Us Time

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                                                                      Dean P.O.V

"So what happened to you guys?" I asked as I adjusted myself in my wheelchair.

"The girls got mad because we locked them in a room." sighed Roman.

"Yeah,I would be mad,too." I huffed."Man,if they were injured or something then I would agree,but Janet is perfectly capable of taking care of herself."

"She got bruised on Friday." growled Roman.

"And?She is still okay now isn't she." I said.

"Says the one who vowed that he would kill Bray Wyatt because he socked his girlfriend." Roman huffed.

"Yeah,that was out of the ring.But in the ring it is allowed,because it is work." snapped Dean.

Roman ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.

"And why did you have to bring Aj into it,man?" I asked.

"I don't know.I just got mad and it slipped." he sighed.

"And you,Seth,could bring home any girl that you want,huh.I don't recall you saying that when Lasie broke up with you." I snapped.

Regret took over Seth as he looked down in shame.

"I suggest you two say sorry before you guys make things worse." I said.

"They already did when they were flirting with other guys." growled Seth.


"I hope Dean is alright,Roman can be very tough to deal with." I said as I saw a yellow dress with a brown belt.

"He's a big boy,Janet.He will be fine." laughed Natalya.

"Yeah,I guess your right." I said as I found a small."What do you think?"

"Cute!" Natalya squealed.

"Adorbs!" laughed Lasie.

"I'll take it then." I smiled as I eyed the dress.

We walked around and gossiped about the boys as we went.Then we saw bikinis.

"Oh my gosh I need one!" I exclaimed as I walked inside.

I looked at yellow,blue,white,and red ones since they were my color.

I picked out a navy blue bikini that had white poka-dots on it and a red bow in the middle.

"This is cute,it is like a sailor." I smiled.

"It would looked great on you." agreed Lasie.

"Hey guys,what do you think?" asked Natalya as she pulled out a pink bikini with rhinestones.

"Cute,and maybe some silver sandals." Lasie recommended.

"That would look good." I agreed.

Lasie looked around and saw a white bikini with a gold hoop that held the front together.

"Now that is hot." I giggled.

"I know,you think Se-" she began but closed her mouth."I like it,let's buy them." 

I nodded as I looked at mine.

Would Roman agree to this,he is always worried about me showing off my body in public?

Then again, I shouldn't care what he think right now.I am mad at him after all.

So we bought the bikinis then started playing Daring Clothes.Where you pick out the ugliest clothing you can find in the store and try it on.It is a pretty fun game,especially when you have friends.

We went into a store and I saw some ugly suspenders and some black glasses,ew.

I picked them up and tried them on in the changing room,then laughed at me silly appearance.

"Come on out,Janet." laughed Natalya.

I walked out and strutted in the clothes,we all laughed and took pictures.But the bad thing was that a girl was actually going to by the same kind of suspenders that I got,but when she saw me making fun of it she turned pink and went to put the suspenders back on the rack.

"You saved her." laughed Lasie.

"No kidding,I can't believe she was actually going to buy that." I snickered,I felt slightly bad that I embarrassed that girl's fashion ideas.

Lasie tried on men's clothes and Natalya tried on gothic clothes,both were histerical.

After we got that out of our systems,we went and got our nails and hair done.

I cut my hair to my shoulders and added bangs to it,my nails were colores black and had rhinestones in it that looked like snow blowing away on the edges of my nails.

"I don't think Roman is going to like my hair cut,he hates my hair short." I said,as I started to feel self-conscious about my hair cut.

"Relax.Besides,it's not like it isn't going to grow back." she said as she pushed her layered hair out of her face.

Natalya nodded,she just got her nails done because she thought her hair was fine.

"Spa time." Lasie announced cheerfully as she skipped to the spa,and we followed.

When we went in we got facials and massages.

"God this feels good." I said as the guy rubbed my aching back.

Suddenly my phone rang so I picked it up.

"Hello." I said ia a slurred voice.

"Janet,are you drunk?" asked Roman,his anger rising.

"Only happy drunk,I am getting a massage." I said.

"Oh,when are you guys coming back?" he asked.

"Probably in two hours,I still want to go to the Barnes and Nobles." I said.

"Okay." he said as he hung up.

"What did he say?" asked Lasie.

"He wanted to know what time we will be back." I said.

"Mm,okay." she said.

Then we continued our luxurious massage.

After the massage,we felt completely relaxed.

We walked into Barnes and Nobles and looked around.

I found three books;Tiger's Curse,Interrupted,and Divergent.

And two cook books,one for baking and one for cooking because I really feel like I need to start cooking more.I almost forgot how to make a breakfast sandwich,which is a basic.

When we got to my hotel room the guys were inside talking.

"What the hell did you do to your hair?!" bellowed Roman,it sent a shiver up my spine.

I shot Lasie a 'I told you so' look.

"It is so short you can't even braid it!" he snapped.

"It has been hot lately,plus,I was do for a hair cut.My end were dry." I shrugged as I walked past him and went in our room.

I heard good byes and that is how I knew we were going to have a talk.

By what my gut was telling me,it is not going to be a friendly one.

Lord help me

Trying to keep the Shield Together  (Sequel to Do you know Justice Roman Reigns)FinishedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora