0.3: Can We PLEASE Kill That Guy?

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July 12th, 2010


I said "I'm going with you, Rick. Kaitlin, I trust you enough to hold a weapon." Rick asks "Do you know how to use a gun?" "Rick, I've played enough video games to figure it out." I said with a "Bitch, please" voice. Rick passes me a gun. I look at it, from my research as a girl who plays C.O.D, it's a Glock 19. I put it in my water bottle pocket, making sure the safety is on.. I hear Kaitlin with her big speech about why she wants a gun. I said "'Ey sis, you can have knife." Kaitlin carefully takes the kitchen knife from my hand, and looks in awe. She asks "I can have it?" I nod.

Kaitlin then holds it in right hand while having the radio in her left hand. I smile at her giddiness, we then walked while Rick was on the horse. "Wait," I commanded, "I gotta get some food out." I took a bag of potato chips. I slightly raised my mask, so I can actually eat the potato chips. I asked "Want one?" Rick took one and the horse turns his head towards me and it seemed like it wanted a chip. I grabbed five chips and placed them on the palm of my hand. I let the horse eat it and Kaitlin looks at my kindness towards the horse. When we entered the city, I saw the Grady Memorial Hospital. Rick calmed down the horse, which freaked out due to the walkers in the bus.

I saw the dead ones coming, I whispered to my sister. "Kaitlin, go behind the truck with the license "8X45." I'll lie to Rick." I called out to Rick, "My sister and I are going to bathroom break." "Okay, don't wait for long." "Tsk.. Of course he'd believe my lie." I thought, while smirking behind my mask. I saw my sister at the truck. Kaitlin asked me, "Do you have a screwdriver?" I look at my bag, "Nope. I'm gonna check if there's any out on the streets 'kay." "Let me come with you!" Kaitlin says. "Okay."

I saw two roaming deadummies, I said "Kaitlin, get the left one, I got the right one." Kaitlin stabbed the one in the head. I grabbed the muerto by the neck. I was struggling pretty badly. I tried reaching for my gun. My sister was waiting and turned around, let Kaitlin stab it in the head.

I take off my mask, smile and said "Thanks, sis." I then placed it back on my face. I tried opening the door, and I see a blondie, holding a gun to Rick's face, a Chinese guy who opened the door, a guy with a shirt that says "Brooklyn," and a hispanic guy. "What the hell did I walk into." I say, questioning what Rick did wrong. "Blondie, can ya get the gun out of Rick's face?" She turned the gun to me. "Who are you?" "I'm just a ghost." I said. I kicked the gun out of her hand. I then said "Do you guys have a bathroom?"

The Chinese dude with the red baseball cap said "Go straight and left." "Thanks Chinese dude!" "I'm Korean!" The guy shouted back. I then looked at the bathroom, I saw a dead person at the sink. I let it get closer to me. Then I slammed the door on his head, leaving it's brain mushed. The body hits the floor, I kick it away from the door. I walked into one of the stalls, I then took a piss. I took the toilet paper, even though I don't really need it. But, it's better to be prepared for one certain situation than not being prepared at all.

I heard a sniper shot from up above. I ran upstairs, thinking my sister might've been up there. I saw a man, who might've been in his forties. "Well, look at that! Another wannabe badass! With that gas mask shit. Man, you must've gotten through some crazy shit!" The man exclaimed. I said, "Don't piss me off. For a quote-unquote "wannabe badass" I have a pretty good aim." I then thought "In video games.." "Pfft. As if!" The man continues. "If a girl like you, who probably covered up that ugly mug ya call a face because your "crush" told ya too, can hit a walker from fifteen miles away. Well, I'd be damned!" "You call my face an "ugly mug," have you looked into a mirror lately?" "I have, and I'm sexy as hell compared another walker face like you!" My eye started twitching. The asshole continued, "Aww.. Is Walker-Face gonna cry now? Well, too bad!" I walked up to the man. I then said...


You guys choose, should I say "Fite me m8, I will MLG 360 No-Scope you bitch!!" or back off and say "if only i were as dumb as you, then i'd fight you, *slaps him* BITCH!" then sassily walks away like a boss.

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