Plan for the Divas

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                                                               Lasie P.O.V

"What?" Seth asked as he tilted his head curiously.

"What is the one thing that scares Aj?" I asked excitedly as I jumped up in my seat.

Seth stayed silent so I continued.

"Rogue Jane!Remember when she was beating her senselessly?" I exclaimed.

"Your right!" Seth smiled as he sat up.

"Bringing out that side of Janet can scare them off." I smiled.

"Or make them excited,what if they chose to fight?" asked Seth.

"Then we will all go Rogue.All the girls." I explained.

"Your going to go rogue?I would say no but then again you did just whip the Wyatts a few hour ago." Seth chuckled.

'Do you think I should dye my hair?" I asked as I twirled a piece of blonde hair between my fingers.

"No,leave your hair alone!" growled Seth.

"What about the tips,like maybe pink or red?" I asked.

"Hmm,yeah.That is fine,the red sounds cool." Seth shrugged.

"Cool!Then I am gonna need a tough looking outfit!Gothic,Biker chick,boxer..?" I blabbered but Seth put his finger on my lips.

"Go with the boxer theme and calm down.Your face looks like you are going to pass out." chuckled Seth.

I smiled at him then kissed him on his nose.

"What would I do with out you?" I smiled.

"Not have someone to give good se-"

"Seth!" I exclaimed as I smacked him on his shoulder.He just laughed then we started to calm down.

Seth dozed off to sleep so I just watched him.I gently stroked his hand but stopped when it came to the bandages.Before I knew it I had dozed off,too.


"Lasie!Wake up!" I heard Natalya say as she shook my shoulder.

"What?" I asked in a slurred voice.My back hurt from bending over onto Seth's hospital bed.My head was lying on Seth's leg and my arms were folded near his side.

I sat up and rubbed my aching back.

"You have been sleeping like that all night?" she asked as her eyebrows knit together.

I nodded yes as I rubbed my crusty eyes.

"I look like a mess,huh?" I chuckled.

"A hot mess." a warm voice said behind me that made me smile.

I looked at Seth and saw him smiling at me.

"Oh,sorry I slept on your leg." I said.

"You were cute when you were sleeping,like a little kitten curled up on my leg." he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and stretched out my arms.

"Janet and Roman were here a few minutes ago,they brought you breakfast." smiled Natalya as she gave us two McDonald's bags.

"Yum,remind me to say thanks Nat." I said as I took the bag and smiled when I saw two Mcgriddles in the bag.

"Well,I gotta go,Dean and I are going on a Autism Run for the WWE." she said as she walked out and left.

"Watsm autismf?" asked Seth with his mouth full.

I laughed and explained "Autism is a mental disorder."

"Oh." he said as he took another bite of his burger.

"Oh,I almost forgot to call Janet." I said as I took out my phone and dialed her number.

"Hello?" asked Janet.

"Hey Janet,it's Lasie.I wanted to say thanks for the food." I smiled.

"Oh,sure.It was no biggie." she said.

"And I also wanted to tell you I have a plan for the Divas." I said.

"Cool,what?" she asked.

"Remember when you went rogue and scared every Diva in the locker room?" I asked.

"Yeah,so?" she asked.

"We should all go rogue.You,me,and Natalya." I said

"That sounds great!It is gonna scare the hooker out of them!" laughed Janet.

"Honey,there is no cure for them." I laughed.

We laughed some more then we hung up.

When I hung up I felt better that I was the one that was coming up with all the plans.I am starting to feel pretty smart.If you would have looked at the old Lasie about 5 years ago.You would have thought I was just like Aj and her group.

"We still have to come up with a plan for the Wyatts." Seth reminded me.

"Yeah,I know." I sighed as I rubbed my aching neck.

"Are you sore?" he asked me.

"Yeah." I sighed.My neck was pleading for a massage.

"Come here,I will give you a massage." he said as he gestured for me to come closer.

My jaw dropped.I hated when he did that,he always somehow reads my mind.Like he knows what I am thinking.

"What?" he asked.

"Your fingers are broken,you are not going to give me a massage." I huffed.

"Come on,I know you want one.I can tell by your body language." he smiled.

"No." I said as I crossed my arms."I will just get one at the mall."

"You are gonna pay some guy to rub your beautiful neck when I am offering to do it for free?" he asked me as his eyebrows knit together.

"Yes." I said as I nodded but I had to stop half way because of neck.

"Fine,you win." he sighed as he shook his head."can you at least adjust my pillow?"

"Of course." I said as I got up and reached behind him for the pillow,but when I did I felt him kissing the side of my neck.My body loosened and my mouth watered.

"Seth." I said softly.

He slid his hand to the back of my neck and brought me closer to him,then he kissed me on the lips.He was going to drive me crazy.I put my hand on his chest and felt his abs through the hospital gown.

We continued making out until we heard footsteps coming near the door so I pushed myself away from him and jumped back in my seat before the doctor came in.

"Morning." he smiled as he came in."How are you doing Mr. and Mrs.Rollins?"

"Oh,I am not his wife." I immediately blabbered out and Seth looked at me with hurt in his eyes.

"Sorry.Anyway we will start the x-rays shortly,we just need a few more things to get done." said Dr.Chitin as he left.

"I liked that." Seth mumbled.

"Liked what?" I asked.

"Oh nothing,Mrs.Rollins." he smiled and winked at me.

My face turned pink and I had to look away while Seth laughed.

"Mrs.Lasie Elizabeth Rollins...That has a nice ring to it." he smiled at me.

Is he saying what I think he is saying?

Does Seth want to marry me?

Trying to keep the Shield Together  (Sequel to Do you know Justice Roman Reigns)FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now