Personality Test

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N/A;Hey guys!I am going to let you take a personality test!Have Fun!

1.What is your favorite color?




2.What would you rather have for dinner?



C.Chinese take out

3.You see a group of people fighting,you..

A.Let them be,they arn't hurting you.

B.Do something silly or stupid so they can start laughing and they hopefully forget about it.

C.Break it up,there is no need for someone to go home with a black eye.

4.You see a thief steal a woman's purse.You..

A.Call the police

B.Laugh at the woman for being stupid enough to not hold onto her purse.

C.Chase after the man and tackle him down.

5.What would you rather do?

A.Hang out with a friend

B.Plan some pranks

C.Draw something

6.Your siblings are fighting over the remote.You..

A.Tell them to share

B.Take the remote and tell both of them to scram

C.Turn on something they both like to watch

7.You got a bad report card that needs to be signed.You..

A.Show your parents then run out of the room

B.Forge it,what they won't know won't hurt them

C.Give it to them and promise you will work harder

8.What would you rather wear?

A.Something cute

B.Something that makes me llok like a hot model

C.Something comfortable

9.You see someone drop their wallet and you have been dying for the new bag that every girl has.You..

A.Take a bit of the money.They wouldn't notice a little bit their money missing

B.Take the money and drop the wallet,they should have taken better care of their stuff in the first place

C.Give it back,you can earn the money on your own.

10.Your friend bought the same kind of prom dress you wanted.You..

A.Beg her to find a new one,and offer to help her

B.Demand that she returns the dress,you got it first

C.Find a new one


Mostly A-Natalya

Mostly B-Lasie

Mostly C-Janet

Hope you liked it!I will try to make one for the Shield!

Trying to keep the Shield Together  (Sequel to Do you know Justice Roman Reigns)FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now