Then after the very quiet dinner we went to the cemetery and visited Mama's grave.

Papa placed the bouquet of roses and Lasie and I put down the lotus flowers.

"We wish you were here Ronda." sighed Papa sadly as he took out tissues to wipe his tear stained,wrinkled face.

"She is." I smiled hopefully as I took his hand."In here" I said as I used my left hand to place over his heart.

"We are never gonna forget how much of a great Mom she was Papa." smiled Lasie as she took Papa's other hand.

We went home and went to bed.

I bit my lip ,knowing I should text Roman but I remembered my promise.

No Roman or Seth for a day.

I sighed as I put my phone away and went to sleep.

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