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Roman P.O.V.

I can't believe Seth me beat me to it!I was planning on asking Janet before he proposed.

Did he even ask Lasie's dad for his blessing?

Probably not,that is why I am doing things the right way.

I packed up some clothes and kissed Janet on her forehead while she was sleeping.

I love Janet.I don't know why she thinks that she is not beautiful,but if she was herself through my eyes she would see the beautiful girl that she really is.She would see how much I lover cinnomon brown hair and her beautiful blue eyes.Or how much I love when she crinkles her nose when she starts to wake up.I love her even more when she smiles,her smile is so beautiful and radient that it could light up all of New York.

You must really think I am love sick don't you?

Well I don't care,if Janet was a fever then I would be sick for the rest of my days.

I pushed Janet's bangs out of her face and gave her one last kiss on her soft cheek,she smiled and curled up in a ball.

I smiled then I picked up my bag and left to pick up my Pops.

When I knocked on their hotel door he came with his bag in hand.

"I'm ready son." he smiled as he locked the door and walked with me down to my car.

When we got in the drive started out quiet but Pops hates quiet.

"Are you sure you want to do this,son?You know how I feel about divorce." Pops asked.

"I'm sure,Pops.Janet is the one for me.I love her." I said confidentaly.

WWE was in Missouri so this isn't going to be that long of a trip.

"Alright son,we will bless this." smiled Pops.

"Thanks." I smiled and for some reason I couldn't stop smiling.I even smiled all the way to the air port and on the plane.

"Son are you okay?" chuckled Pops.

"I'm great." I smiled even bigger.

"Wow,I don't think any girl has done this to you.Is it the sex?" chuckled Pops.

"No..we've never had sex.We've made out,but never had..yeah." I blushed from embarressment.

"You mean to tell me that she hasn't had sex with you yet and she still has you smiling like the cheshire cat." laughed Pops.

"I belive so." I smiled as I played with my fingers.

"Oh my son,you truly are one of a kind." laughed Pops.

On the way to Texas we kept talking about Janet,since I never told him about her before.

Well I did,but Pops and Mom thought that she was going to be one of those one month girlfriends.So they really didn't care,but when I called them and told them that we have been together for two years they told me they would be over soon.

"You let some crazy chick through her through that huge WWE screen!" Pops gasped.

"Yeah,I know.It was stupid of mr." I sighed.

"Son,I won't be surprised if that Dad says no." tutted Pops.

"You know,now you are starting to make me feel nervous." I sighed as i thought about how stern Janet's dad is.

"Is her dad grumpy?" Pops asked.

"Strict." I answered as I rubbed my knuckles.

"Mm,and Janet does look like her mother,you hurt her.You threaten him." Pops grumbled.

"Pops!Not helping my nerves!" I exclaimed.

"Sorry,I'm just saying." he said as he held his hands up in surredner,

My nerves were at high state when the plane stopped.Janet lives close to the airport so the ride to her house was not enough time for me to calm down.

"Son,you look like you are about to admit to murder." said Pops as he rubbed my backlike when I was little.

"What is he says no?" I asked nervously.

"Well,you can always elope in Las Vegas." Pops joked.

"You'd let us?" I asked with a smile.

"Sure." Pops smiled back at me.

When we got to Janet's home I knocked on the door.

"For the last time,I dont need to go to some damn old people's home." snarled Janet's dad as he opened the door.

"Oh,Roman.Sorry to scare you ma boy." sighed Charles as he ran his hand through his grey hair.

"It's alright,Charles.This is my Pops." I said as I gestured to Pops.

Pops smiled and shook Charles' hand.

"Come in,please." Charles said as he gesured us inside.

"Thank you." I said as me and Pops stepped inside.

Pictures were hung all around the house.

There was one of Janet when she was little,her front teeth were missing and it made me smile.

"That was Janet when she was 5.Lasie and Dj always laughed at her missing front teeth,until Lasie lost her's." chuckled Charles,his blue eyes were twinkling with memories.

Then I saw a picture of a woman who looked just like Janet,except older.

"That's Ronda.Janet looks just like her,dosn't she?" smiled Charles.

"Exactly like her." I murmered as I stared into Ronda's blue eyes.Janet's.

"I can make some tea if you like?" offored Charles.

"That would be nice." smiled Pops.

We walked itno the kitchen and sat down at the table,there was something playing on the tv.

"Lasie,what did you get?" asked a man's voice.

"It's a skirt!" said a little girl's voice as she showed a pank skirt.

It was Lasie,except younger.Her hair was down and she had a big bow in it.

"Yup,Janet picked it out." I think Charles said.

"Thank you,Janet." Lasie said as she hugged a ten year old version of Janet.

Her hair was in her usual braid and she was wearing a white dress.

"Your welcome." smiled Janet as she hugged her sister back.

"They grow up so fast.One second they're learning to walk,then their promoting,then they're graduating,then they're setting off to work." sighed Charles.

"True there man,this one grew quicker that a cheetah run." sighed Pops as he gestured to me.

Charles brought out some tea and handed it to us.

"Thank you." I said as I drank the sweet tea.

"Oolong." I automatically said.

"Oh,you've had it before?" Charles chuckled.

"It's Janet's favorite.I got her some for Christmas." I nodded.

"Janet was never hard to get gifts for.You could give her a new pencil and paper and she would have the biggest smile on her face." smiled Charles.

"So what can I do for you gentlemen?" Charles asked as he sat down with his tea.

Pops looked at me and nodded.

Here goes nothing

"I wanted to ask you for your blessing." I said nervously.

Charles looked up at me in shock.

"I'm sorry,what?" asked Charles.

"I was hoping you could give me your marry Janet." I repeated.

Trying to keep the Shield Together  (Sequel to Do you know Justice Roman Reigns)FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now